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fatlazyless 05-02-2020 06:56 AM

...... Gov Chris Sununu!
Yesterday, May 1, the State of NH lead by Gov Chris Sununu held a public announcement discussing all the new corona virus policies for various different businesses. It ran for about two hours from 3-5pm and was very interesting to listen to on the radio.

While I voted for the Democratic candidate for NH governor in the last two elections in 2016 and 2018, I was really impressed by Chris Sununu and will most likely vote for him on Nov 3.

If you missed it, suggest you go watch or listen to that two hour public announcement from yesterday.

When Chris Sununu speaks publicly like this, he is a combination of energy, motivation, knowledge, and humanity. He talks at a very fast, rapid pace, the words keeps moving fast, it never really slows down, and it was like that for a fast two hours of talk.

Besides all the important information gathered, it was also very entertaining to listen to ........ so's that's something you can do ..... listen to the two hour sound track or watch it on video.

mishman 05-02-2020 07:13 AM

Two thumbs up Governor!
I was thinking the same thing. I did not vote for Sununu but respect him, especially after his announcement yesterday. To hear a leader be able to speak in complete sentences, carry a thought to the end and explain his rationale clearly was a breath of fresh air. So different than what we get from the WH.
We can wish the virus just magically goes away or listen to the scientific and health experts and do the right thing. I know it is tough economically but if we open things up prematurely, we will destroy our economy as this virus ravages our population for an extended period of time. People will vote with their feet - they know the danger that lurks out there. Thank you Governor for doing the right and smart thing!

thinkxingu 05-02-2020 07:14 AM

I don't agree with everything he does, but I LOVE that he's decisive. As opposed to Charlie Baker who defines squish.

FLL, if you happen to find a link for that, would you kindly post it?

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thinkxingu 05-02-2020 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by Top-Water (Post 333806)
Did not "Rich" from - Winni Gas Fame post the text or links to this? {just yesterday} if I remember it correctly as a long post.

I saw the article from the Union Leader, but this sounded like something different?

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Sue Doe-Nym 05-02-2020 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by thinkxingu (Post 333803)
I don't agree with everything he does, but I LOVE that he's decisive. As opposed to Charlie Baker who defines squish.

FLL, if you happen to find a link for that, would you kindly post it?

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Reopening Update by Gravyboat #2 might be the link you are looking for. It was posted yesterday afternoon.

Mr. V 05-02-2020 03:20 PM

For comparison, it was announced out here on the left coast that the earliest opening date will now be the end of May.

FlyingScot 05-02-2020 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by thinkxingu (Post 333803)
I don't agree with everything he does, but I LOVE that he's decisive. As opposed to Charlie Baker who defines squish.

FLL, if you happen to find a link for that, would you kindly post it?

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My sense is that Sununu and Baker have been pretty much in lockstep on policy, and both have been firm and clear. Charlie's in a tough spot--he's surrounded by Democrats, but he still needs support from Republicans. You gotta feel for the guy. I did not vote for Baker last time, but I think he's doing a great job

JEEPONLY 05-03-2020 03:53 AM


Originally Posted by thinkxingu (Post 333803)
I don't agree with everything he does, but I LOVE that he's decisive. As opposed to Charlie Baker who defines squish.

FLL, if you happen to find a link for that, would you kindly post it?

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The way he speaks, as described by FLL, displays confidence and commitment- Which represents, as you say, decisiveness!

thinkxingu 05-03-2020 05:39 AM


Originally Posted by FlyingScot (Post 333832)
My sense is that Sununu and Baker have been pretty much in lockstep on policy, and both have been firm and clear. Charlie's in a tough spot--he's surrounded by Democrats, but he still needs support from Republicans. You gotta feel for the guy. I did not vote for Baker last time, but I think he's doing a great job

Baker, even being in a "hotspot state," has always been two steps behind and wishy-washy.

It's certainly a tough spot to be in, but that's what leaders are supposed to be prepared for.

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SAMIAM 05-03-2020 06:03 AM

I like Chris Sununu very much and also think he's doing a great job but disappointed for obvious reasons that he didn't give the green light for limited service for sit down restaurants.
You can shop at Walmart, Lowes, Hannifords, Hardware stores and buy food at any convenience store.
We have infrared thermometers to monitor staff, multi hand sanitizer stations and
could easily arrange tables for social distancing. Kitchen staff has SafeServ training and work stations are more than 6' apart
Not trying to minimize concerns about COVID 19 but just saying that from my observations, after shopping in some of the above mentioned business', we are able to meet or exceed most of the sanitation practices in place at this time.
Limited seating will still not pay the bills but hoping we can get started some time soon

tis 05-03-2020 06:53 AM

Sam, I think all towns should allow outdoor dining without any permitting during this time. You have a huge parking lot and could put a lot of tables out there 6 feet apart. I am sure you could dress it up a little. Or put tables on your lawn. I think most people could tolerate eating in a parking lot if it meant they could get out.

Sue Doe-Nym 05-03-2020 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by tis (Post 333855)
Sam, I think all towns should allow outdoor dining without any permitting during this time. You have a huge parking lot and could put a lot of tables out there 6 feet apart. I am sure you could dress it up a little. Or put tables on your lawn. I think most people could tolerate eating in a parking lot if it meant they could get out.

Re the V.K. : I agree....the lawn overlooking the gorgeous view would be great for outdoor seating, but probably not a practical solution unless you could figure a way to get the food down there.....maybe orders on trays so that able-bodied patrons could maneuver their way down to an eating area? Hmm...this requires thinking. On the far wall, overlooking the view, there are 2 small table/booths.....maybe a door (first remove booths) there to the lawn/seating area...
would that work or create way too much congestion?

thinkxingu 05-03-2020 07:24 AM

Agree with both replies above: open up outdoor eating!!!

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fatlazyless 05-03-2020 07:43 AM

.... masks for inside the store
Some of the customers going into the big stores locally like Hannaford, Lowe's and Walmart do not wear any mask type of mouth and nose cover so probably the stores or the State of NH should recommend masks for inside stores. The store employees DO wear masks. Inside the store, getting relatively close to others is happening, mostly at the check-out area.

Outdoors in the parking area, masks can be optional but inside they should be the rule for customers.

Hey there YOU, when you go inside that there store ...... cover your face! .... :eek:

MAXUM 05-03-2020 07:56 AM

Just wait - some of this information is getting limited reporting, but it is becoming increasingly clear from ongoing scientific research and in particular coming out of clinical trials where control groups are trying to be established.

Spread of this is far more wide spread than confirmed cases. In fact it is now being estimated that concentrated areas that were "hotpots" could have an infection rate as high as 80%

Mitigation techniques of "social distancing", wearing face coverings and isolation are useless in containing the spread in fact it has been spreading while those mitgiations have already in been in play. Much of that is because there is no way to isolate truly from this, the only face mask that is worth anything is the N95 and that has be be wore correctly but also handled correctly after it has been used which most times it is not, and social distancing is just to make everyone feel good - does absolutely nothing beyond that as most of the spread is not from somebody sneezing in your face but contaminating items you then touch and expose yourself.

Fact is there is so much misinformation out there and so called experts running around chiming in with their opinions scaring the hell out of people which are void of any context based accurate technical data. In fact if they were any good at what they do they would actually be working and not pontificating on TV.

What is going on now is pure politics. Nothing more nothing less.

Biggd 05-03-2020 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by MAXUM (Post 333870)
Just wait - some of this information is getting limited reporting, but it is becoming increasingly clear from ongoing scientific research and in particular coming out of clinical trials where control groups are trying to be established.

Spread of this is far more wide spread than confirmed cases. In fact it is now being estimated that concentrated areas that were "hotpots" could have an infection rate as high as 80%

Mitigation techniques of "social distancing", wearing face coverings and isolation are useless in containing the spread in fact it has been spreading while those mitgiations have already in been in play. Much of that is because there is no way to isolate truly from this, the only face mask that is worth anything is the N95 and that has be be wore correctly but also handled correctly after it has been used which most times it is not, and social distancing is just to make everyone feel good - does absolutely nothing beyond that as most of the spread is not from somebody sneezing in your face but contaminating items you then touch and expose yourself.

Fact is there is so much misinformation out there and so called experts running around chiming in with their opinions scaring the hell out of people which are void of any context based accurate technical data. In fact if they were any good at what they do they would actually be working and not pontificating on TV.

What is going on now is pure politics. Nothing more nothing less.

Along with this post.

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FlyingScot 05-03-2020 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by MAXUM (Post 333870)

Spread of this is far more wide spread than confirmed cases. In fact it is now being estimated that concentrated areas that were "hotpots" could have an infection rate as high as 80%

Have not seen anything like 80% in the press--a number that would be herd immunity. We could all go back to work/play! Please send a link to your source. Thanks

Outdoorsman 05-03-2020 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by FlyingScot (Post 333832)
My sense is that Sununu and Baker have been pretty much in lockstep on policy, and both have been firm and clear. ...

It is interesting how the Governors have seemingly put their political affiliations aside for the greater good.

It is shameful that Congress has not done the same. Never forget, the Governor on NH was sued for quickly distributing funds to the state rather than spending months on end piece-mealing it to fit an agenda.

Some congress members wanted to pork barrel the funds.

MAXUM 05-03-2020 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by FlyingScot (Post 333887)
Have not seen anything like 80% in the press--a number that would be herd immunity. We could all go back to work/play! Please send a link to your source. Thanks

Can't make specific ongoing clinical trial information public.

However this information is being provided to the FDA.

MAXUM 05-03-2020 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by Biggd (Post 333871)
Along with this post.

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Indeed because it does not fit the narrative you want to see. To bad so sad. This is based on actual scientific raw data rolling in right now and while still early on it remains pretty consistent and becoming predictive enough to where it is far more accurate than the original forecasting models based off of. It also explains why they were so far off, there simply was not enough data to make accurate assumptions. Now that is beginning to change as are the results.

What or how this information is being interpreted and thus reacted to from the government's perspective is what it is.

Biggd 05-03-2020 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by MAXUM (Post 333900)
Indeed because it does not fit the narrative you want to see. To bad so sad. This is based on actual scientific raw data rolling in right now and while still early on it remains pretty consistent and becoming predictive enough to where it is far more accurate than the original forecasting models based off of. It also explains why they were so far off, there simply was not enough data to make accurate assumptions. Now that is beginning to change as are the results.

What or how this information is being interpreted and thus reacted to from the government's perspective is what it is.

It obviously fits the narative you want to see.

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Seaplane Pilot 05-03-2020 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by MAXUM (Post 333900)
Indeed because it does not fit the narrative you want to see. To bad so sad. This is based on actual scientific raw data rolling in right now and while still early on it remains pretty consistent and becoming predictive enough to where it is far more accurate than the original forecasting models based off of. It also explains why they were so far off, there simply was not enough data to make accurate assumptions. Now that is beginning to change as are the results.

What or how this information is being interpreted and thus reacted to from the government's perspective is what it is.

Thanks Maxum. The doom & gloomers are out in full force. But I would bet a significant amount of money that the majority of them have not had their source of income cut off by these ridiculous restrictions. Same with the politicians that are imposing same.

camp guy 05-03-2020 05:13 PM

As I see it, and I am not a doctor and I am not a scientist, but the negative consequences of opening up too fast are not worth the risk. If outdoor dining takes place, the next thing you will see is people moving tables around so they can talk with their friends. Little by little the benign insults of social distancing and mask wearing will begin to disappear, and this presents the potential for a return of the virus, something I am sure no one wants to see happen.

MAXUM 05-03-2020 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Biggd (Post 333911)
It obviously fits the narative you want to see.

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LOL I have no preference, what the heck do I care I'm working from the lake and my job is in no way impacted, in fact I personally benefit from all this. So don't make assumptions as to what I want. Fact through science and raw data is beginning to conflict with what everyone "believes" the hilarious thing about that is that belief is not grounded in any fact just random anecdotal observation which I will not necessarily fault as we just didn't know enough to begin with. I have always been skeptical. However - now we are starting to learn more but for whatever reason there are those who simply can't accept it.

MAXUM 05-03-2020 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by camp guy (Post 333915)
As I see it, and I am not a doctor and I am not a scientist, but the negative consequences of opening up too fast are not worth the risk. If outdoor dining takes place, the next thing you will see is people moving tables around so they can talk with their friends. Little by little the benign insults of social distancing and mask wearing will begin to disappear, and this presents the potential for a return of the virus, something I am sure no one wants to see happen.

When the data is showing that mitigation efforts such as social distancing, wearing face coverings and isolation have done nothing to prevent the spread it doesn't matter what you do fast or slow it doesn't make a darn bit of difference.

This is a perception thing at this point nothing else.

As another side note everyone also believes that antiviral medications are 100% effective, guess what they aren't.

Sue Doe-Nym 05-03-2020 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by camp guy (Post 333915)
As I see it, and I am not a doctor and I am not a scientist, but the negative consequences of opening up too fast are not worth the risk. If outdoor dining takes place, the next thing you will see is people moving tables around so they can talk with their friends. Little by little the benign insults of social distancing and mask wearing will begin to disappear, and this presents the potential for a return of the virus, something I am sure no one wants to see happen.

I am not a doctor either, and I realize full well that we all need to be careful and be vigilant about how we interact, but I just can’t see wrecking people’s lives and livelihoods because of this panic. Those who are in the higher risk category, and my husband and I are in that camp, need to consider taking extra precautions. We are being reasonably careful, but we don’t expect everyone else to stop doing what they need to do to survive. Common sense and reasonable caution...two good tools.

FlyingScot 05-03-2020 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by MAXUM (Post 333899)
Can't make specific ongoing clinical trial information public.

However this information is being provided to the FDA.

I suppose if you're calling a hotspot a specific building, like the very worst of the nursing homes. But it's very hard to believe that a geographic area of any significant size, say a town of 10,000 people or more, is 80% positive. So color me skeptical

FlyingScot 05-03-2020 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by Seaplane Pilot (Post 333914)
Thanks Maxum. The doom & gloomers are out in full force. But I would bet a significant amount of money that the majority of them have not had their source of income cut off by these ridiculous restrictions. Same with the politicians that are imposing same.

I'm losing a significant amount every day during the shutdown, but I support it, and I do not want to reopen until it's safe for our employees and their families. Let's skip the aspersions

WinnisquamZ 05-03-2020 08:46 PM

Is there any information yet available on how and when the local restaurants will reopen?

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Biggd 05-03-2020 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by MAXUM (Post 333918)
LOL I have no preference, what the heck do I care I'm working from the lake and my job is in no way impacted, in fact I personally benefit from all this. So don't make assumptions as to what I want. Fact through science and raw data is beginning to conflict with what everyone "believes" the hilarious thing about that is that belief is not grounded in any fact just random anecdotal observation which I will not necessarily fault as we just didn't know enough to begin with. I have always been skeptical. However - now we are starting to learn more but for whatever reason there are those who simply can't accept it.

You are assuming you know what I want to see. I just retired March 1st so it really doesn't impact me either as long as my family and I are healthy. So I have no problem social distancing. As a matter of fact, sometimes I prefer it. [emoji3]

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Glendale Deli Boy 05-04-2020 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by MAXUM (Post 333919)
When the data is showing that mitigation efforts such as social distancing, wearing face coverings and isolation have done nothing to prevent the spread it doesn't matter what you do fast or slow it doesn't make a darn bit of difference.

This is a perception thing at this point nothing else.

As another side note everyone also believes that antiviral medications are 100% effective, guess what they aren't.

It certainly will be interesting to see all of the after-event scientific analysis and the results of all the studies currently taking place.

Hong Kong was one of the earliest spots hit. Hong Kong tests heavily. Hong Kong has gone 14 days with zero locally transmitted cases.

The HK government continues to stress continued wearing of masks as an essential component of their efforts to combat transmission. I have no idea whether your assertion that wearing face coverings have done nothing to prevent the spread but it seems highly unlikely that it hasn’t helped here. Also, for sure their hospital isolation of COVID positive individuals has been highly effective in eliminating transmission here. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be sitting here with no new cases for weeks.

If face coverings, isolation, and distancing do nothing to prevent the spread, how does one explain the success they have had here in bottling this up, or in other places that have been similarly effective like South Korea, Taiwan, etc.?

webmaster 05-04-2020 06:54 AM

This thread is about Gov. Sununu's handling of this crisis. If you want to discuss something else please start a new thread!!!

MAXUM 05-04-2020 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by webmaster (Post 333936)
This thread is about Gov. Sununu's handling of this crisis. If you want to discuss something else please start a new thread!!!

My comment was not necessarily intended to muddy the water here or hijack this thread. I am no scientist, doctor, politician or lawyer. However I thought this was interesting information to put out there as I know this information preliminary as it may be is being fed through the FDA to government officials, as such I assume all the state Governors have access to it as well. Thus interesting as they mull over how and when they make decisions on moving forward as it sheds some light on a portion of the information they have at their disposal to make these decisions.

At least that was the intended context.


Chris M 05-07-2020 06:16 PM

I won't be voting for him again. I've never voted for a Democrat in my life, but he put me out of work 6 weeks ago because I wasn't essential enough and no income since. I work outside and there's no reason for making it illegal for me to work. This is the opposite of what America is about.

Politicians shouldn't be making these sort of decisions on who wins and who loses. They're just not smart or honest enough and the damage he's done to my family is significant, with no end in sight.

FlyingScot 05-07-2020 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by Chris M (Post 334223)
I won't be voting for him again. I've never voted for a Democrat in my life, but he put me out of work 6 weeks ago because I wasn't essential enough and no income since. I work outside and there's no reason for making it illegal for me to work. This is the opposite of what America is about.

Politicians shouldn't be making these sort of decisions on who wins and who loses. They're just not smart or honest enough and the damage he's done to my family is significant, with no end in sight.

I'm sorry you lost your job, and I hope you get it back soon. But I don't understand why your anger is directed only at the Governor. President Trump was pushing shutdowns hard 6 weeks ago.

tis 05-07-2020 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by Chris M (Post 334223)
I won't be voting for him again. I've never voted for a Democrat in my life, but he put me out of work 6 weeks ago because I wasn't essential enough and no income since. I work outside and there's no reason for making it illegal for me to work. This is the opposite of what America is about.

Politicians shouldn't be making these sort of decisions on who wins and who loses. They're just not smart or honest enough and the damage he's done to my family is significant, with no end in sight.

Really? You work outside and you aren't allowed to work?

ishoot308 05-07-2020 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Chris M (Post 334223)
I won't be voting for him again. I've never voted for a Democrat in my life, but he put me out of work 6 weeks ago because I wasn't essential enough and no income since. I work outside and there's no reason for making it illegal for me to work. This is the opposite of what America is about.

Politicians shouldn't be making these sort of decisions on who wins and who loses. They're just not smart or honest enough and the damage he's done to my family is significant, with no end in sight.

I’m sorry for what has occurred to you and your family but take a look at the Democratic run states and tell me you would of been better off...NOT!

If you don’t mind me asking what kind of work do you do?


fatlazyless 07-30-2020 12:16 PM

Laconia police chief says is best to cancel bike week
Article in today's July 30, Union Leader on Laconia Police Chief Matt Canfield wanting to cancel bike week, scheduled for the last week in August.

Similar to Gov Sununu taking responsibility to do what's best to protect the State of NH from the pandemic, the Laconia police chief has the same responsibility to do what's best to protect the City of Laconia and his police force from the pandemic.

Canceling bike week seems like a no-brainer to me what with the health risk involved here, especially for the police officers who get to police the bike week crowds of motorcycle visitors.

Riding a motorcycle is probably a lot of fun and a big rush while at the same time is 28-times more likely to involve a fatality than driving a car. So, people who ride bikes are similarly more likely to not take wearing masks or social distancing too seriously while attending bike week.

To beat this pandemic, the NH public safety needs to attack it with a serious public approach and cancel bike week.

"Yes, the Coronavirus Is in the Air", opinion article, NY Times, July 30, 2020 ..... from droplets and mist from people's breath .... "just like the smoke from a cigarette ........ avoid crowds ......... ventilation counts"

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