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Alpine girl 09-03-2016 11:33 AM

Pig on Route 106
Has anyone noticed the ceramic pig on Route 106 that's always sitting in the yard? The people that own it must have a great sense of humor. They are continually changing the garb that they put on the pig depending on the holiday, the season, motorcycle weekend, etc. I always look to see what the pig is wearing when in the area.They never disappoint. Thank you for making me smile whenever I pass by. Keep up the good work.

winnipiseogee 09-03-2016 11:53 AM

Finding Piggy is one of my kids favorite things to do every time we drive by!! The people there are wonderful and I agree - thanks for making us smile!!!

pjard 09-03-2016 12:07 PM

Where exactly is the pig located?

jetlag100 09-03-2016 04:18 PM

Love that pig! I really dig his shades, though:cool:

boat_guy64 09-03-2016 04:59 PM

Pig on Parade Road
We noticed it in early summer, not sure how long the pig dressing has been going on. Now, we watch for it every week when we drive by. They put some really cool costumes on it. It has been fun to watch what they do. It needs a facebook page with pictures.

Yesterday, it wasn't dressed up. Just hanging out with some geese.
Last weekend, it was driving the John Deere tractor.
In the heat, it was swimming in a pool.
Has had some patriotic ensembles as well. I wish I could remember them all.

It is on Parade road fairly close to the Meredith rotary. If you leave the rotary and head towards Laconia, it is on your left.

Kudos to the owners who have lots of great ideas and ingenuity.

Barney Bear 09-03-2016 05:44 PM

Humble Request
Pig photos, please. 📷 🐷 🐖

ursa minor 09-03-2016 07:53 PM

Someone used to do something similar with a carved bear on the Moultonboro Neck Rd. a few years ago. Bathing suits and a mask with snorkel in the summer is one I remember. Our kids loved it!

Alpine girl 09-04-2016 11:49 AM


Originally Posted by pjard (Post 268674)
Where exactly is the pig located?

Hi. The pig is located on the right hand side of the street on Parade Road (Route 106) as you are heading towards Meredith from Laconia. I believe it is someplace between Roller Coaster Road & the traffic circle. Happy hunting!

Alpine girl 09-04-2016 11:58 AM

Pig Pictures

Originally Posted by Barney Bear (Post 268688)
Pig photos, please. 📷 🐷 🐖

I would be happy to send you some pictures but I don't know how. I'm technologically challenged. Some of that is my own doing. Hopefully, someone will send you some. I really liked the one with the swimming pool.

BobbyA 09-04-2016 03:07 PM

Pig on route 106
At first when I saw your title`s post:,,,,,i thought you meant a cop. :emb:

Overlake97 09-05-2016 02:48 PM

pig photo
1 Attachment(s)
I think this is it. About a half mile from the Meredith Rotary, on the left going south.

Mr. V 09-05-2016 05:10 PM

This sort of reminds me of how people used to display pink flamingos in public areas.

Live pink or die.

GTO 09-05-2016 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by Overlake97 (Post 268774)
I think this is it. About a half mile from the Meredith Rotary, on the left going south.

That's the pig! It's fun to see what he/she will be dressed up like next . We know motorcycle weekend it will have its leather jacket and sun glasses on. If you coming off the traffic circle, it's down on your left, right before the big empty field on your right

codeman671 09-09-2016 08:29 AM

In Dover we have a similar scene, but here it is a duck on a front porch on 6th Street that changes outfits every day.

Meredith85020 09-19-2016 12:09 PM

Piggy has Company!

Originally Posted by pondguy (Post 269122)
:cool: Piggy was in a Hippie bus when I went by yesterday

These folks have a great sense of humor. Today there are 2 big geese on top of the hippie bus and Piggy is next to it wearing a wizard's hat! Makes me smile every time I drive by!

Acrossamerica 09-19-2016 12:13 PM

Do they have it dressed in a pants suit?

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