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upthesaukee 05-04-2020 08:15 AM

Hummingbirds 2020
Time for the hummingbird report, 2020 edition.

I put out my feeder on Saturday May 2nd, and we had the first visitor this morning (at last the first one we've seen.).

It flew around the feeder, looking at each feeding station, without drinking anything. Then it moved between the feeder and the 3' x 5' sliding glass window and did her hummingbird dance, swinging left and right while looking in the window. It flew off but came back in about 5 mins.

I'll try to get a picture.


Hillcountry 05-04-2020 10:02 AM

Glad to see some signs of warmer weather! Haven’t put ours out yet but will this week. That said, the Tree Swallows that nest in our “bluebird”boxes are back and we’re exhibiting mating behavior above our property during yesterday’s lovely warmth! The bluebirds sometimes appear but are quickly evicted by the swallows! At any rate it’s nice to see them!

upthesaukee 05-04-2020 10:41 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Finally goit a picture. Every time I tried to get up to get a good picture, I spooked it. So, I started seated and waited for the head to pop up. Got it.


hilltopper 05-04-2020 11:24 AM

Not quite yet...
I've had one of my feeders out for a week but have yet to see one. Soon!!

hilltopper 05-06-2020 08:56 AM

Saw the first hummingbird of the year at the feeder 5 minutes ago. It's still sitting there feeding.

Barney Bear 05-06-2020 09:53 AM

We're Back
Probably very hungry after such a long journey. Fill 're up!!! 🐻

garysanfran 05-06-2020 11:14 AM

Humming close to home
1 Attachment(s)
This one got close to me and I thought it was a bee...

Pathfinder 05-09-2020 01:55 PM

Heavy feeder activity today
Very busy today at our Wolfeboro hummingbird feeder.
We've had a group of bluebirds show up every winter for the past few years, usually @ 6 or 7 of them, starting around February. I put out dried meal worms for them every day (or as we like to call it, "bird crack"} They hang around for months, and I go through about a cup of meal worms a day until the feeders come down around April 1st (a bit later this year). Late in the season this year, they had to work around a very territorial robin. Interesting to see the "pecking order" play out.

hilltopper 05-13-2020 08:19 AM

Saw the first on May 6th. Saw a couple more on May 8th. Since then, nothing. I hope they didn't head south again after this weekend's miserable weather. Can't say I'd blame them... This has NOT been a warm Spring!

upthesaukee 05-13-2020 08:23 AM

At least two here
Hillcountry, we have at least two coming to our feeder, both males trying to stake out their territory. We think we've seen at least one female.

One at the feeder right now.


jeffk 05-14-2020 04:29 AM

One showed up at our feeder on Tuesday, the 12th. Back again on Wednesday.

About a week later than last year and 4 days later than 2018.

Merrymeeting 06-16-2020 09:03 AM

Had lots of activity at my feeders for several weeks. Then about a week ago, it all seemed to stop. I was thinking there was something wrong with my mix until a neighbor mentioned that she was experiencing the same.

Perhaps because there are so many flowers in bloom that are a better alternative than the feeders?

upthesaukee 06-16-2020 09:47 AM

Still good activity
Merrymeeting, when our azaleas and rhododendrons were in bloom, we had a slight decrease in "seatings" at the feeder. Both bushes are within 10 ft of the feeder. In addition, there is a window box with geraniums in bloom.

Our discriminating guests not only dine "au natural", they continued to fly up for a drink at the feeder. Now that the only good source of natural food is the window box flowers, the birds are busy at the feeder again.

Busy, busy, busy a half mile above Alton Bay.


Barney Bear 06-16-2020 10:47 AM

Drinks Are On Us
We did not open our place on East Bear Island until Monday, June 8th. I thought that we were too late in the season to have our regular visitors. However, the feeders were installed that day, and the next morning we were pleased to see several customers belly up to the bar. They return daily for their sweet treat. 🐻

Biggd 06-16-2020 11:31 AM

I use to hang our feeder right in front of the house over hanging the outdoor patio and we had a few that we would watch as they were real close to us when we were sitting outside.
So I figured if I hung it away from us on the shed we would get more but we actually see less?
I don't know if it's too late to move it back to the house? :confused:

jbolty 06-16-2020 11:58 AM

Found a dead humming bird in my yard a couple days ago. Did not seem to have a mark on it but it had a bee impaled on the end of its beak. Weird.

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