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Patriotic Duty
Without giving away my political beliefs, (the fact that I live to the right of Rush Limbaugh). I have had so much anxiety over this election that tons of Tagamet simply could not quell what has been churned internally over the last six months circus show. Vote your heart, but vote. It is our only active position to maintain "by the people".
I absolutely fear for the world my children will live in! |
Don't forget, Republicans vote tomorrow November 8, Democrats vote Wednesday November 9.
I will vote on Tuesday.
My registration for voting was completed waaaay back during the primary season in which I voted. Along with the forest worth of extra large political post cards I receieved this week two pieces of mail stood out. They both said the same thing, one more bluntly, one less so. The first listed off my "voting history" AND THAT OF MY NEIGHBORS, for the last several elections. The list claimed that it was also sent out to my neighbors and that they now "know" that I had not voted in the past few elections. Clearly this is an attempt to shame me to vote on Tuesday. First, let me divulge that I have voted in EVERY election since becoming eligible at age eighteen. The #%€£%#'s that sent this out ASSUMED I was a resident and therefore a registered voter in the state of NH. I lived in another state. I believe everyone who HAS the LEGAL right to vote should educate themselves on the issues and vote based on their best judgement. But...it does not upset me if someone doesn't vote because they haven't come to an informed opinion of who deserves their vote. So now I need to deal with the "shame" of my neighbors believing that I am a no show at the polls. As horrific as that seems, it gets worse! The second mailer dealing with this was in the form of a report card. While a report card is something I have not received in decades, mine were generally excellent. My "voting" report card rated me "very poor". Of course this is inaccurate. Here's my real (self tabulated) voting report card: Attendance: PERFECT Choices: A- (A deduction for my vote wasted on John Anderson) Now I have to cope with the damage to my self esteem that the "very poor" rating has caused! BUT WAIT A MINUTE!!! Until these mailings arrived I was unaware that an individual's voting history is redily available. Apparently, it is. I wonder how much voter fraud occurs in using this information in states where proper I.D. is not required to cast a vote. Consider this: John Doe has a similarly "very poor" voting report card. Having not voted in the last three elections, he is likely to not vote in this one. To cast a vote in his name, a perpetrator would need only to show up, claim to be John Doe and claim to live at John Doe's address. That is an address that is also known by the issuers of my "report card". In the rare case that John Doe shows up to vote, he is told "sorry, no double voting" and is sent away. Professer Avrich, of Accounting 101 fame started the first day of his class with this statement: "Figures don't lie, but liars can figure." It's going to get interesting folks! |
I vote up and down the deplorable, "wood booger" ticket.
I want to thank everyone for not posting too much politics on this travel & tourism site. If only I could convince my Facebook friends to do the same! There were a few threads but mostly when a candidate visited the area. Not too bad.
To close out this election I'm curious how our site members and visitors are voting. Please take this unscientific and mostly meaningless poll: <center><script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.easypolls.net/ext/scripts/emPoll.js?p=58209b33e4b089fb1e3e64b7"></script><a class="OPP-powered-by" href="http://www.objectplanet.com/opinio/" style="text-decoration:none;"><div style="font: 9px arial; color: gray;">survey services</div></a></center> |
Someone call Trump and tell him to concentrate on PA. Looks like NH is sewn up for him 86%, wow!:laugh:
I'm trying to have fun with it. My house phone usually goes to my fax but yesterday I picked it up and said...
ABC campaign headquarters, how may I help you today? Response Oh. I'm sorry. I from the XYZ campaign me That's okay. I'm voting P&Q myself. and hung up |
My coworker has also been getting text messages from the Hillary campaign! |
Poor record?
8qv:"Now I have to cope with the damage to my self esteem that the "very poor" rating has caused!"
I'm pleased to hear that all the other campaign info you've received has been the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. You don't have to worry about your John Doe double voting. He's dead. |
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I have received more unwanted phone calls on my cell phone over the last couple of months.... |
I get text messages from Hillary as well, something along the lines of global warming can we count on your vote etc. They have my name wrong but have sent it 3 times.
I'm a registered Republican but have basically become an Independent after seeing how spineless the GOP has been over the last 8 years. They lost my confidence, if there was any. Trump is not a Republican, just like Bernie isn't a Democrat. They're just the parties they ran under. I am disgusted with Washington DC and I want to see it get ripped a new one. Trump was not my first pick (close second) but he is now! He was just here in Raleigh today. This election has been quite a ride and I'm looking forward to it ending. I'm hoping my beloved NH comes through with the RIGHT choice.
Mitt Romney, 3/12/47, is about seven months older than Hillary, 10/26/47, and about nine months younger than Donald, 6/14/46. If Mitt had run this year, it sure seems like he would have won it in a landslide.
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/...n-a-landslide/ and ........ a little drum roll here ...... and Mitt would have ...... ratta-tat-tat ..... brang....... eh.......make that ......brought...... the summer White House to Wolfeboro. Instead, it may be eight years with President Hillary-45, from January 20, 2017 to January 20, 2025, when she will be age-77 ...... oh well! |
Dan |
After looking through this website.
I finally convince myself to vote tomorrow. God willing................ |
So, who will former president George W Bush-43 be voting for, today? That's a good question......... who, who, who is George voting today?
Who knows ..... but maybe, just like Kelly Ayotte .... he may write in Mike Pence? |
I think if Hillary ran against any other republican , the republican would have won in a landslide and if Trump had run against any other Democrat, the Democrat would have won in a landslide just because I feel most people are just voting the lesser of 2 evils here.
It is always darkest before The Don.
:) |
I voted but...
Frankly, IMHO, with almost 330 million people in this country, I'm disgusted that these two clowns are the best we could come up with!
It really is a "hold you nose" and vote election. SIGH.. |
Lets face it, we are screwed either way. The difference is how....
I think the news programs and papers have seriously hurt themselves this election cycle by trying to excessively influence this election rather than diligently just reporting what is going on, hopefully they will pay dearly by people just ignoring them, not buying news papers that do this and turning off the news programs that are biased. We shall see. |
Regardless of which one wins....
....I just hope that some whack job on either side doesn't do something really stupid like shootings, starting riots, etc. The fanatics on each side this election cycle are nuts. Same goes for the our international foes who might want to send a message of some sort.....I sure hope not.
Totally agree with one of the earlier posts that in our great nation, these two are the "best and brightest" that we could nominate? Are you freakin' kidding me?? When I first became eligible to vote, I asked my parents for advice. They said, "vote your conscience...vote for the person you think would be the best leader". I can honestly say that for the first time ever, I did not vote for one of the two major candidates; I wrote someone in, (a legit leader; not a cartoon character). Some may say that this was a wasted vote, but it was MY vote and I voted my conscience. I sure hope we get through the coming days/weeks/months without incident. :patriot::patriot: |
Can't find him
One of the biggest problems facing voters in this day and age is the lack of unbiased news reporting. Radio, TV, papers, and magazines are, fit the most part biased toward one side of the aisle or the other. Couple that with "endorsements" from celebrities that I guess is supposed to instruct us on whom we are too vote. Give me the facts, let the candidates tell us what they stand for and what they will do if elected, and let the electorate make their own decisions.
Sent from my GT-P5210 using Winnipesaukee Forum mobile app |
30 Seconds Of Serenity
Here's 30 seconds of serenity to help everyone make it through this election night...and the next 4 years!
https://video.nest.com/clip/698a7be1...10bd6206bc.mp4 Dan |
Thanks, lovely, and a couple of minutes backatcha
Marian Anderson's ever-uplifting "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands":
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MRGZrv0Hl6k [In case anyone is somehow not familiar with Marian Anderson: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marian_Anderson ] PS, this, too -- non-famous flight attendant's parting words on arriving at BWI airport from MHT, which drew big smiles and applause from the passengers: "Thank you for flying Southwest. And please remember to be nice to one another." |
Ditto that for Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker (R) who also blanked his ballot for president......according to Howie Carr. I was very surprised by their personal choices to vote "no one" which seems highly unusual. I was very pleased to cast my vote for Hillary, and am totally confident she will go on to become the greatest president in the history of the USA...... go Hillary go! |
Mount Rushmore
We have been traveling across "America the Beautiful" visiting our most amazing National Parks. When I stood below the incredible Mount Rushmore and the history behind this significant monument I could not help but reflect what we have for our politicians and candidates today. I could not see any of them standing up to the leadership of that time in our great history. At Mount Rushmore you will see George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. How did we ever get to where we are today? So sad. But only hope is for God to Bless America and to provide the loving grace and guiding light to bring guidance to the NEW President of United States of America. |
http://www.weaselzippers.us/189180-d...bill-pardoned/ |
Looks like the Trump train just rolled up a big huge win, and shook the world.....good grief! .....big surprise!.......holy smokes! ....... oh well .......that's the way the banana peels or something!
Here in NH.....the numbers just were on the CNN-tv with Hillary up by 47.7% to 47.2%....... 87% vote in ........so's maybe NH will still go with Hillary and she will win the NH battle, while losing the war to the Donald. It's all over ..... the fat lady has sung! |
To Quote a wonderful comedian "How Sweet It Is!!"
Patriotic Duty
Without being too glib.........
Just like the lyrics by the Who: "We don't get fooled again" |
I owe all of you Trumpies a big apology, I mocked you when you said he had a chance. Watching the faces of the talking heads was like watching the Seahawks fans when butler picked off that ball in the endzone, Great to watch!
The concession and congratulation speeches are so phoney.
Our poll on here was more accurate than most of the others. Maybe they should hire us next time. :laugh:
May they go into a hole and disappear forever. I fear that may be wishful thinking, however... |
I would suggest that this thread has nothing to do with the intent of the Winnipesaukee forum and it should just go away or be removed by the webmaster.
Patriotic Duty
It started out great and was aimed at getting those that frequent the site and lake out to vote. It didn't hurt..
The results of the election will most definitely affect us all in one way or another, some more than others. You're probably right, this thread ran its course...but overall I thought for the most part everyone stayed well behaved. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk |
JOB Losses have begun
Thousands laid off permanently in the Polling field due to no longer needed at these performance levels.
Retraining as Meteorologist has been offered. Just thought I'd try to end this with a little humor. |
Looks like Trump may actually have had a "coat tails" effect here in New Hampshire. How to quantify that? Well ...... the tall.....5'10" ..... very attractive....and very athletic.... very well spoken.....very knowlegeable....Senator Kelly Ayotte just barely, by a tiny number got beat by Gov Maggie Hassan....while Chris Sununu beat Colin Van Ostern by a couple percentage points
Kelly Ayotte's presence will definitely be missed in the US Senate.....especially by all the fellow Republican male senators........ she was very well liked......so, goooood-bye Kelly........ and boo-hoo! Did I vote for Kelly......no? I voted for Maggie Hassan.....but it's a big stunner that Kelly is out.....which did not happen until all the votes were counted the day after. Sen Ayotte had announced she would be writing in Mike Pence, while Chris Sununu stuck with the Donald......and that is somewhat telling for the Trump coat tails effect here in NH. |
No Surprise for The Informed...
I'd hear words from a speech, then read or hear a "journalist's" account. If there wasn't a difference between the two, the inflection changed it entirely. :eek2: Thank the Internet (and especially, social media) for the outcome on Wednesday. :cool: . |
My son's High School is offering counseling yesterday and today for students and teachers who are upset about the election results. I can barely type this without laughing.... Would there have been counseling if Hill had won?? I think not.
Dan |
2 Attachment(s)
I am not surprised by the riots and public displays of disrespect. I've read many, many articles saying how liberals are "terrified" and "disgusted" by the election results. Safe spaces and counseling provided for students at college! Are you kidding me? Well, as a conservative, don't think for a second that I wasn't equally "disgusted" and "terrified" by Obama's election. I was worried about respect for the Constitution, the status of our standing in the world, foreign policy, maintaining our military, socialized medicine, to name a few. (Most of my worries came to fruition.) However, I'm an adult, and I need to work for a living. I don't have the luxury of protesting when I don't get my own way. Also, I respect our Constitution and the electoral process, even when it doesn't go my way. We are teaching our children to be petulant when they don't get their own way. This needs to change.
Patriotic Duty
Sorry Don.
I had no idea this would turn mushroom cloud explosive. Choppy at the Lake today?!!! |
Which party's supporters are massively intolerant? Grossly immature? Prone to violence and destruction? It doesn't require a doctorate to figure that out. :rolleye2:
Are always tolerant when you agree with them but when you don't? Not so much. Is that "progressive"?
No it's hypocrisy. But hypocrites exist on both sides. They just have different labels.
Trump's first executive order will be that everyone in his cabinet dye their hair orange.
This seems like a good time to close this thread and move on from the election, at least on this forum. Thanks everybody.
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