A Different Way to Travel
Thanks for the comment. We really did have a lot of fun on the trip, but those #$#%^&% golf clubs...
The cost of the trip was just a little under $1100. That was reserved seating coach to and from Penn Station and Boston; to and from Penn Station and Gainesville we had a roomette. It was a leisurely way to travel, and very relaxing. Other costs: Alcohol, some appetizers, tipping cabin attendants (sleeper car), tipping waitstaff in dining car, tipping Red Caps (when you could find one, or did he find me), snacks sandwiches etc on the Boston NY segment, and I guess the cost to get to and from Boston to the house, but you would have that cost flying.
Time from get on the departure train to arrive at destination station was about 23 hours...plane trip from airport arrival (1.5 hours ahead) to baggage in hand at destination (Atlanta) total probably just under 5 hours. So, the train took 4-5 times as long, but we travelled in a very relaxed environment, a lot of "us" time for my wife and I, and again, we would do it again in a hearbeat.
Thanks for reading, and thanks for your comments. amtrak.com is a wealth of info, too.
Regards, DavePosted 06-17-2009 at 10:04 PM by upthesaukee -
A Different Way to Travel
Thanks for writing that. A great read. I've always been very curious about train travel. And, thought it would be a nice way to see the country side go by. Maybe one day...
It's funny. As I was reading about your trip, I kept thinking, "wow, if you had just thought to Fed Ex your clubs, and not have to deal with them, things would have been soooooo much easier". So, at the end, I laughed upon reading the UPS part.
Thanks again....
Curious if you might share some $$$$ aspects of train travel?Posted 06-17-2009 at 05:55 PM by sa meredith -
Introduction-Hello from Nicole
Nj Huh?
I too was born and raised in NJ (Mountainside). We used to make the long trip up to NH the last day of school and come back LAbor Day weekend. Thanks for your support and hopefully we wont need the swim-out, but if we do I'll be calling. Best regards,
Pineedles (Jeff)Posted 03-26-2009 at 06:39 PM by Pineedles -
Semi-Retirement and other of Life's Jewels
Hi Dave.
Just to let you know how much that I've enjoyed your many postings out here over the years, and that I think that you could very easily write at least one best selling book!
I am now retired myself and enjoying every minute of it and looking foward to get together for a round of golf, maybe next summer.
Take care and best wishes,
TerryPosted 12-15-2008 at 12:48 PM by trfour -
The Seasons Change.
Lived there dun that FLORIDA is better year- round....!Posted 11-15-2008 at 01:19 PM by Florida Guy -
The Seasons Change.
Summer goes by too quickly. I love the warmth, the long days with plenty of sunshine and light to do all the outdoor things I love to do, like running, gardening, going to the beach, etc. Yes, the area is more crowded, and I really don't like crowds, but when they're gone ... I kind of miss them, a little anyway. It's the energy they bring to the area that makes summers what they are in the Lakes Region.
Now, there is less traffic, less in line at the grocery store, hardly anyone on the roads, it seems, compared to July. It's quite a contrast. I seem to like both scenerios, for some strange reason.
I used to complain, to myself AND out loud, that I hate the cold, that I want to live in a warm climate, and I will when ...
Then I realized I was not living in the moment ... I was just biding my time until ... whoa!!! Wait a minute ... that is not living in the present, appreciating every single moment we are given because, of course, life is a gift. What was I thinking?
That was one of my "aha" moments. I do have plans, but along the way, I want to live, feel, and appreciate every single moment of every single day I have on this earth. If I live only for the future, then I will have missed so much of my life meant to be appreciated for the diversity it brings.
So I agree - I'd like to retire to a warm place, too, and I have a plan to do so, but my plan is to live in Gilford for six months or so, and the warmer climate for the other six - best of both worlds.
However, while I am here, now, whether it be fall, winter, spring or summer, I will live and breathe and take in every single moment as it comes, so I will never feel I missed anything that is often taken for granted ... life.Posted 10-27-2008 at 09:38 PM by callmeD -
Marine Police Hold PWC to a Higher Standard
I am inclined to agree with you. I think people in general who don't own a PWC don't like PWC's. There are probably a lot of complaints called in to the MP about PWC's, and in some cases with good reason. I think it is a factor of a few rotten eggs spoil the bunch, or something like that.
I have been stopped a couple times on my PWC, both times with similar instances you had...phantom 150' violations. They were so far away, there was no way they could tell how close I may have been to a particular boat. My guess is they think they may have seen a 150' violation, and pull over the PWC no matter what. Gives them an excuse to check safety equip, boaters certs, etc.Posted 09-09-2008 at 01:19 PM by chipj29 -
My Vacation at the Lake
Great blog, Don. You describe your days perfectly, felt like I was on the boat or out to dinner with you.Posted 08-21-2008 at 12:42 PM by chipj29 -
Well it's that time of year
There's never enough summer, especially years like this one. June's iffy, July through mid August are the best chances we have for summer. My target every year is the middle of August for that Fall kind of feeling, and mother nature usually delivers.
Almost every year around this time my mind wanders to thinking of better climates, or at least places where a few lousy days doesn't equate to a quarter of the season. One of these days, I'll be wondering if I really need to take a few days off and travel north again to see a few leaves.Posted 08-21-2008 at 11:09 AM by VtSteve -
Well it's that time of year
you're right...
It just seems to happen so quickly every year.
Strange...when I was kid, it seemed the summer was a solid 2 1/2 months...mid June, July, August, back to school Sept 3 or 4.
Now, Summer is one month...ONE! Kids in school until very late June, and as soon as August hits, it's cooler, football/ cheerleading starts 4 nights a week, and noone seems to travel much. Summer= July....just too bad.Posted 08-20-2008 at 08:11 AM by sa meredith -
10 Clues You Don't Have A Clue
Well, I have to admit that I am being a bit facetious with this list. It's the accumulation of input from various sources and comes from perceptions others typically have of these sorts of things. I actually share some of this in jest with new boaters to help them become more knowledgeable. Joking around helps the info stick.
I suppose I should add a few of my own "clueless" moments where I was pretty embarrassed:
- Leaving my ladder down when departing an anchorage
- Losing my stern anchor because it wasn't tied to the boat (but I did go for a swim and recover it)
- docking perfectly, but three feet away from the dock (I get stage fright sometimes when people know who I am and have high expectations of my docking abilities).... a sure guarantee for me to screw it up.Posted 07-29-2008 at 07:12 AM by CaptJP -
10 Clues You Don't Have A Clue
While I agree with many of your points, I would take issue with two of them.
Number 1...could just be an honest mistake. Or maybe someone in a major rush due to an emergency. I don't think anyone would think they are supposed to leave the fenders out.
Number 2... I think many of us have done this when first starting out. I remember 4 years back when I was completely baffled at how easily everyone else could dock a boat, and I just could not seem to get the hang of it. I often would come in, try to pull up, fall a bit short, and toss a stern line, only to fall short. I don't think it was because I didn't "have a clue", but rather would get big time stage fright as I pulled up to dock with people everywhere. It lasted almost that whole first season, but happy to report, it has become second nature now. I guess I "got a clue".Posted 07-26-2008 at 03:20 PM by sa meredith -
Island Impressions (on hold)
Secondcurve, Yes they did. Back in 2002 when my wife and I bought our camp on Cow.....
FYI, I have nothing figured out... ha ha ha fly by the seat of our pants we do.... ha ha ha. Can't wait to post / blog about these first few days. AWESOME stuff.Posted 06-27-2008 at 11:45 PM by hazelnut -
Island Impressions (on hold)
What a great story. It sounds like you have life all figured out. Have a great summer!!!!! I'm looking forward to hearing more of your story.
PS: Did you parents sell their house?Posted 06-25-2008 at 09:01 PM by secondcurve -
Island Impressions (on hold)
Good for you. From someone who's trips are now limited to a day here and there (mostly just Thursday nights/Fridays) what you are about to do sounds like heaven.
I wish you and family a great/happy/safe summer.
Perhaps one day our paths will cross...Posted 06-25-2008 at 04:12 PM by sa meredith -
Moving Day
Great subject and you tell your story well. Did you take pictures of the truck on the barge and on the lawn? Orion's was great.
BTW, I agree with both you and Orion... there is nothing like island life.Posted 06-09-2008 at 03:48 PM by Rattlesnake Gal -
Moving Day
Awesome! I am glad to know I was not the only insane person to try this method of moving. Ha ha haPosted 06-07-2008 at 06:35 PM by hazelnut -
Posted 06-01-2008 at 10:34 PM by Orion -
Moving Day
moving trucks on Cow
Hazelnut, you weren't the first to do this.Check out photo of our moving day on June 30, 2002......just weeks before you!
Orchestrating that whole thing, including getting Uhaul truck (never again), and loading truck, then getting it on barge and across from Harilla was an adventure.
Great minds think alike.
I agree with your opening premise.....there is nothing like island life.Posted 06-01-2008 at 10:26 PM by Orion -
...Yard Sail or Yard Sale?
Lightning Class
I remember racing with my Dad in this class back in the 50's and 60's. They were a lot of fun! The Gilford Yacht Club organized the races. I remember scotch and brandy was the 'fuel of the day'. Of course I was too young to drink. It was fun to watch the grownups make 'mistakes'.Posted 05-30-2008 at 02:58 PM by BroadHopper