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Airedale1 05-06-2016 09:45 AM

If you don't already have your feeders up for them you should do so a.s.a.p. They are moving through here now. Below is an image from the national park service which details just how small their nests are and one I took awhile back and; so be on the lookout if you are doing some yard clean-up.

Misha888 05-06-2016 07:23 PM

Haven't seen our family yet. There aren't any flowers blooming, yet. :(

Might need to rethink my position of feeders.

donnamatrix 05-09-2016 01:28 PM

Hummers are in Moultonboro
Put my regular feeder out about 2 weeks ago. Got a second one for Mother's Day. Put it out front in front of our window and BANG. Had a couple hummers. So glad they are back.

Barney Bear 05-09-2016 07:49 PM

No Hummers Yet
Put our sugar water feeder out two weeks ago at our cottage on East Bear Island, but no hummingbirds have come to partake in a delicious feast. Two bald eagles flew by this morning headed south, probably toward their nest on Round Island. 🐻

Greene's Basin Girl 05-10-2016 02:35 AM

I put my hummingbird feeders out yesterday and I had hummingbirds today. They are such beautiful little birds!

Winopt 08-30-2016 06:25 PM

Heading South soon?
1 Attachment(s)
I haven't seen the males and expect that they have left. When would the females leave?

Woody38 08-30-2016 06:49 PM

We are blessed with several families at our house in Burbank, CA. They are so much fun to watch. If one of the feeders is getting low they will let you know when someone is in the yard. Will fly right up to you and look in your eyes.
The nests are so small they are amazing.

I am a retired workaholic and continuing aquaholic.

NoBozo 08-30-2016 07:01 PM

Humming Birds In Rhode Island
We were sitting out on our deck in Portsmouth, RI this afternoon having cocktails. We have a wooden half barrel with various flowers (some were Red..??) on the deck.

A humming bird flew down ..hovered...and sampled our flowers as we watched. We haven't seen a hummingbird in years. :look: NB

wifi 08-31-2016 03:56 AM

Didn't see any in my feeder this year.

Greene's Basin Girl 08-31-2016 04:32 AM

We have had several at our flowers and our feeders all summer long.We have them at both houses in Moultonborough.

Merrymeeting 08-31-2016 07:27 AM

Our feeders have been constantly busy, and still are. Usually 3-4 at a time. It does amaze me how much energy they seem to waste chasing each other away from a feeder that has multiple feeding ports.

hilltopper 08-31-2016 08:02 AM

I haven't seen a male or female the last couple of days. Prior to that they were constantly at our two feeders.

ishoot308 08-31-2016 10:21 AM

This past weekend while watering some flowers, I had a humming bird come within 24" of my face and stay right there looking at me and the water stream from the hose. It must of hovered right there for about 45 seconds. I was amazed! It then flew off and came back about 1 minute later and did the exact same thing, literally 24" from my face. It was amazing as I have never seen one that close up for that long a time frame!


upthesaukee 08-31-2016 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by ishoot308 (Post 268466)
This past weekend while watering some flowers, I had a humming bird come within 24" of my face and stay right there looking at me at the water stream from the hose. It must of hovered right there for about 45 seconds. I was amazed! It then flew off and came back about 1 minute later and did the exact same thing, literally 24" from my face. It was amazing as I have never seen one that close up for that long a time frame!


Is that why your other half calls you "sweetie":D

gnemiccolo 08-31-2016 06:03 PM

Sitting on my porch watching them feed now. Though seems that they are ready to leave. Another year by.

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