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Argie's Wife 07-23-2011 10:22 PM

Lost dog in Alton Bay area on 7/23
I'm posting this for my friends who lost their newly adopted dog this weekend in the Alton Bay/Alton Mt Road area. Please help them find their dog!


My parents adopted 9-year old Nicky from PAWS NE Monday, and yesterday he escaped out of a tiny space on the deck, in Alton Bay NH (southern tip of Lake Winnepesaukee). Granite State Dog Recovery , PAWS New England, and Pet Companions, Bed & Biscuit are all helping us look for him. Here is his photo. He is very timid with people and will be looking for water. If you spot him please call my cell 978 604 1878.

songkrai 07-24-2011 05:32 AM

Sorry to hear about missing dog.

Does the dog have a collar with tag with your name, address, and phone number?

Does the dog have a "chip"?

I fully realize how distressing all of this can be. My dog does have tags and phone numbers. And somehow my dog one time ended up across the bay. It is a long swim. I don't have a clue how dog got there. Could have walked but to get where dog was found is a very long walk and a good swim if dog went that way.

Anyway, dog missing in morning. I get a call around 4:00 PM from a nice lady across bay. She states that my dog has been playing with her dog since 10:00 AM and she now wants to begin to prepare for her supper and could I come and pick up dog. Of course, I have been frantically driving around, well . . since 10:00 AM looking for dog.

Yes, my dog has a fenced in area. Somehow she got out.

Hopefully, someone will call you or someone reading here will contact you.

Let us all know when dog comes home or is found.

Best of Luck.

Argie's Wife 07-24-2011 03:30 PM

The dog has no identification on him at all. (<--- UPDATED POST: The dog has a tag with a name & phone number of the current owner on it!)

For clarification - he's not mine, but belongs to friends of mine - some of the sweetest people on the planet. They are retired and decided to adopt a dog to have as a walking companion. They had the dog one day when he got loose and ran off. Of course they are very upset and have many people in the area looking for the dog.

I have no updates at this time - no sightings, I'm sorry to say.

Lakesrider 07-24-2011 05:18 PM

My best advice is to take that picture and print up some notices and stick them on every phone pole for 3 miles around the area it was lost.....Always works for me.

No identification at all? Bad.:( Hope they find it.

Argie's Wife 07-25-2011 08:15 AM

I've learned the dog DOES have a tag on him with the current owners' name & number on it. I've updated my post, above, accordingly. :)

dpg 07-26-2011 11:01 AM

Also be sure they call local shelters in case the dog slipped out of his collar, never know...

Lakesrider 07-26-2011 01:35 PM

3 days later. Any news yet?

NoBozo 07-26-2011 06:41 PM

I would not be surprised if the dog shows up at his original owners place...maybe a couple of weeks..

I had a relative decades ago that had a summer place in Hamburg, NJ. Out in the sticks. Sunday afternoon came, time to go back to the city ..and no dog. They left for home.. Paterson, NJ . Their city house was a close neighborhood on the opposite side of the city from the country house. The distance was maybe 35 miles. The dog showed up at the house in Paterson 2-3 weeks later. I guess he had a Nose. :) NB

Argie's Wife 07-31-2011 06:45 PM

Update: There's been several sightings of the dog in the area where it was lost on Alton Mt. Road. Nicky has been seen around the house #150 area and seems to be dancing around the Have-A-Heart trap that's been set up. Nicky's owners tell me they've baited it with hotdogs, cheese, and even Chinese food. At that rate, I think I'll visit the trap myself. :) Seriously, I hope they catch Nicky soon - that's a very wooded area and I'd imagine there's some predators there...

songkrai 08-01-2011 07:24 PM

Many many decades ago. Lake house.
My aunt always had a beautiful Collie dog.
One day the dog did not come home.
My aunt was frantic.
She drove around the entire area door to door.

Then after 7 days in he middle of the day. The dog walked into yard. Looked a tad dirty but healthy.

That was it.

dpg 08-04-2011 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by songkrai (Post 164963)
Many many decades ago. Lake house.
My aunt always had a beautiful Collie dog.
One day the dog did not come home.
My aunt was frantic.
She drove around the entire area door to door.

Then after 7 days in he middle of the day. The dog walked into yard. Looked a tad dirty but healthy.

That was it.

We had a cat do the same thing only I didn't have the welcome mat out...oh well, got a cat again I guess. :eek:

Lucky1 08-04-2011 01:14 PM

Fingers crossed that dog will be home safe and sound soon!
I had a cat disappear here at the lake when the kids were young. We were renting at the time. We posted signs and drove and walked everywhere we could. The girls went door to door more than once. One neighbor said that she was going to buy a cat for them as my girls seemed so heartbroken. One day we were asked if we looked up a woodsy road off of the cove where we rented. It was just being developed and we walked up calling her name. Sure enough HIGH UP IN A VERY TALL TREE WAS A MEOW. The fire department helped get her down as I recall. We felt very very grateful that she was recovered and not sure if she ever would have dared to try to climb down on her own. SO KEEP LOOKING AND SENDING SUPPORT AND HOPE THAT THE DOG IS FOUND SAFE AND SOUND.

Argie's Wife 08-06-2011 04:17 PM

Nicky's owners asked me to post this for them:


Nicky (canine Shepard/Chow mix) of 157 Alton Mountain Road left our deck on July 21st. He continues to stay right around the house in the nearby woods. We ask/plead Do NOT Feed Him. We need him hungry so he will go into the Have-A-Heart. Thank you one and all for your cooperation.

Tadpole 08-06-2011 04:30 PM

Paws Crossed
Sure hope they can capture Nicky. It can be very difficult with a newly-adopted dog. When we rescued our 2nd, we discovered he was an escape artist. There's nothing quite like running around the neighborhood, calling a dog that doesn't even know his name yet! Can't count the number of times my heart was in my throat.

Not sure this would work, but has anyone tried just sitting quietly in the area he's been seen, with some great-smelling food handy? Takes a lot of time and patience, but I have heard of this working in the past so it might be worth a try? The other thing is if Nicky is dog-friendly, to get someone with another dog-friendly dog that might entice Nicky to approach? I have also heard of some success with this method.

Good luck to Nicky's family, and paws crossed for a happy outcome.

AltonGuy 09-01-2011 05:13 PM

Has there been any updates on Nicky? I live on Alton Mt. and will be keeping my eyes peeled. Sorry for seeing this so late.

RLW 09-01-2011 06:54 PM

I saw on the missing dog sign at the intersection of Alton Mountain and Rand Hill that had another sign attached to it above the original sign saying "Still Missing" with and arrow pointing to the original sign.

Argie's Wife 09-05-2011 08:52 PM

Tricky Nicky
I'm happy to report that Nicky was captured tonight. YEA!

Thanks goes out to everyone who looked around, took note of the signs, and helped this dog.

Tadpole 09-06-2011 06:34 PM

I have been afraid to ask, fearing bad news. But now - yay! Another happy dance on tap!!!:D

Thanks SO much for the update - what a relief!

Argie's Wife 09-07-2011 06:06 AM

Thanks! I think the whole town is relieved, as half of the population has been involved in this it seemed. There's been a big effort made to catch this dog - it's been quite an operation.

As I understand it, Nicky lost a bit of weight while she was on her Excellent Adventure. The dog rescue group she was from is taking her back into their set up for a bit to get her ready for her forever home. I'm not sure if her former owners, the folks who have been looking for her, are getting another walking companion or not - I hope they do, as they're nice people and any dog would be lucky to live with them.

nesun326 09-09-2011 05:54 PM

Fantastic news!! So glad Nicky was found. Was this the same Nicky posted on Granite State Dog Rescue?

Argie's Wife 09-09-2011 08:50 PM

Yes, I believe so.

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