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webmaster 04-30-2021 09:16 AM

Cruise News
U.S. Mailboat Sophie C. Returns to Lake Winnipesaukee

Mount Washington Cruises Expands Its Fleet

winniwannabe 04-30-2021 09:33 AM

Winnipesaukee Spirit
Thank you webmaster for posting this new information and addition to the Fleet. Can't wait to experience this cruise.:)
Any idea where she'll make her home port?

joey2665 04-30-2021 10:06 AM

Congratulations on the addition of the Winnipesaukee Spirit and great news that the Sophie C is back in service!!!!!!

Winilyme 04-30-2021 11:39 AM

Maybe a strategy shift. I'm wondering if this will result in reduced sailings of the Mount. I've been looking forward to restoration of their full pre-pandemic schedule though more often than not, in years past, it hasn't looked like there's much of a crowd aboard. I could see reduced use of the Mount in favor of smaller vessels catering to more targeted groups; those interested in private events. Not that I would want that since I love seeing the Mount cruise by; but I wonder how many tickets you need to sell to break even on a 2.5 hour cruise.

TiltonBB 04-30-2021 04:55 PM

The new vessel is currently at Great Bay Marine in Newington. Because of the height and beam some disassembly is necessary to enable over the road travel. It will be put back together when it gets to the lake.

It will be transported to the lake by Miles Marine in the next couple of weeks. It is big, but not quite as big as the last two they transported.

NHskier 04-30-2021 08:38 PM

Hopefully we'll get word on the travel day as it would be wicked cool to see that! Any word on where it will be launched?

TiltonBB 04-30-2021 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by NHskier (Post 354545)
Hopefully we'll get word on the travel day as it would be wicked cool to see that! Any word on where it will be launched?

The last two "big ones" were launched by crane at Silver Sands marina. The travel lifts on the lake do not have the capacity for the larger boats.

Jersey Bob 04-30-2021 10:24 PM

Sophie C
I think it was back in 2016 my wife and I were on the Sophie C for the afternoon mail run.
We met a couple on the boat. The woman was convinced the people on the islands coming down for their mail were actors and didn’t really live on the islands. I couldn’t convince her otherwise. I think the postal worker (sorry, her name escapes me right now) finally convinced her it wasn’t an act for the benefit of the tourists.
Glad to hear she’ll be back in action.

thinkxingu 05-01-2021 04:28 AM

Anybody know if this has anything to do with The Dive being pulled from the Weirs docks (in favor of the "new Mount")?

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jeffk 05-01-2021 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by Jersey Bob (Post 354547)
I think it was back in 2016 my wife and I were on the Sophie C for the afternoon mail run.
We met a couple on the boat. The woman was convinced the people on the islands coming down for their mail were actors and didn’t really live on the islands. I couldn’t convince her otherwise. I think the postal worker (sorry, her name escapes me right now) finally convinced her it wasn’t an act for the benefit of the tourists.
Glad to hear she’ll be back in action.

It's hilarious that the woman thought that Winnipesaukee was a "Disneyland Park" for her entertainment and that the Sophie C was essentially an amusement ride. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Charlie T 05-01-2021 07:10 AM

Needless speculation

Originally Posted by thinkxingu (Post 354549)
Anybody know if this has anything to do with The Dive being pulled from the Weirs docks (in favor of the "new Mount")?

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Why would you start a rumor such as this? No basis in fact and totally uncalled for.

The Cruise NH company has been a good neighbor and an asset to the lake for decades, there is no reason to disparage them with uncalled for speculation

thinkxingu 05-01-2021 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by Charlie T (Post 354558)
Why would you start a rumor such as this? No basis in fact and totally uncalled for.

The Cruise NH company has been a good neighbor and an asset to the lake for decades, there is no reason to disparage them with uncalled for speculation

This is no rumor, nor is it disparagement. It's merely a question since The Dive was attempting to work out an agreement for dock space—space right near the original Mt. Washington—that fell through...not long before an "additional" Mt. Washington.

PS For the record, reports suggest that things weren't going smoothly in the first steps with The Dive. From a February LaDaySun:

"Myers told the council in October that there were several issues regarding The Dive’s operations, including the placing of a no-trespassing sign on the city-owned dock, concerns that unattended and untethered propane gas cylinders posed a potential safety hazard, and that trash was being left on a tender for extended periods and not being brought ashore immediately for disposal."

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TheTimeTraveler 05-01-2021 07:52 AM

I'm thinking that the Pandemic may have actually played a large part in the decision for The Dive to cease operations. Docking costs may have also played a part.

2020 was financially difficult for many of these businesses, and I'm confident that start up businesses were adversely affected. I would call The Dive a start up since they began in 2018 or 2019.

fltsimguy 05-01-2021 08:47 AM

Anyone know anything about the history of the vessel? Where it came from? Great to see something new!

TiltonBB 05-01-2021 09:32 AM

Boat Move
The boat came out of New Jersey and was brought by water to Newington.

At this time it looks like it will be transported to the lake on Thursday this week but that could change.

It is going to the Mount Washington yard in Center Harbor where it will be off loaded by crane and launched.

fatlazyless 05-01-2021 10:27 AM

Not much info here ...... formerly named TEAL ..... Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey .... ...... look real close at the photo of this 56' commercial tour boat in the first original post, and you can still almost see the old name TEAL in gold letters on the bow.

So, what was named the TEAL in New Jersey, just south and very, very close to New York City will become the SPIRIT on Lake Winnipesaukee ....... here's to the SPIRIT ...... down the hatch and bottoms up!

It's ........ goodbye New Jersey and New York, Atlantic Ocean harbor waters ......... and hellooooooo to Lake Winnipesaukee, New Hampshire!!! ...... some, a few maybe, but not all are photos of outside or inside the TEAL .... many(?) photos belong to a different boat.

This new 56' Winnipesaukee SPIRIT seems like it is destined to be a huge, happening party cruise boat for the next hundred years, or something! ..... some interior photos?

fltsimguy 05-04-2021 01:03 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Saw this on the Great Bay Marina Instagram page.

fatlazyless 05-04-2021 01:18 PM

You see this photo from Great Bay Marine on the Piscataqua River in Newington NH ...... it says TEAL in gold letters on the bow ..... from NJ-NYC, Atlantic Ocean harbor waters, to Lake Winnipesaukee for the next hundred years if it has an aluminum or steel hull ..... as opposed to a fiberglass hull.

Like why not ..... the 223' MS Mount Washington ... ... was built in 1888 with an 1888 iron hull and is still totally ship-shape, even better than ship-shape with its new 2010-installed, "federal cash for clunkers" diesel engines.

Here's hoping it makes a wicked BIG WAKE out back, when it cruises past Horse Island ..... a big wake is big fun ...... out there on a stand-up paddle board.

Hey there SPIRIT ...... when you cruise past the south side of Horse Island ..... do whatever you can to make a BIG BIG WAKE ....... cheers! ..... :D ... let's see if you can knock me off my stand-up paddle board. I am 69.6 years old, for the record! ... :laugh:

TiltonBB 05-04-2021 05:20 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by NHskier (Post 354545)
Hopefully we'll get word on the travel day as it would be wicked cool to see that! Any word on where it will be launched?

It is all loaded on Miles Marine's trailer. Looks like a good fit!

Thursday still looks like the day it will move but there is a lot of coordination with permits, routes of travel, State Police escorts Etc. The state assigns the routes they will allow it to go.

The plan is to take route 16 to Ossipee and then come in route 25. It looks like the departure from Great Bay, Newington will be about 10 AM and arrival in Center Harbor 2 to 3 PM.

jeffk 05-04-2021 08:27 PM

I try to go to the website and I end up at a place that looks like a search engine for discount cruises of different types. Searching for Mount Washington gives me no useful results.

What's up?

upthesaukee 05-04-2021 08:33 PM

Here's a link

Originally Posted by jeffk (Post 354783)
I try to go to the website and I end up at a place that looks like a search engine for discount cruises of different types. Searching for Mount Washington gives me no useful results.

What's up?

Here's a link:


Bear Guy 05-05-2021 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by upthesaukee (Post 354784)
Here's a link:

Tickets now available. From what I see, Winnipesaukee Spirit will sail from Weirs, starting [edit] June 5 on weekends, daily June 26+ with a schedule like this:
10:00a Brunch
1:00p Lunch
4:00p Cocktails
7:00p Dinner
each a 2 hour cruise, from $40 (plus beverages) to $60 (with dinner, plus beverages)

jeffk 05-05-2021 07:40 AM

Thanks for the links.

I went to the exact same link yesterday and got junk. Clicked on the links in the original post and got junk. Typed in and got junk.

Today it all works properly. No sign of the bogus website I was getting. Weird. :confused:

webmaster 05-05-2021 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by jeffk (Post 354783)
I try to go to the website and I end up at a place that looks like a search engine for discount cruises of different types. Searching for Mount Washington gives me no useful results.

What's up?

It sounds like you may have been infected with a browser hijacker. I've seen it many times.

Malwarebytes has a free tool called AdwCleaner that will scan and usually remove it:

There's also lots of help available through a Google search.

Brower hijackers are usually just adware that doesn't do anything other than redirect you to an ad filled page.

LakeWinniMom 05-05-2021 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by TheTimeTraveler (Post 354561)
I'm thinking that the Pandemic may have actually played a large part in the decision for The Dive to cease operations.

Has the Dive decided to cease operations, I hadn't heard? They have a post on fb as recent as April 16th.

thinkxingu 05-05-2021 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by LakeWinniMom (Post 354822)
Has the Dive decided to cease operations, I hadn't heard? They have a post on fb as recent as April 16th.

I don't believe so—last I read, they were going to be setting up shop somewhere in Paugus Bay.

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persistence 05-05-2021 02:26 PM

Hope they do well. Boston harbor cruises were all but on life support last year.

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LoveLakeLife 05-05-2021 04:15 PM

I think I saw the Dive at a mooring on Paugus Bay this past weekend with a couple of people on it. It was either that or a new houseboat, as the exterior looked different.

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GodSmile 05-06-2021 06:02 AM

While I'm happy they had the financial means to purchase a new vessel, I worry that, as previously speculated, it means the Mount will cruise less in favor of the new boat. While others may disagree, for me cruising the Mount, Sophie or Doris is not just about getting on the lake. I can do that in my own boat. Part of the experience is the history of the vessels, their uniqueness and that they have been part of the fabric of Winnipesaukee for a long time.

As for the Dive, it spent the winter at Fay's being refitted, including what appeared to be welding work on the barge itself. It was relaunched several weeks ago and is still at Fay's with work apparently ongoing.

winni83 05-06-2021 11:55 AM

Status of The Dive ???
What are the plans for The Dive in 2021?

Per the Laconia City Council minutes of February 8, 2021, the lease between the City of Laconia and The Dive was terminated. From the Staff Report:

"After the 2020 season, the City of Laconia and The Dive, LLC have
discussed the long-term viability of the lease agreement into which they entered in June of 2020. After several good faith discussions, the parties have mutually decided that the Agreement did not achieve the intentions or best serve the interests of either party. The parties have therefore agreed to terminate that Agreement. The City of Laconia wishes
The Dive, LLC the best of luck in its future operations."

Slickcraft 05-06-2021 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by GodSmile (Post 354861)
As for the Dive, it spent the winter at Fay's being refitted, including what appeared to be welding work on the barge itself. It was relaunched several weeks ago and is still at Fay's with work apparently ongoing.

Yes the Dive is still at Fay's at the end of a long narrow boardwalk. I go by it going from or to our slip. The lower level door is open. Looks like a long ways to go on refitting.

TiltonBB 05-06-2021 02:35 PM

it is in the water!
3 Attachment(s)
Center Harbor

GodSmile 05-06-2021 03:16 PM

Looks just like 100's of other cruise boats you can find at just about any coastal city in the US. Oh well.

Sue Doe-Nym 05-06-2021 03:49 PM

Sophie C. and Doris E have a history

Originally Posted by GodSmile (Post 354883)
Looks just like 100's of other cruise boats you can find at just about any coastal city in the US. Oh well.

They might look like hundreds of other lake boats, but there are many interesting and fun escapades and stories to be told. Our saga involved the Doris E, which was the venue for our son and daughter-in-law’s rehearsal dinner celebration which we hosted almost 25 years ago: It was a perfect August evening....sunny and warm...and most of the guests were from out of town, and had never experienced a cruise on Lake Winnipesaukee. We all had a great time, and we still reminisce about it from time to time. We really lucked out on the weather because we didn’t really have a decent Plan B.....

fatlazyless 05-06-2021 04:01 PM

....... anchors away .... Winnipesaukee SPIRIT
Clean smooth lines, an all-white hull and upper area, the upper observation deck removed for transport to get re-installed, a displacement hull; this new old 56' cruiser will look very smart gliding along through the bright sparkly blue waters on a sunny day, and make a bright white contrast with the gray clouds and dark waters on a rainy day. At 56' x about 17' or 18'-beam it will glide along smoothly and quietly and fast become a Winnipesaukee fan favorite out on the big lake.

Boats by definition look much better moving along through the water, than sitting on the land while in storage.

Will raise a bottle of 57-cents Clear American Peach Sparkling Water from Walmart, 33.8 fl oz, no bottle deposit in NH, and wave the bottle at the all-white SPIRIT as it glides along, out there, past my dock ...... cheers ... :patriot:

This boat, the Winnipesaukee SPIRIT, is destined to be a big fun favorite for at least the next hundred years. It'll be a great fit! ..... ;)

upthesaukee 05-06-2021 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by GodSmile (Post 354883)
Looks just like 100's of other cruise boats you can find at just about any coastal city in the US. Oh well.

Sorry you don't see the boat and its uniqueness to this lake. It's smaller than the Mount, but will offer twice as many trips per day. See the schedule on Bearguy's post yesterday. 2 hour cruises starting at 10am then 1pm, 4pm, and 7pm.

It's also different from the Sophie C and Doris E..

Looking forward to seeing it on the lake and taking one or more cruises on it.


jeffk 05-07-2021 03:33 AM


Originally Posted by GodSmile (Post 354861)
While I'm happy they had the financial means to purchase a new vessel, I worry that, as previously speculated, it means the Mount will cruise less in favor of the new boat. While others may disagree, for me cruising the Mount, Sophie or Doris is not just about getting on the lake. I can do that in my own boat. Part of the experience is the history of the vessels, their uniqueness and that they have been part of the fabric of Winnipesaukee for a long time. ...

While I appreciate the sentiment, all history has a beginning. Our grandkids, at our age, will reflect back fondly at cruises on the "Spirit".

thinkxingu 05-07-2021 03:44 AM

I'll wait until I see it in person to make a final judgment, but my initial thoughts are in agreement with Godsmile—I just booked a few boating excursions in Tampa for Christmas break, and almost every offering was essentially the same style boat to the point that it felt like when I drive to a resort area and find Applebee's, Chili's, and a bunch of other criminally horrible chain restaurants.

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Biggd 05-07-2021 06:57 AM

Where will it be based out of?

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Winilyme 05-07-2021 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by thinkxingu (Post 354905)
I'll wait until I see it in person to make a final judgment, but my initial thoughts are in agreement with Godsmile—I just booked a few boating excursions in Tampa for Christmas break, and almost every offering was essentially the same style boat to the point that it felt like when I drive to a resort area and find Applebee's, Chili's, and a bunch of other criminally horrible chain restaurants.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Winnipesaukee Forum mobile app

Really? We're worried about style when we've got the Dive plying our waters? The fleet addition signals confidence in the region's economy and the willingness to invest in it. That's it.

thinkxingu 05-07-2021 09:47 AM


Originally Posted by Winilyme (Post 354915)
Really? We're worried about style when we've got the Dive plying our waters? The fleet addition signals confidence in the region's economy and the willingness to invest in it. That's it.

I have been equally critical—nay, more so—of The Dive. They are not mutually exclusive.

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fatlazyless 05-07-2021 09:59 AM

Water skiing out back behind this new Winnipesaukee Spirit lunch cruise will be available at no additional charge as it moves along at 18-knots travelling around Mark, Mink, and Timber Islands!

Just try water skiing out behind The Dive and you'll never get up on even two skis ..... it just goes too slow at 2-mph! ...... :laugh: ..... almost the right speed for trolling for lake trout ...... so's maybe The Dive could become a 2-mph charter fishing and drinking booze-cruise while trolling for trout .... :laugh: ..... and get hooked on The Dive ...... cheers!

GodSmile 05-07-2021 10:59 AM

Winnipesaukee Spirit
My original point from another angle. If the addition of the Spirit is accretive to overall ticket sales then I think it's great. If however it merely dilutes ticket sales on the other three vessels, I don't think it bodes well. I completely understand (and respect) the other points of view that have been made.

AC2717 05-07-2021 12:32 PM

I Think with the Spirit could start the end for the Mount, or just have it for large gatherings and celebrations.

Also I wonder If the Spirit could fit under the Channel Bridge once put back together

ApS 05-07-2021 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by GodSmile (Post 354883)
Looks just like 100's of other cruise boats you can find at just about any coastal city in the US. Oh well.

It looks more like canal tour-boats of Europe, just not as fancy.

For stability, I hope they add lots of swim noodles along each side.

Descant 05-07-2021 01:41 PM

New niche
I see the Spirit fitting a niche that really isn't heavily served right now. As the smallest boat in their fleet, she'll be able to operate out of places presently not served meal/dinner cruises, e.g. Alton Bay, Meredith and Center Harbor events. I don't know how much the Winni Belle does in Wolfeboro. The Dive wanted to do some of this business, (events) but never had a good homeport or the ability to move around the lake.
I remember some good dinner cruises on the Aishling, a 54' Burger, but she too had little in the way of a good homeport. She also had a capacity of only 45 guests.
Capt Morash and his team showed some good flexibility and initiative in making the Mount a "restaurant" last year instead of an amusement ride, and covered their bases well during the pandemic. I have every confidence the Spirit will do well, and I highly doubt she will reduce anything the Mount Washington does.

Maybe it's time for another Forum Fest?

Lake Fan 05-09-2021 08:41 AM

I took a boat ride up to Center Harbor yesterday. It was pretty cool seeing The Mount, Sophie, and The Spirit all in one place. Looking foward to seeing them all out on the lake this summer full of happy people!

Garcia 05-09-2021 09:10 AM

Sophie C out Saturday?
Could swear i saw the Sophie cruise by Bear Island yesterday. Sound right? Or was it the Doris? I saw it at a distance.

Scott 05-09-2021 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by AC2717 (Post 354929)
I Think with the Spirit could start the end for the Mount, or just have it for large gatherings and celebrations.

Also I wonder If the Spirit could fit under the Channel Bridge once put back together

Yeah, it's a little troubling that the mounts website still doesn't have a single thing scheduled for the mount all summer. No mentions of all the theme cruises. No mentions of "coming soon..."

Pine Island Guy 05-10-2021 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by Garcia (Post 355028)
Could swear i saw the Sophie cruise by Bear Island yesterday. Sound right? Or was it the Doris? I saw it at a distance.

It was the Sophie C, looking good to be back on her usual route!!


TiltonBB 05-10-2021 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by Scott (Post 355039)
Yeah, it's a little troubling that the mounts website still doesn't have a single thing scheduled for the mount all summer. No mentions of all the theme cruises. No mentions of "coming soon..."

Rumor (Not confirmed) is the Mount has a lot of delayed maintenance needed and will have to come out of the water soon. That may explain the purchase of a smaller vessel to keep the cash flow coming in, although it may appeal to a different clientele.

Times have changed. The large bus tours with 55 to 60 seniors aboard did not happen last year. They may not happen this year either.

I remember in the 70's and 80's seeing the Mount go by. The passengers were stacked two deep at the rail and the boat looked crowded. The last few years the small amount of passengers has made the boat look almost empty. The cash flow has to have dropped significantly.

fatlazyless 05-11-2021 05:56 AM

For the last ten-plus years, business has been very good for the Mount, looking at all the passengers on the big boat as it glides past Horse Island. They do weddings, private parties, business meeting plus the individual/family passengers and its a busy boat with a lot of different people on board.

In the fall there's the leaf peeper tour buses from all over the north east who go from bus to boat for a ride around the big lake.

With the good-riddance demise of the pandemic, business will definitely be picking up. Quietly and smoothly, it moves along at about 15-20-knots.

If anything, bringing this new Winnipesaukee Spirit on board is a sign of a very
strong business looking to expand what it already does very well. ..... :patriot:

erick26 05-16-2021 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by TiltonBB (Post 355106)
Rumor (Not confirmed) is the Mount has a lot of delayed maintenance needed and will have to come out of the water soon. That may explain the purchase of a smaller vessel to keep the cash flow coming in, although it may appeal to a different clientele.

Times have changed. The large bus tours with 55 to 60 seniors aboard did not happen last year. They may not happen this year either.

I remember in the 70's and 80's seeing the Mount go by. The passengers were stacked two deep at the rail and the boat looked crowded. The last few years the small amount of passengers has made the boat look almost empty. The cash flow has to have dropped significantly.

Heard the same “rumor” yesterday from a well informed local on the Mount maintenance. Was curious why it was still in CH. On a side note launched a JetSki yesterday from CH and there are a ton of loose boards from a broken dock or structure floating in the water that look like they are about to separate and float away. Not sure who to contact about that before they make their way in to CH bay?

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Descant 05-16-2021 02:19 PM

Call Marine Patrol they take care of hazards to navigation. 293-2037.

TiltonBB 05-25-2021 05:38 AM

Maybe this year
The story says the maintenance to the Mount is being done and it needs new propellers. They have to haul it for the Prop installation and hope to get it into service this summer.

Bear Guy 05-25-2021 06:26 AM


Originally Posted by TiltonBB (Post 356003)

That story also ends by noting the Doris E will be prepared after the Winni Spirit and Mount Washington work are complete.
Sounds like addition of the Spirit brings the operating cruise fleet to two, at least for the early part of the season.

Descant 05-25-2021 03:26 PM

I hope somebody post pix, better yet, video, of the propeller replacement

chachee52 05-29-2021 08:21 AM

Anyone know if the Mount is in Dry Dock yet? My kid wants to yell Mount-by-One when it goes by, but I told him it wasn't cruising yet and he was all sad. Seeing it's going to be rainy tomorrow, thought it might be a nice way to get him out for a bit and go see it.

Newbiesaukee 05-29-2021 09:42 AM

Still in CH 4 days ago.

erick26 05-30-2021 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by chachee52 (Post 356218)
Anyone know if the Mount is in Dry Dock yet? My kid wants to yell Mount-by-One when it goes by, but I told him it wasn't cruising yet and he was all sad. Seeing it's going to be rainy tomorrow, thought it might be a nice way to get him out for a bit and go see it.

Still in CH as of this weekend. Did you read the article someone posted above on repairs ? Here it is -

chachee52 05-30-2021 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by erick26 (Post 356301)
Still in CH as of this weekend. Did you read the article someone posted above on repairs ? Here it is -

Yes, I saw the article. I guess I assumed the hull inspection and changing he propeller were going to be done in dry dock, that's why I asked if it was in dry dock yet.
Anyway, My and my son drove over to see it this afternoon and still in the water, but he was excited to see it and see the new Spirit.

persistence 06-05-2021 06:40 AM

Post some pics if she’s out. For kids and adults lol. Who love boating it’s so cool to see a boat this size out of the water.

I hope they have a great season! I can say the Boston cruise companies were in rough shape last year. I’ve worked on some Thru college years and got my license before graduating. Used to Capt the spirit and odyssey.

It was a fun job especially in the summers. Made a lot of life long friends and a ton of experience.

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tummyman 06-05-2021 07:40 AM

It was moved onto the dry dock Wednesday June 2nd, with the process starting at 6AM according to dock workers there.

winniwannabe 06-05-2021 07:55 AM

My son and his girlfriend were up in CH and sent pix. He was blown away by the size of it out of the water. Also took a pic of the Doris E in dry dock too.
I'd try to send them but don't know how to do that. Oh has passed me by. He dalso sent a pic of the Winnipesaukee Spirit too. Looks like that'll be a bucket list item soon.

webmaster 06-05-2021 09:30 AM

This old article has pictures and information about the Mount in drydock:

TiltonBB 06-22-2021 07:49 AM

1 Attachment(s)
It cleaned up nicely.

winniwannabe 07-05-2021 08:02 AM

Does anyone know whether the Winnipesaukee Spirit has been christened and launched? I"ll be up there in a couple of weeks and would like to take a look and possibly a trip on her. The Mt. Washington website doesn't have an awful lot of information. Thanks in advance for any info!:patriot:

joey2665 07-05-2021 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by winniwannabe (Post 358026)
Does anyone know whether the Winnipesaukee Spirit has been christened and launched? I"ll be up there in a couple of weeks and would like to take a look and possibly a trip on her. The Mt. Washington website doesn't have an awful lot of information. Thanks in advance for any info!:patriot:

It’s docked at the pier and goes out on a daily schedule

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