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Garcia 05-26-2020 08:14 AM

4x4 dock post bumpers
Anyone ever seen a bumper that slides over a 4x4 dock post? I have seen them for round metal posts but not for the wooden posts that are so common on the lake. Any leads would be appreciated.

codeman671 05-26-2020 08:27 AM

Never, just ones that face mount.

A lot of dock posts are 4x6". The typical 6x40' crank up dock seen all over the lake use 4x6".

Garcia 05-26-2020 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by Top-Water (Post 335392)
Would this work?

A little different than what you asked.

Not quite - thanks!

WJT2 05-26-2020 10:37 AM

Post Bumpers
We always used old fire hose. Nailed to outside of post with ringed roofing nails. Worked very well for many many years. Firehouses are dated and must be replaced at intervals stated by fire safety codes. Go to your local FD and ask for a roll of old unusable fire hose.

Garcia 05-26-2020 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by Top-Water (Post 335402)
I'm not really sure what your trying to do. So I'm guessing. A little hard when your using lumber sizes that for lack of a better term are not real numbers. I 'm guessing your looking for some thing that is extruded with about a 3 and 1/2 - 5/8 ths inches square inside dimensions to fit over your posts to dress them up a bit.

Could you use marine "bunk" carpet to go around them. Just suggestions.

Correct, the posts are PT 4X4's which are really 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 (or so). Something like this:

I see different things for round posts but not square ones. Maybe nothing exists.

Descant 05-26-2020 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by WJT2 (Post 335404)
We always used old fire hose. Nailed to outside of post with ringed roofing nails. Worked very well for many many years. Firehouses are dated and must be replaced at intervals stated by fire safety codes. Go to your local FD and ask for a roll of old unusable fire hose.

Haven't see fire hose in years. Nailed flat to a post, it's OK for a couple of years until it wears away and l that is left is nail heads. I've also seen it folded and nailed to a horizontal dock beam so it sticks out and has some flex. Again, probably OK for a couple of years, then it hardens and is scaly, ruins gelcoat.

Garcia 05-26-2020 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Top-Water (Post 335402)
I'm not really sure what your trying to do. So I'm guessing. A little hard when your using lumber sizes that for lack of a better term are not real numbers. I 'm guessing your looking for some thing that is extruded with about a 3 and 1/2 - 5/8 ths inches square inside dimensions to fit over your posts to dress them up a bit.

Could you use marine "bunk" carpet to go around them. Just suggestions.

Sorry I forgot to add, yes, i am looking to dress the posts up a bit, have the bumpers stay in place (lots of boats going in and out with regular, but not too bad, wave action), and I want them to be easily removable as it is easier to put the dock in and take it out if there is nothing on the posts.

camp guy 05-27-2020 08:29 AM

Dock bumpers
Sounds like a perfect opportunity for FLL to adapt noodles to fit your need.

ApS 05-27-2020 11:44 AM

eBay Picture Doesn't Copy...
Different, but this looks like it would work. It's pictured 7 times sliding down on 4x4 wood dock posts, so it's even moveable:

Portable Boat Bumper Dock Cushion Protector Fender

$64.00 · eBay - whiskeycreektrading
+$6.15 tax and $18.00 shipping

WJT2 05-27-2020 07:24 PM

Fire Hose
If you know how to do it they will last for years and years and then get some new/old fire hose.

NH.Solar 05-28-2020 10:09 AM

old firehose
Gotta agree with the others, check with a local fire department and see if you can get some discard fire hose, the cloth coating makes it a great post guard. Plus it you can get a large enough diameter it can slid up and down on the post as your rub rail moves and really cut back on friction. It's no substitute for good bumpers tied fore and aft to your boat's cleats, but it sure is a good compliment

jeffk 05-29-2020 04:20 AM

Years ago I took a 2x4 and cut a notch to fit over the dock post support. I attached a bumper strip to other side. Then I drilled through the dock post into the 2x4 and attached with a galvanized 1/4 x 4 1/2 inch lag bolt. One toward the top, one toward the bottom.

On the sides where the pieces met, I marked (waterproof marker) a number on the post and 2x4 so when I put them together every year the bolt holes were always lined up. With a powered drill I would drive the bolt through the top hole of the post until it just started to stick out the other side. I would line up the hole in the 2x4 and then finish driving the bolt. The bottom hole lined up automatically.

After many years of use, 15+, the bolt holes got a little loose and I replaced the 1/4 inch bolts with 3/8.

It took about 2 minutes to attach each bumper and 30 seconds to remove them. The system lasted over 20 years and was still OK when I sold the house.

ApS 05-29-2020 05:23 AM

Dock Spiders Love Firehose...

Originally Posted by Garcia (Post 335405)
Correct, the posts are PT 4X4's which are really 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 (or so). Something like this:

I see different things for round posts but not square ones. Maybe nothing exists.

My post #11 has a different "whiskeycreek" dock fender, sold at eBay: Expensive, but it's perfectly designed for a 4x4.

Available for a reasonable price and cut to size, I also have maybe 30-feet of firehose in Wolfeboro. It measures (flat) about 8-inches across. The outer (canvas) layer may fit over a 4x4.

Another firehose, about 3-inches across, I'll have to bring up next season.

ApS 06-20-2020 08:22 PM

4x4 Fender...
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Garcia (Post 335391)
Anyone ever seen a bumper that slides over a 4x4 dock post? I have seen them for round metal posts but not for the wooden posts that are so common on the lake. Any leads would be appreciated.

Perfect Fix...!

sluggo 06-22-2020 04:09 PM

I have those in stock.. center harbor dock and pier 603 253 4000

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