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dpg 09-04-2018 06:02 AM

Squirrels Driving Home Sunday Night
Did anybody else driving 93 south this weekend notice the huge amount of dead Squirrels at the side of rte 93? I didn't count but easily saw 50-60 from exit 23 to the rte 3/93 split. There was even one section of the highway I'd say maybe a couple hundred yards alone that must of had literally 20 dead just in that little section. I didn't say much and eventually mentioned it to the wife and she commented she had noticed the same thing, they were everywhere!

Biggd 09-04-2018 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by dpg (Post 301338)
Did anybody else driving 93 south this weekend notice the huge amount of dead Squirrels at the side of rte 93? I didn't count but easily saw 50-60 from exit 23 to the rte 3/93 split. There was even one section of the highway I'd say maybe a couple hundred yards alone that must of had literally 20 dead just in that little section. I didn't say much and eventually mentioned it to the wife and she commented she had noticed the same thing, they were everywhere!

Yes, it was hard not to notice it. They were all over the highway. Very unusual? :confused:

gravy boat 09-04-2018 06:40 AM

Dead squirrels

'Never seen this many' dead gray squirrels says NH Fish and Game biologist
New Hampshire Union Leader
August 30. 2018 10:30AM

There are more dead squirrels than usual along New Hampshire roads.

Fish and Game Wildlife Biologist Rob Calvert found this out firsthand when he decided to be extra observant as he started up Interstate 89 Wednesday morning in Concord and took Exit 6. He was on his way to put up his agency’s tables at the Hopkinton Fair.

“We had 76 splats of dead squirrels in the road that we could count going both ways.” Calvert said. “It was pretty amazing.”

The Department of Transportation officials said more than 100 squirrels have been struck recently on the Spaulding Turnpike in Rochester alone. Squirrels have also been killed in large numbers on the Everett Turnpike, I-93 and I-293 around Manchester, officials said.

“I have never seen this many gray squirrels that are dead.” Calvert said.

The reasons and theories for this are numerous. They started more than a year ago when the state had bumper crops of acorns and pine cones in 2017, Calvert said.

Biologists say the booming acorn harvests led to more young squirrels surviving New Hampshire’s last winter. And now, these furry creatures have become obsessed in their hunt for food they can store away for the next cold snap, Calvert said.

Jim Frohn, Grafton County forester with the UNH Extension, said he has been noticing more roadkill.

“Acorn crops tend to be highly variable, with a huge amount of acorns some years, and very few in other years. Studies show that during bumper-crop years which occur on average two out of 10 years, there can be more than 250,000 acorns per acre,” Frohn wrote in a recent post on the UNH extension website.

“That translates into more than five acorns per square foot. During poor years, there may be only 20,000 to 65,000 acorns per acre or an average of one acorn per square foot.”

Fish and Game experts have also noticed squirrels are so numerous that they are snacking on food they were never interested in before.

“I have had my fruit trees taken to task by squirrels more than ever,” said Calvert, who lives in Newbury.

“They will take bites out of peaches that are as hard as baseballs. I have never seen until this summer squirrels go after my high bush blueberry bushes, but they are all over them. It’s like a feeding frenzy,” Calvert said.

State biologists agree that this over-population has gotten to the point that squirrels are behaving more erratically and are more likely to cross roads to try to get fed.

“Their movement patterns would certainly indicate as with our grays that they are searching for food and whether it’s smart or not, they will cross roads to do that,” Calvert said.

There is some belief that more squirrels may mean more disease. Calvert is one of those biologists who note it may be significant that squirrels are susceptible to West Nile virus.

“Whether or not there is some malady that is affecting this phenomenon we do not know, but it’s worth considering,” Calvert said.

This Saturday begins hunting season for gray squirrels. It runs through the end of next January. Calvert says the hunt may thin the squirrel herd, but not enough to notice for at least a few weeks.

“I think you will see less of these sights due more to the roadkill and its impact,” Calvert said.

Dave R 09-04-2018 06:41 AM

We saw at least 30 squirrel corpses just on the ramp going from 89 south to 93 south on our drive home from Champlain. From what I have heard, the squirrel population has exploded this year due to abundant food. From what I've seen in my yard, they are violently territorial. My guess is that the weaker ones are being forced to look for territory and are compelled to explore in new directions, some of which are horribly dangerous, like 93...

Phantom 09-04-2018 06:43 AM

Funny that this is posted !

My wife & I made the EXACT same comment on our ride South Monday ………. the "Road kill" continued down Rte 3 as well into Manchester.

C-Bass 09-04-2018 06:47 AM

WJT2 09-04-2018 07:04 AM

Drove up Saturday AM and my wife and I made same comments! Coming back Sunday morning took 293 from 93 over to 3s. 3s through the tolls there were dozens of squirrels and also skunks . 1 deer. Suicide alley?

Light Breeze 09-04-2018 07:24 AM

It was unbelievable, hundreds dead...

Biggd 09-04-2018 08:11 AM

It must be a cult mass suicide!

8gv 09-04-2018 08:41 AM

Perhaps this phenomenum needs a name...


fatlazyless 09-04-2018 08:42 AM

A day in the life of one very brave or very dumb gray squirrel. One lone squirrel protects dead squirrel body and fights off first one, then 1-2-3 crows! .... 1:15

One brave or dumb, or just hungry squirrel and 1-2-3 crows all looking for an easy feed?

So, how come you never-ever see a dead crow on the highway that's been squished by a wheel? Must be the crow has more highway smarts than the gray squirrel? Aren't birds supposed to be bird brained, which means stupid, but apparently those black crows must be a smartie bird or something.

Could be the live squirrel just wants to eat the dead squirrel and has nothing to do with protecting its' dead buddy's body from the crows? Like why it do this ...... only the squirrel knows why?

brk-lnt 09-04-2018 08:48 AM

An underground terrorist organization is attempting to weaponize animals. They are using the squirrels for training and development, but eventually plan to apply their learnings to weaponize moose in the area. When that happens, you better watch out!

lakershaker 09-04-2018 09:05 AM

Swimming red squirrel
We have also noticed a lot more grey squirrels this year, but yesterday on the dock we saw something new. We were looking out from our dock (Rattlesnake facing Sleepers/Treasure), and saw something swimming way out. My daughter thought it was an otter, my wife thought it must be a turtle. Finally, a red squirrel climbed up our dock and ran up to shore! We couldn't believe that it swam that far! In the past, we have also seen a flock of turkeys swim over from Sleepers...

While I don't mind grey squirrels, the red one's are horrible! They make the worst noise at 5am, and are really destructive as they find places underneath the house to hide their food stores. Hopefully a lot don't make it through this winter...

Top-Water 09-04-2018 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by 8gv (Post 301355)
Perhaps this phenomenum needs a name...


Squirrelnado :(

Even more amazing! :rolleye1:
Squirrelnado II

Note the Squirrelnado Weather Map at about 5:00 right over the north-east. Completely predicted.

Seen them all over the roads early Saturday morning too. Just after Concord going north, we hit one little spot where a half dozen of them all tried to cross the road at once.

Mr. V 09-04-2018 10:14 AM

I recall once driving on a street in rural Belmont and there was a section plastered with dead frogs, it seemed almost enough to slicken the pavement at one stretch.

LIforrelaxin 09-04-2018 10:40 AM

All kinds of wierd squirrel things going on...... Besides the appearent genocide on 93.... we found one swimming in the lake this weekend... heading across the lake between Long Island and Moultonborough Neck..

SIKSUKR 09-04-2018 11:41 AM

Channel 9 did a story last week on just this subject.

Dave R 09-04-2018 12:18 PM

Speaking of roadkill, I've lived in NH since 1969 and saw my first black bear roadkill yesterday in Lebanon NH.

ITD 09-04-2018 08:37 PM

There had to be at least one hundred dead on 293 s where 101 crosses over, maybe 1 or 2 from the tolls. I've never seen that many dead squirrels in one place.

Begonezvous 09-05-2018 11:38 AM

Squirrel mass suicide
I noticed the same carnage over this past weekend. I joked to the wife that they are all committing suicide rather than face another harsh NH winter.

Winter is coming for those GOT fans.

Beauport 09-05-2018 11:59 AM

I have now seen 4 squirrels swimming in wide areas of the lake this year. Never seen one before. Crazy!

Hillcountry 09-05-2018 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by Beauport (Post 301446)
I have now seen 4 squirrels swimming in wide areas of the lake this year. Never seen one before. Crazy!

Funny you wife and I had a squirrel swim across the channel in front of us before the NWZ ends the other day heading out fishing at zero-dark-thirty. I think he was headed for a tiki hut!
Never saw one swimming before either!

Biggd 09-05-2018 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Beauport (Post 301446)
I have now seen 4 squirrels swimming in wide areas of the lake this year. Never seen one before. Crazy!

Watch out, they are looking for nuts.:D

Top-Water 09-05-2018 02:13 PM

This is why the aliens won't talk to us...

<iframe width="854" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Music Man 09-05-2018 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by Beauport (Post 301446)
I have now seen 4 squirrels swimming in wide areas of the lake this year. Never seen one before. Crazy!

Was Jimmy Carter out there canoeing?

GTO 09-05-2018 08:13 PM

Same here....

Originally Posted by LIforrelaxin (Post 301364)
All kinds of wierd squirrel things going on...... Besides the appearent genocide on 93.... we found one swimming in the lake this weekend... heading across the lake between Long Island and Moultonborough Neck..

I was riding the jet ski in Ctr harbor Tuesday evening and there was one swimming all the way across the bay, he was right n the middle. I circled a few times and took a picture, first time for everything

beagle 09-05-2018 08:37 PM

We saw a dead one floating off Jockey Cove today. Weird.

Sent from my iPhone using Winnipesaukee Forum mobile app

Hillcountry 09-05-2018 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by beagle (Post 301483)
We saw a dead one floating off Jockey Cove today. Weird.

Sent from my iPhone using Winnipesaukee Forum mobile app

I think the squirrels know something we don’t...:eek:
Maybe “THE BIG ONE” is coming...??

jeffk 09-06-2018 01:00 AM

I saw the lead "Squirrels Driving Home Sunday Night" and I immediately wondered what kind of car they were driving and where home was? Where did they stay when they were visiting?

Barney Bear 09-06-2018 05:32 AM

Visitors 🐿 🐿 🐿
Heard that those crazy squirrels stayed at the Nuthouse. 🐿

Dave M 09-06-2018 06:42 AM

Squam Lake had one swimming
Went to Church Island for service a couple weeks ago. We all saw a squirrel swimming across the Lake. The minister even made a comment about it. Don't know if looking for food or not. We have tons of acorns at our place.

Dave M

kauriel 09-06-2018 08:34 AM

I've noticed this summer that they are very eager to run out in front of vehicles, particularly in Lakes Region. We've had many close calls this summer with squirrels running out in front of our car so I'm not surprised there is an increase in deceased squirrels.

webmaster 09-06-2018 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by Beauport (Post 301446)
I have now seen 4 squirrels swimming in wide areas of the lake this year. Never seen one before. Crazy!

<iframe width="854" height="480" src=";start=40" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Biggd 09-06-2018 09:25 AM

Maybe the excessive heat is driving them all crazy.:emb:

Hillcountry 09-06-2018 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by Biggd (Post 301517)
Maybe the excessive heat is driving them all crazy.:emb:

"driving them NUTS" would be a better description! :D

Top-Water 09-06-2018 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by ITD (Post 301407)
There had to be at least one hundred dead

(From Article)
In New Hampshire, a state wildlife biologist said a motorist reported counting 390 dead squirrels in a 50-mile drive from the lakes region in that state to the Massachusetts border.

Article From Maine.

Mr. V 09-06-2018 10:31 AM

Not to hijack the thread (more of a "veering"): I recall reading that the state of NH once collected roadkill and fed it to prisoners.

Do they still do that?

MAXUM 09-06-2018 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. V (Post 301529)
Not to hijack the thread (more of a "veering"): I recall reading that the state of NH once collected roadkill and fed it to prisoners.

Do they still do that?

If they do there is going to be a lot of squirrel on the menu. I didn't really pay attention to this till today - there are hundreds of corpses just on Rt 3 alone between Manchester and Nashua. Crazy!

One thing that is interesting to point out is the lack of deer being hit this year.

Hillcountry 09-06-2018 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by MAXUM (Post 301539)
If they do there is going to be a lot of squirrel on the menu. I didn't really pay attention to this till today - there are hundreds of corpses just on Rt 3 alone between Manchester and Nashua. Crazy!

One thing that is interesting to point out is the lack of deer being hit this year.

That will change on the 15th when bow season opens!

rick35 09-07-2018 02:36 PM

I came across a squirrel in the middle of Meredith Bay today. I thought about trying to save him and thought he’d just end up getting squished by a car if I did. And I fast forwarded to the channel 9 headline of “NH Man falls out of boat and drowns while trying to save squirrel”. I drove on. Better him than me.

ursa minor 09-07-2018 10:48 PM

Funny, I saw a gray squirrel swimming towards the island last Friday while I was cleaning the boat. It's easily a quarter mile swim, he looked pretty tired. We never saw anything but red squirrels and chipmunks out here until the last year or so.

Lakeflier 09-09-2018 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by ursa minor (Post 301618)
Funny, I saw a gray squirrel swimming towards the island last Friday while I was cleaning the boat. It's easily a quarter mile swim, he looked pretty tired. We never saw anything but red squirrels and chipmunks out here until the last year or so.

We have seen at least a half dozen gray squirrels and one red squirrel swimming from Nineacre Island to Whortleberry Island over the last few days. They seem to be pretty good swimmers, though our neighbors had one jump onto their kayak probably in desperation. We are wondering if there might be an over abundance of predators such as fox or fisher that are driving them off the island, which is uninhabited.

Sent from my iPad using Winnipesaukee Forum mobile app

the only place 09-09-2018 10:26 PM

In the past 3 days it is unbelievable how many squirrels We have swimming.
We are at market 93 which supposedly is a no wake area (amazing how many boaters do not know what no wake means).

Phantom 09-10-2018 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by the only place (Post 301672)
In the past 3 days it is unbelievable how many squirrels We have swimming.
We are at market 93 which supposedly is a no wake area (amazing how many boaters do not know what no wake means).

Marker #93 ………. new one on me ????

upthesaukee 09-10-2018 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by Phantom (Post 301676)
Marker #93 ………. new one on me ????

Maybe he is referring to a market on the Duncan chart. I think I read in another thread about Duncan having numbered all the various spar buoys. Or it could be a figment of my imagination, in which case you can ignore this case. :D


ApS 09-10-2018 07:17 AM

Red Squirrels—Better Swimmers?

Originally Posted by ursa minor (Post 301618)
Funny, I saw a gray squirrel swimming towards the island last Friday while I was cleaning the boat. It's easily a quarter mile swim, he looked pretty tired. We never saw anything but red squirrels and chipmunks out here until the last year or so.

The last "swimming squirrel" I can recall on this forum was a Red Squirrel that struck out for a shoreline that was a ½-mile distant!

That squirrel returned to discouraging warnings from squirrel-mates, but how did that squirrel find the same shoreline tree he'd left three months earlier? :confused:

Top-Water 09-10-2018 07:50 AM

Saturday while fishing my son and I thought we might see our first swimming squirrel in two different locations. One was at the Lakeport draw bridge, it really seemed like it was ready to make the jump in to get from the Paugus Bay Marina side over to Lakeport Landing side. Just after we left the train came by, wonder if he was just waiting for the bridge to go down as it's normally in the up position. I thought it might try to (hop-scotch) over the deck of the boat as we passed the tracks.

A little latter in the day another one looked like it was just getting ready to temp fate as we went through (Sally's Gut) using a downed tree to shorten the swim across the channel from Stonedam to the mainland. I think this one was a missed opportunity because we probably spooked it and got to close at just the wrong time.

Both instances would not have been long swims, but have never seen one swim in person and was really hoping to get a photo.

On the way home there were a bunch of dead ones just south of the bridge construction at exit 20. but not nearly a many dead ones the rest of the way home like last week

ITD 09-10-2018 08:02 AM

I drove back to Mass. on Sunday for the game, (GO PATS) and there was a fresh crop of dead squirrels on the road. The stretch in Manchester by 101 has the new jersey barrier installed, which seems to be a squirrel death trap. I actually saw a few squirrels dart across the highway. They make it to the barrier, then dart with traffic and against traffic right next to the barrier at full speed. When they realize that they can't find an opening they turn back across traffic, again at full speed. The two I saw darting back did not make it.

If they could only have climbed over the barrier :rolleye2:, I guess they are too stupid. Maybe it's nature's way of culling out the really dumb ones.

Anyway, I'm sure PETA will be demanding squirrel ramps on those barriers any day now.

Top-Water 09-10-2018 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by ITD (Post 301684)
Anyway, I'm sure PETA will be demanding squirrel ramps on those barriers any day now.


8gv 09-10-2018 08:27 AM

Some towns have a truck with a vacuum on it to suck up roadside leaf piles.

It's time to deploy the truck!

Where would they put 800#of dead squirrels...a day?

Top-Water 09-10-2018 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by 8gv (Post 301688)
Where would they put 800#of dead squirrels...a day?

Years ago I think they gave them to "Fluffy's Roast Beef" in Tilton

I could never get past the name of that place and eat anything there. Don't ever want any kind of fluffy roast beef.

Biggd 09-10-2018 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by ITD (Post 301684)
I drove back to Mass. on Sunday for the game, (GO PATS) and there was a fresh crop of dead squirrels on the road. The stretch in Manchester by 101 has the new jersey barrier installed, which seems to be a squirrel death trap. I actually saw a few squirrels dart across the highway. They make it to the barrier, then dart with traffic and against traffic right next to the barrier at full speed. When they realize that they can't find an opening they turn back across traffic, again at full speed. The two I saw darting back did not make it.

If they could only have climbed over the barrier :rolleye2:, I guess they are too stupid. Maybe it's nature's way of culling out the really dumb ones.

Anyway, I'm sure PETA will be demanding squirrel ramps on those barriers any day now.

I seen a few run out in front of me on the way home. I missed them but I looked back in my mirror and they never had a chance!
It gives new meaning to "why did the chicken cross the road". :eek:

The Winster 09-10-2018 08:51 AM

NHPR piece on swimming squirrels
Here is a NHPR piece about unusual squirrel activity this year:

Meredith AK 09-10-2018 09:40 AM

Squirrel - new way to die off
Looks like these critters are TRYING to kill themselves. Found two in my back yard that had fallen out of our very tall oak tree and broken their backs with the fall.

Hillcountry 09-10-2018 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Meredith AK (Post 301695)
Looks like these critters are TRYING to kill themselves. Found two in my back yard that had fallen out of our very tall oak tree and broken their backs with the fall.

That doesn’t sound right...not saying you didn’t find 2 dead squirrels but they can usually, take a pretty good fall from any height especially onto soft woods floor. Now, if they fell onto granite or a stone wall, that may be a different story.
How did you determine the backs were broken? Squirrel autopsy?

tis 09-10-2018 11:57 AM

Hill, Thank you so much for your posts. I can't count the times you have made me laugh lately and you make reading your posts fun!:laugh:

Meredith AK 09-10-2018 12:26 PM

broken backs
Hill - just an assumption on my part regarding broken back. Lying next to each other, fairly fresh and bodies were a bit "deformed". When I picked them up (work gloves of course), they were fairly limber. No teeth marks and they traverse that particular tree all day long back and forth. And yes, there's a rock wall very close to where I found them.

tis 09-10-2018 12:47 PM

So you didn't do a complete autopsy, Meredith? :laugh:

Biggd 09-10-2018 12:57 PM

Spineless creatures. :laugh:

Hillcountry 09-10-2018 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by Meredith AK (Post 301715)
Hill - just an assumption on my part regarding broken back. Lying next to each other, fairly fresh and bodies were a bit "deformed". When I picked them up (work gloves of course), they were fairly limber. No teeth marks and they traverse that particular tree all day long back and forth. And yes, there's a rock wall very close to where I found them.

Still quite strange you found two sure you don’t have a stealthy, neighbor with a pellet gun?

betterthanbacon 09-10-2018 04:40 PM

It’s crazy they are everywhere and in heavy volume. It’s like a new game every morning on my ride to work. Count how many squirrels I can run over. LOL

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