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Weirs Bridge Toll
On the docket for the Octobers State Senate meeting will be a question regarding the installation of a “pilot” toll at the Weirs Beach Channel set to open during the Summer or 2011. This toll will affect all traffic coming and going underneath the Weirs Bridge. If all goes well and the pilot is successful, additional tolls will be placed in other high traffic areas including Wolfeboro Bay, Alton Bay, Center Harbor, and Meredith Bay in an effort to recoup some of the $600 million dollar deficit currently facing the state of NH. Toll fares will be determined by the size of the vessel and will range anywhere from $1-$4 dollars.
I agree that the current deficit is scary to think about but come on, these people cannot be serious. Please write to you State Senators and ask them not to pass the bill! What happened to the good old NH spirit of Live Free or Die? Haven’t they already done enough damage to the lake by imposing the speed limit? I’d like to see what the income generated from those tickets looks like! |
what the.....
Looking at this post and your previous 3.....I am now starting to realize that the 60's were very good to you
"Vote no to the toll in the weirs beach hole"
Will they have a high speed E-Z Pass lane? :cool:
First Bear-Sharks, then this? What is this lake turning into? :rolleye2:
Elected are looking and thinking about ' pulling the wool '. Remember that WE pay their retirement plans, and they take from our's. They supposedly 'borrowed' moneys from our social security funds, and have put these in jeopardy as well! Once a 'pilot' toll gets put in place, It is there for life! WE pay every day, in more ways than one! So PLEASE VOTE NO for a toll on our Lake, as if we haven't payed enough ALREADY! Terry _________________________________ |
Is there any precident for this type of toll anywhere else outside of NH? :confused:
I have never heard of one but it doesn't mean that they don'e exist. Launch fees, lock fees, and the like are already in place but a toll for passing under a bridge? Ridiculous! This one should get dead-headed before it blooms. IMHO. |
Can you imagine the back up at the bridge? On busy weekdays with a current it is hard enough keeping position... Can you just think what some unexperienced boaters will do to said toll? This will never go through.
It's a joke, people.....relaaaaaaaxxxxx.......
Weirs Bridge toll...
And I'm thinking that Governor's Island and Long Island bridges will be next!! :laugh::laugh::laugh:
IT is way to early in the morning for me
Please tell me that this is just a joke seriously |
Oh good grief...
The sad thing is that with all the recent tax/fee hikes we've seen, this wouldn't be that hard to believe... |
Don't feed the toll
1 Attachment(s)
I know it is getting chilly, but is it really April 1'st already?
You are pulling our legs!
The Senate doesn't even have their calender for October posted yet. We have elctions this year. LSR's, which are requests to create bills, don't get filed until after the elections. I have heard NOTHIN about this idea beyond seeing this thread. I would certainly like to know where this information is coming from.
rename this thread to.....
Don't laugh about EZ Pass
If the toll gets installed it would be a perfect place for RFID tags attached to a required state issued registration tags and bridge mounted cameras to monitor and bill watercraft as it passes through the "toll" point. And it could very well be cost effective to do so.
The next step would be GPS RFID chips with receiver/transmitter stations through out the lake, islands and mainland, to monitor general lake traffic/watercraft speeds. Yup, I said it before, the technology is here, and it looks like someone may be finding a way to utilize it. |
Heard another man talking about this this monring while standing in lineover at Dunkin Donuts this morning. There is no way that they can really follow through with this is there? You guys are right ... what's next? Docking fees? Gas surcharges?
Opportunity knocks
Timing could not be better for Thurstons. They just gave up Cobolts in order to take on a submarine line. Submerge at the beach and surface at the Nas. Perfect.
Pilot toll? More like a pilot troll....;)
Paugus bay marinas, restaurants and hotels are gonna love this. Just pass a sales tax and or income tax and get it over with.
You're trying to lob grenades ( http://redwing.hutman.net/~mreed/war...tm/grenade.htm ) but they're duds. |
I think this could work. Think about it…
What are the two biggest problems on the lake? Not enough MP and Bear Shark. We could give Bear Shark the job as toll collector. A job would keep him out of trouble and the money he collected could help fund the Marine patrol. Now if we could just figure out what to do with the UFO. |
Comment on Gunzandroses
You obviously have way too much time on your hands and you're just not that funny.
Sorry, I call it like I see it. :rolleye1: |
Sorry folks, GunzandRoses just tried to post a profanity filled reply and you won't be seeing him here any more.
Since no one has posted any other articles or evidence that this somewhat wacky idea is actually being considered I'll assume at this point that he was just trolling. |
just a quick...
How about having the nice legislative people pay for their parking in Concord. Say about $10.00 per day.
I, I mean the state, will have the official toll basket hanging from the bridge this weekend. As a test I, I mean they, will only charge $1 per boat. Please support my sport.
Seeker, How many boats on average pass through the Weirs Channel on a nice summer weekend day- you will be rich!
I rent a slip at Thurston's so think I should have first shot at toll collection. :laugh:
Weirs Bridge Toll
Now thats funny,,, :D
Thats almost as good a the toll gate in Blazing Saddles,,, I can almost hear some guy stuck at the toll gate screaming at his wife or kids to go back to the boardwalk and get a load of dimes,,,, :eek: So whats next, on the docket for outrageous things to propose restricting on Winnipesaukee??? :rolleye2: How about restricting the color palette you can choose from because as we all know boats with certain colors are BAD boats!!! Nope, we don’t want any BAD boats on the lake,,, ;) Or maybe children,,, How about a ban on children that can yell over a certain decibel because its bad for everyone when kids make too much noise having fun,,, :rolleye2: Or maybe kids that can swim too fast because they could pose a safety risk,,, :look: And while they at it, might as well set a buffer limit as to how close they can swim to each other or to the shore,,, :( And I certainly hope they will be enforcing a NWZ and No Rafting Zones on kids,,, those little buggers are just wreaking havoc on the shorelines and peoples enjoyment of that nice secluded and serene Winnipesaukee habitat,,, :mad: Yup, I’ll bet we can come up with a bunch of ways to turn Winnipesaukee into someones idea of a Ansel Adams picture,,, :fire: Just remember what happens when you ask Government to step in and regulate everything you might ever think of,,,, they will do it!!! And guess what, you get to pay for it FOREVER!!! :cool: Yup lets just watch those taxes going up and up and up,,, :banana: So bring on the toll and the regulations and the taxes and those of us who only visit Winnipesaukee a few times a year will still come up, we might not enjoy it as much as in days past, but we will probably still come, and you folks who live on the lake can ENJOY paying the increased taxes FOREVER, Forever, forever!!! :( |
Don't give them any idea!! They can come up with crazy ones all by themselves!:rolleye1:
i would expect them to put the toll booth in the middle of the broads to maximize the number of tolls collected. :D
Winni 'Black Pearl'
with a gang plank to walk the trolls on is badly needed.
The Weirs Beach Toll will pay for the vessel and plank! |
Tolls on water...
Travel the intra-coastal waterways with many bridges to be lifted and canals & locks to pass through, and I have never heard of such a
"HAZARD TO NAVIGATION"! Absolutely unbelievable; someone is pulling legs! Remove the entire thread! |
Wal-mart might get upset if Fat and Lazy less takes the toll collectors job. He won't have time to visit his favorite place.:laugh:
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