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smith point boater 01-23-2022 08:20 AM

Is anyone following this nonsense about NH seceding from the US? How do people like this get elected and actually get a proposal to the point of getting on the legislative agenda? (LDS article on Saturday 1/22).

I'm sure some will think this is good but REALLY!! - think it thru from money, to infrastructure to support - property values, taxes etc

chachee52 01-23-2022 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by smith point boater (Post 366467)
Is anyone following this nonsense about NH seceding from the US? How do people like this get elected and actually get a proposal to the point of getting on the legislative agenda? (LDS article on Saturday 1/22).

I'm sure some will think this is good but REALLY!! - think it thru from money, to infrastructure to support - property values, taxes etc

It happens throughout the country for years now. From my understanding people with the Sovereign Nation group (or something like that) have been doing this all over the place. I know the same happened in CT and Maine in the past for name a couple of states. Also heard CT was trying to get rid of Day Light Savings, Cause that one state makes sense to do that.

ITD 01-23-2022 08:32 AM

Our crackerjack press is so busy making things up that they missed these people wanted to do this during their campaigns. This will go nowhere, and these clowns will get re elected because voters don't pay attention.

winterh 01-23-2022 08:55 AM

The driving force behind this is "The free state project" For those unfamiliar with it, about 20 years ago someone came up with the idea of finding a state where libertarian minded people could all move to. Several states were considered with the main criteria being it needed to be a small enough state that 10 or 20,000 people could make a difference and it needed to have a general ethos of liberty. People signed up online and agreed to move to whatever state was chosen. When it reached critical mass (I think 10,000 signers) they voted on which state. NH was the winner!
The movement has grown and it has brought many liberty minded types to our state. Like anything else some on the fringes are a bit extreme but overall they have had a positive effect on our state and are an antidote to the nanny state leftists who never stop moving us in the other direction.
This law is obviously a bit crazy and will never happen but it does make a statement that there are still some people who value smaller government and freedom. As someone who follows this movement I can tell you it is great advertising. The more people who are fed up with the direction our country is going in and and want to live free the better.

Kamper 01-23-2022 09:13 AM

The costs of secession outweigh any benefits.

I don't want to need to show my passport or get a visa to visit my out of state friends and relatives. Many people I know get medical care in neighboring states. During pandemics and other crises these services may become inaccessible.

Where would we get disaster assistance? Foreign aid is seldom as generous as what the USA provides domestically. Definitely a valuable return on my investment of taxes.

Our import/export facilities are insufficient to handle our trade. We would become dependent on foreign countries for port access. We do not have the resources to protect our citizens and assets during unrest or acts of piracy.

I'm sure there are hundreds of pro's and cons but I'll stop with these few.

upthesaukee 01-23-2022 09:16 AM

Dumb idea.
Totally dumb idea: So NH secedes:

1. Border security ?
2. Currency?
3. Visas to go to MA, ME, VT?
4. Education aid?
5. Form of government? (Will these folks continue to serve in the legislature for $100 annually? )
6. Infrastructure?
And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Hopefully come election time, citizens will eliminate this craziness.
End of Rant! (And I actually took many deep breaths. )


8gv 01-23-2022 10:01 AM

Wait a minute...

If Nh and the USA got a divorce, wouldn't NH have to give up half of its stuff?

I'll pass!

lagoon 01-23-2022 10:24 AM

It will not happen. There are crazy folks all over the spectrum who scream and holler for their myopic point of view. It does seem as if the press, (who take themselves way too seriously), love to stir the pot and "report" or "create" news to keep themselves indispensable and the traffic cops of this country.

FlyingScot 01-23-2022 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by winterh (Post 366471)
but it does make a statement that there are still some people who value smaller government and freedom. As someone who follows this movement I can tell you it is great advertising. The more people who are fed up with the direction our country is going in and and want to live free the better.

Great advertising? Some would call it treason. It's definitely unpatriotic--the very definition of un-American.

NH.Solar 01-23-2022 11:19 AM

The Town of Grafton went down the free state/minimal services route over the past few decades and it was disasterous. I mentioned this in another post but again there is an excellent book written about the story called "A Libertarian Walks Into a Bear". The writer was a reporter at the time and became fascinated by the story and began to assemble his facts to write the book and his writing style is entertaining and often quite humorous. It's a great read.

Descant 01-23-2022 12:42 PM

Devil's Advocate
I agree that secession is not a good plan, but there have been advocates for many decades, probably since we agreed to the USA Constitution and they voted "No". Historically, NH sends more money to DC than we get back, largely because we have fewer welfare expenses than other states. So we pay for all those benefits in other states. Like other successful small, independent states (Iceland, 370K, Monaco, 40K, Lichtenstein, 40K) we would not have to support a military. Friends in Europe tell us that when they're traveling or need non-local medical care, they go where they need to go and the bill is paid under reciprocity. A few years ago, there was a movement for Killington to secede from VT. That would have been a great time for NH to annex it and build a casino. We could also annex (small incursion according to our president) Kittery and settle the question of where the shipyard really is. Border crossings? There are currently no restrictions coming to/from Mexico. Why should MA, VT, ME, CN be any different?
Have another beer, have some fun with this nonsense and ease up.

FlyingScot 01-23-2022 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by Descant (Post 366479)
I agree that secession is not a good plan, but there have been advocates for many decades, probably since we agreed to the USA Constitution and they voted "No". Historically, NH sends more money to DC than we get back, largely because we have fewer welfare expenses than other states. So we pay for all those benefits in other states. Like other successful small, independent states (Iceland, 370K, Monaco, 40K, Lichtenstein, 40K) we would not have to support a military. Friends in Europe tell us that when they're traveling or need non-local medical care, they go where they need to go and the bill is paid under reciprocity. A few years ago, there was a movement for Killington to secede from VT. That would have been a great time for NH to annex it and build a casino. We could also annex (small incursion according to our president) Kittery and settle the question of where the shipyard really is. Border crossings? There are currently no restrictions coming to/from Mexico. Why should MA, VT, ME, CN be any different?
Have another beer, have some fun with this nonsense and ease up.

I'm eased:) But did you just justify the thinking of extremist right wing politics, and then advocate demilitarization and nationalized healthcare in the next sentences? If yes, I salute you for being the most free-ranging thinker on the forum (seriously)

Descant 01-23-2022 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by FlyingScot (Post 366480)
I'm eased:) But did you just justify the thinking of extremist right wing politics, and then advocate demilitarization and nationalized healthcare in the next sentences? If yes, I salute you for being the most free-ranging thinker on the forum (seriously)

Recall, the thread's subject is "Nonsense". Just pointing out what happens in other places.

John Mercier 01-23-2022 04:14 PM

Here, it would be very quick.

There would be a run on the banks... because FDIC does not cover foreign banks. There would be an immediate recall of all FHA/VA and similar backed-mortgages... because they don't cover foreign properties; and the foreclosure timeline is fairly long.

The hospitals would refuse to take Medicare patients, because your Medicare does not cover hospitals in foreign institutions... and the remittance of reimbursement from the federal government takes months... so they wouldn't support risk; especially private doctors.

After that it would just cascade...

Descant 01-23-2022 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by John Mercier (Post 366487)
Here, it would be very quick.

There would be a run on the banks... because FDIC does not cover foreign banks. There would be an immediate recall of all FHA/VA and similar backed-mortgages... because they don't cover foreign properties; and the foreclosure timeline is fairly long.

The hospitals would refuse to take Medicare patients, because your Medicare does not cover hospitals in foreign institutions... and the remittance of reimbursement from the federal government takes months... so they wouldn't support risk; especially private doctors.

After that it would just cascade...

Think it through, John. They'll nationalize the banks like Dom Mintoff did in the 50's (Malta, population ~500K) and the VA, FHA, etc. can't foreclose in a foreign country where they have no authority. Don't worry about currency--Bitcoin is here.

phoenix 01-23-2022 05:37 PM

as Shakespeare said " full of sound and fury signifying nothing "

Bear Islander 01-23-2022 07:56 PM

Will the Federal Government allow states to secede from the union?

Has any state or group of states tried to do that? How did it turn out?

Would the Federal Government go to war to prevent a state from seceding? Didn't that happen once?

John Mercier 01-23-2022 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Descant (Post 366489)
Think it through, John. They'll nationalize the banks like Dom Mintoff did in the 50's (Malta, population ~500K) and the VA, FHA, etc. can't foreclose in a foreign country where they have no authority. Don't worry about currency--Bitcoin is here.

NH can ''nationalize'' the banks all they want, but there will be no funds in them. And they can foreclose is a foreign country as NH will have to accept that along with other changes to be allowed to go peacefully.

John Mercier 01-23-2022 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by Bear Islander (Post 366496)
Will the Federal Government allow states to secede from the union?

Has any state or group of states tried to do that? How did it turn out?

Would the Federal Government go to war to prevent a state from seceding? Didn't that happen once?

It would need to be a brokered deal... but many items will occur long before the actual vote by the public took place.
I, for one, would not leave my money in bank that MAY lose FDIC when other options exist.

I would not buy a mortgage backed security that MAY be defaulted on.
And if I were a hospital or doctor I would not perform a service on someone that I was sure I would never be paid for.

Federal lands, share of national debt, import/export tariffs... it is a lot more than the simple minds that suggested this can comprehend.

Crusty 01-23-2022 10:15 PM

Reading the comments, I forgot this wasn't Facebook.

Having said that, let me put my oar in.

I see three problems:
1) The US won't permit it.
2) The residents of NH won't permit it.
3) It's totally impractical.

Assuming the Grand Duchy of New Hampshire (it will need a new, pompous name) does secede, the residents will need to decide if they are going to be citizens of the US or GDNH. I'm not sure how many will want to give up their Social Security or Medicare. Even if they remain US citizens, Medicare won't cover you in a foreign country. GDNH will immediately need a steep income tax to replace the revenue they currently get from liquor sales to out-of-state purchasers; Mass residents won't care to get passports and visas to buy cheap liquor when they'll have to declare it at customs and pay the Mass liquor tax on the imports.

Big building boom in Concord, though. Thousands of new government employees to house. Lot's of ambassadors to appoint, a Constitution to devise --or maybe a true democracy, with everyone voting on everything over the Internet.

Will GDNH residents continue to drive on the right side? Perhaps they'll want to change to the left. It would make it easier for people to know when they've crossed the border.

Don't forget a national anthem. The National Guard can serve as the Army and there are lots of planes and pilots that can be drafted. Where's the Navy going to be based? Especially since Maine is not going to stand for being the newest non-contiguous state.

Well this has been a bit of fun. The scary part is that there are people who are actually serious (I assume) about this.

John Mercier 01-23-2022 10:31 PM

If the residents of NH do not permit it... then it is moot.
But the damage to the economy will be done if the Legislature permits it to go forward. Too much risk for depositor and the those I mentioned not to adjust.

You would get SS... they pay that to beneficiaries living overseas.
Not sure how the mail system would work or if you would trust the bank for a direct deposit.

Descant 01-24-2022 10:51 AM

Ministry of truth

Originally Posted by Bear Islander (Post 366496)
Will the Federal Government allow states to secede from the union?

Has any state or group of states tried to do that? How did it turn out?

Would the Federal Government go to war to prevent a state from seceding? Didn't that happen once?

It did not happen. That's why the statues of Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis are being taken down and the history books are being corrected.

FlyingScot 01-24-2022 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Descant (Post 366510)
It did not happen. That's why the statues of Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis are being taken down and the history books are being corrected.

Or maybe it was the creation of the statues of Lee, Davis, and others that was erasing history? Citizens erected statues of traitors to the United States. Who does that? I keep looking for the Benedict Arnold statues, I can never find any:eek:

codeman671 01-24-2022 02:06 PM

I can't believe this is even being discussed....:rolleye2:

MAXUM 01-24-2022 02:06 PM

Well the theory of doing this has been around for a while, it does come down to what is practical. NH being as small as it is, lacks the ability to really be self sufficient. The local economy is not sufficiently diverse or for that matter plentiful enough hence the reason why this is fundamentally difficult. Now if all the citizens were willing to take the chance and also lifestyle hit then anything is possible. I certainly can relate to the select centralization of power in DC and how obnoxious some of it is.

Now on the flip side, Texas has also a number of times historically tried to do this, and simply put it could very easily be self sufficient. It has a GDP that rivals or exceeds other sovereign countries and really has no need for the Federal Government at all. Some of the challenges apply but if there was anyplace that could do it, I'd say Texas for sure would be well positioned to do so. Whether or not it actually makes sense at least in the case of Texas is more of a philosophical one.

Same can be said for other states as well, however for places like California, the place would for certain be a third world country, run by a crazy loon of a dictator, not that it isn't already.

Descant 01-24-2022 03:39 PM

The boot

Originally Posted by FlyingScot (Post 366516)
Or maybe it was the creation of the statues of Lee, Davis, and others that was erasing history? Citizens erected statues of traitors to the United States. Who does that? I keep looking for the Benedict Arnold statues, I can never find any:eek:

The Boot Monument is an American Revolutionary War memorial located in Saratoga National Historical Park, New York. It commemorates Major General Benedict Arnold's service at the Battles of Saratoga in the Continental Army, but does not name him.

tis 01-24-2022 05:03 PM

If I remember correctly Frye Island in Maine was able to secede from the town. I wonder how they are doing.

FlyingScot 01-24-2022 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by Descant (Post 366519)
The Boot Monument is an American Revolutionary War memorial located in Saratoga National Historical Park, New York. It commemorates Major General Benedict Arnold's service at the Battles of Saratoga in the Continental Army, but does not name him.

Exactly--to those who love the United States, he's an embarrassment

John Mercier 01-24-2022 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by tis (Post 366522)
If I remember correctly Frye Island in Maine was able to secede from the town. I wonder how they are doing.

Ceding from a town or a State had much less a consequence than ceding from the federal government. The Weirs was going to cede from Laconia, but quickly found their real problems were internal and being projected.

John Mercier 01-24-2022 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by MAXUM (Post 366518)
Well the theory of doing this has been around for a while, it does come down to what is practical. NH being as small as it is, lacks the ability to really be self sufficient. The local economy is not sufficiently diverse or for that matter plentiful enough hence the reason why this is fundamentally difficult. Now if all the citizens were willing to take the chance and also lifestyle hit then anything is possible. I certainly can relate to the select centralization of power in DC and how obnoxious some of it is.

Now on the flip side, Texas has also a number of times historically tried to do this, and simply put it could very easily be self sufficient. It has a GDP that rivals or exceeds other sovereign countries and really has no need for the Federal Government at all. Some of the challenges apply but if there was anyplace that could do it, I'd say Texas for sure would be well positioned to do so. Whether or not it actually makes sense at least in the case of Texas is more of a philosophical one.

Same can be said for other states as well, however for places like California, the place would for certain be a third world country, run by a crazy loon of a dictator, not that it isn't already.

So what you are saying is Texans are a bit lazy?

LoveLakeLife 01-24-2022 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by FlyingScot (Post 366516)
Or maybe it was the creation of the statues of Lee, Davis, and others that was erasing history? Citizens erected statues of traitors to the United States. Who does that? I keep looking for the Benedict Arnold statues, I can never find any:eek:

Wasn’t renewed citizenship extended to Lee and Davis after they surrendered? Part of Lincoln’s binding up wounds doctrine? Why wouldn’t statues be erected to great American generals? They didn’t try to overthrow the United States, they tried to secede from it.

Sent from my iPhone using Winnipesaukee Forum mobile app

John Mercier 01-24-2022 10:50 PM

The South attacked the US.
And several of those generals had sworn an oath to the US Constitution while at West Point.

We shouldn't try to rewrite history to make a few States feel better about what happened.

MAXUM 01-25-2022 03:04 AM


Originally Posted by John Mercier (Post 366527)
So what you are saying is Texans are a bit lazy?

Not at all. What I am saying is that Texas is an example of a state that has everything it needs to be independent IF it wanted to do so. NH realistically does not.

codeman671 01-25-2022 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by MAXUM (Post 366533)
Not at all. What I am saying is that Texas is an example of a state that has everything it needs to be independent IF it wanted to do so. NH realistically does not.

Except for the fact that their electrical grid is strung together with bubble gum and duct tape...

Woodsy 01-25-2022 12:27 PM

Exercise in futility
The proposed bill is an exercise in futility... not going to happen. The back and forth discussions are pretty good though!

IMHO, NH might get enough "Free State" types to influence local politics... but that is about it!


MAXUM 01-25-2022 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by codeman671 (Post 366544)
Except for the fact that their electrical grid is strung together with bubble gum and duct tape...

Probably a result of meeting federal standards.... ;)

swnoel 01-25-2022 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by 8gv (Post 366474)
Wait a minute...

If Nh and the USA got a divorce, wouldn't NH have to give up half of its stuff?

I'll pass!

I'd be willing to give up liberals and the democrats if that's included! They can all go and move to great democrats run cities like Chicago, Philadelphia, NYC, Minneapolis, Seattle, LA, and San Fransisco !

Seaplane Pilot 01-25-2022 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by swnoel (Post 366549)
I'd be willing to give up liberals and the democrats if that's included! They can all go and move to great democrats run cities like Chicago, Philadelphia, NYC, Minneapolis, Seattle, LA, and San Fransisco !

Amen to that. And if I have to pay more in taxes to help the cause, I'd step up without complaint.

FlyingScot 01-25-2022 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by LoveLakeLife (Post 366531)
Wasn’t renewed citizenship extended to Lee and Davis after they surrendered? Part of Lincoln’s binding up wounds doctrine? Why wouldn’t statues be erected to great American generals? They didn’t try to overthrow the United States, they tried to secede from it.

Sent from my iPhone using Winnipesaukee Forum mobile app

As John pointed out, they attacked the US--that is treason.

But also perplexed by "great generals". They lost. Are there any other people who started a war, lost, and then were honored as great?

MAXUM 01-25-2022 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by FlyingScot (Post 366553)
As John pointed out, they attacked the US--that is treason.

But also perplexed by "great generals". They lost. Are there any other people who started a war, lost, and then were honored as great?

So I guess then according to your measuring stick there was never a great Native American Indian Chief that ever lived nor should be memorized in any way because after all they started plenty of wars and lost? Huh...

Call it what you will, the battle between the south and the north was not about over throwing the government. The Confederacy sought a peace with the union yet stood firm of its "legitimate" claims to independence, ultimately being pushed into having to defend it. That is a well known fact and is not treason.

Descant 01-25-2022 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by MAXUM (Post 366558)
So I guess then according to your measuring stick there was never a great Native American Indian Chief that ever lived nor should be memorized in any way because after all they started plenty of wars and lost? Huh...

Call it what you will, the battle between the south and the north was not about over throwing the government. The Confederacy sought a peace with the union yet stood firm of its "legitimate" claims to independence, ultimately being pushed into having to defend it. That is a well known fact and is not treason.

Exactly. SC seceded in 1860, followed by other states in 1861. As they formed their new government, they took over various government facilities, mostly peacefully, I believe. No skirmishes like we see in our big cities today. Later in 1861, the north "started" the war when they fired on Fort Sumter.

MAXUM 01-25-2022 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by Descant (Post 366559)
Exactly. SC seceded in 1860, followed by other states in 1861. As they formed their new government, they took over various government facilities, mostly peacefully, I believe. No skirmishes like we see in our big cities today. Later in 1861, the north "started" the war when they fired on Fort Sumter.

Actually, it was the south that fired the first shot on Ft Sumpter.

That said, who fired the first shot isn't what set the whole thing in motion. It was a decision by the federal government to create a policy that directly affected the livelihood of many. At the time this was considered unacceptable by those in the south. I believe to this day slavery was an abomination and needed to be ended. Was fighting a civil war over it the right resolution? Hard to say but history is what it is!

Descant 01-25-2022 04:50 PM

Yeah. I misstated. It's amazing how war has changed from masses of men in open fields to simply blowing things up with airplanes and missiles.

FlyingScot 01-25-2022 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by MAXUM (Post 366561)
Actually, it was the south that fired the first shot on Ft Sumpter.

That said, who fired the first shot isn't what set the whole thing in motion. It was a decision by the federal government to create a policy that directly affected the livelihood of many. At the time this was considered unacceptable by those in the south. I believe to this day slavery was an abomination and needed to be ended. Was fighting a civil war over it the right resolution? Hard to say but history is what it is!

As you point out, it was the South that fired the first shots.

But there was not "a decision by the federal government" to abolish slavery at that point. Certain states announced succession on fear of such a decision, then Lincoln decided to resupply the US fort, and it was this decision (to resupply the fort) that led to the war. The Emancipation Proclamation came several years later.

I agree it's not really fair to Monday Morning Quarterback something like this. But like you, I think slavery was completely reprehensible.

On a personal level--my family goes back hundreds of years in the deep South. I don't think my ancestors owned slaves, but I know they fought for the South in the Civil War. It always puzzles me when people today somehow try to make excuses for the South (not saying you've done this), stuff like "I'm proud of where I come's about tradition...". A person can be grateful to their ancestors and also readily agree that in some ways they were really f'ed up. Imagine a whole society where "livelihood" depended on slaves

John Mercier 01-25-2022 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by MAXUM (Post 366547)
Probably a result of meeting federal standards.... ;)

They chose not to meet federal standards, so it cannot be the result of federal standards.

John Mercier 01-25-2022 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by swnoel (Post 366549)
I'd be willing to give up liberals and the democrats if that's included! They can all go and move to great democrats run cities like Chicago, Philadelphia, NYC, Minneapolis, Seattle, LA, and San Fransisco !

They are two different things.
As I have stated before... conservatives are waste not, want not. Most Republicans cannot meet that standard.

John Mercier 01-25-2022 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by MAXUM (Post 366558)
So I guess then according to your measuring stick there was never a great Native American Indian Chief that ever lived nor should be memorized in any way because after all they started plenty of wars and lost? Huh...

Call it what you will, the battle between the south and the north was not about over throwing the government. The Confederacy sought a peace with the union yet stood firm of its "legitimate" claims to independence, ultimately being pushed into having to defend it. That is a well known fact and is not treason.

Once a military officer swears an oath... that makes it treason.

Loub52 01-25-2022 07:38 PM

This thread is getting to be allot. And not allot relevant to the lakes region.

John Mercier 01-25-2022 07:39 PM

Really? Because the sponsors of the bill are the delegation from the Lakes Region.

Loub52 01-25-2022 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by John Mercier (Post 366578)
Really? Because the sponsors of the bill are the delegation from the Lakes Region.

Quite a stretch.

John Mercier 01-25-2022 08:12 PM

Sponsored by Sylvia, and endorsed in a public letter by Howard.

They lead the delegation, and only hold their leadership seats because the other members supported them for such.

It isn't like we have seen any public letters from the delegation speaking negatively about it.

Loub52 01-25-2022 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by John Mercier (Post 366582)
Sponsored by Sylvia, and endorsed in a public letter by Howard.

They lead the delegation, and only hold their leadership seats because the other members supported them for such.

It isn't like we have seen any public letters from the delegation speaking negatively about it.

Given the lack of a “politics” forum on , I propose some other place for it.

John Mercier 01-25-2022 10:46 PM

I think secession is less about politics... as it really doesn't matter what party proposes it or why... and more about the effects it could have on the local area.

It isn't much different than discussing any other proposal before government.

Fred W 01-26-2022 09:14 AM

Hey we made the Boston globe!

upthesaukee 01-26-2022 09:46 AM

More far reaching

Originally Posted by Fred W (Post 366603)

It's more far reaching than the Boston Globe. They got the report from news:rolleye2:.

garysanfran 01-26-2022 10:15 AM

A slow news day spawns stories like this.

Bear Islander 01-26-2022 10:39 AM

In Texas v. White, the Supreme Court ruled unilateral secession unconstitutional, while commenting consent of the states could lead to a successful secession.

fatlazyless 01-26-2022 11:16 AM

These state reps in the NH legislature have a better chance to re-litigate the July 2, 1832 to August 5, 1835 ..... Republic of Indian Stream ..... make it independent and detached from New Hampshire .... this was somewhere, way-the-heck up north .... oh wait, it already is basically independent and detached from New Hampshire ..... :laugh: ...... ..... and improve the trails, THERE, to make it a snowmobile & atv GO-TO spot ...... just show them that snowmobile & atv money! .... Republic of Indian Stream ...... video .... 4:33

Garcia 01-26-2022 02:15 PM

From the article, "When you hear crazy knocking at the door, you slam it shut".

I wish more people thought this way.

phoenix 01-26-2022 06:19 PM

Once again its going no where but its winter and not a lot to talk about

Crusty 01-26-2022 11:23 PM

You know, after reading this whole thread, I've come to believe that secession would be possible. I mean it's hard to imagine anyone in Washington wanting to keep NH in the union.

John Mercier 01-27-2022 12:59 AM

I don't think they would want to keep us... more we have problems without them.

MAXUM 01-27-2022 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by John Mercier (Post 366570)
Once a military officer swears an oath... that makes it treason.

That's an interesting thing because back in those days the armed forces were much different. Many of the armed forces were decentralized militias that were under local not federal control per say.

Take Robert E Lee for instance, yes he was part of the union army early on in his career, but by the time he had become a confederate general he had tendered his resignation as a union officer and was a private citizen. Therefore, he was under no oath to defend the US Constitution but even if he was, the 13th Amendment that abolished slavery did not come into existence until 1865, the civil war was fought between 1861 and 1865 prior to this being in place.

Keep in mind the oath that all service members take, first and foremost... will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

In the case of this, the battle ensued over something that was not constitutional, therefore it could be argued that under the UCMJ orders to fight over and enforce some idea that had yet to be established could in theory be considered an unlawful order. Even if it comes from the president himself. Although it happens all too often today, the executive branch of government does not have the authority to make laws. While what Lincoln did was a noble cause I don't believe he had the jurisdiction to make the emancipation proclamation binding or federal law. Even at that the war was already well underway when that was put out in 1863.

It's a fascinating piece of history for sure.... and in the end the right thing happened. The means to get there is an unfortunate and disgraceful loss of lives. Hopefully that will never happen again.

Lakegeezer 01-27-2022 01:56 PM

How the South Won the Civil War
Interesting book from a historian of the Civil War. Heather Cox Richardson

In addition to her book, she posts almost daily and frequently draws parallels from the mid 1800's to today.

As I recall from the book, some of Lincoln's urgency was the expansion west and the fight was to ensure new western states didn't adopt slavery. It was a federal vs state's rights issue, drawing some of the parallels with today. Also interesting in her book is the reversal of party positions.

As a purple state, any discussion of NH succeeding is nonsense, as the title of this note states, but it makes for good winter jawboning.

FlyingScot 01-27-2022 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by MAXUM (Post 366642)

In the case of this, the battle ensued over something that was not constitutional, therefore it could be argued that under the UCMJ orders to fight over and enforce some idea that had yet to be established could in theory be considered an unlawful order. Even if it comes from the president himself. Although it happens all too often today, the executive branch of government does not have the authority to make laws. While what Lincoln did was a noble cause I don't believe he had the jurisdiction to make the emancipation proclamation binding or federal law. Even at that the war was already well underway when that was put out in 1863.

The battle did not ensue over slavery, although that undoubtedly was on everybody's mind. The battle ensued over Lincoln's decision to resupply a US fort after the state that the fort was in seceded from the US, I'm sure you'd agree that the states had no right to secede unilaterally, and certainly no right to attack the US army

MAXUM 01-27-2022 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by FlyingScot (Post 366650)
The battle did not ensue over slavery, although that undoubtedly was on everybody's mind. The battle ensued over Lincoln's decision to resupply a US fort after the state that the fort was in seceded from the US, I'm sure you'd agree that the states had no right to secede unilaterally, and certainly no right to attack the US army

No the war didn't start specifically over slavery there were at the time a number of differences between north and south at the time which were creating a significant amount of tension between both regions, state's rights and slavery for sure were first a foremost. Indeed the first battle ensued over the resupply of the fort, however that move at face value was provocative to say the least considering that the north seemed to want to impose their way of thinking on those in the south when at the time there was such a disparity between the two where the north was neck deep in an economy based on industry and manufacturing while the south was mainly farmers. As it is today, those that live in the city, work a professional job or whatever cannot relate to those that ranch or farm for a living and vice versa. There are competing interests now as there was then. Call slavery for instance what you want, at that time, the abolishment of slavery had a direct impact to the farmers in the south who relied heavily on basically free labor and had no appetite for the federal government to come in and tell them what they can or cannot do.

Far as whether I think the states had a right to secede unilaterally, there was and even to this day any specific law that forbids it. The federal government was established not as an overload to the individual states and in fact was at its creation limited in its jurisdiction which remains in effect today all though you'd never know it. This is why the states govern themselves, have their own unique laws, constitutions and in a sense should remain autonomous in that regard. At the federal level - the grand idea was to establish a government that could provide logistics on behalf of the individual states where it made sense to do so, such as a combined effort in providing for national defense, or a centralized money\banking system and court system. That has been so perverted today that at the federal level it has amassed significant control and power over the states far beyond where I think the founding fathers ever imagined was possible.

Finally did the south have a "right" to attack the north? Well consider this, at the time the federal government was to many in the south a tyrannical government and thus yes the constitution protects the ability of the people to defend themselves against that, it's in the second amendment. To some they were heros, to others they were traitors, the only difference as we look back on that today is opinions are forged in whether or not you personally agreed with or not the premise the south had in mind as they revolted. That bias is human nature is it not?

John Mercier 01-27-2022 06:27 PM

That is sort of a rewrite of history. Lee's oath at West Point leading to his commission as an officer would not be the one used today for enlisted volunteers. Lee was indicted for treason by a grand jury. There was debate if his position had resolved oath to allegiance to the US... which today is written into the West Point oath.

Treason is simply defined as providing support or comfort to the enemy. Once they attacked the fort, an act of war, even verbal support was an act of treason.

The Confederate States of America Constitution appeared almost identical to the US Constitution until it reached Article One Section Nine.

As for unilateral secession, the US Constitution specifically places questions of constitutionally under Article Three Section Two... something NH agreed to.

The CACR was not for a unilateral transgression, nor suggested attacking any federal installation in NH or even any violent action. The lessons of history were taken into account... the scope of unintended consequences for an action of little resolve were not.

MAXUM 01-28-2022 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by John Mercier (Post 366659)
That is sort of a rewrite of history. Lee's oath at West Point leading to his commission as an officer would not be the one used today for enlisted volunteers. Lee was indicted for treason by a grand jury. There was debate if his position had resolved oath to allegiance to the US... which today is written into the West Point oath.

Treason is simply defined as providing support or comfort to the enemy. Once they attacked the fort, an act of war, even verbal support was an act of treason.

The Confederate States of America Constitution appeared almost identical to the US Constitution until it reached Article One Section Nine.

As for unilateral secession, the US Constitution specifically places questions of constitutionally under Article Three Section Two... something NH agreed to.

The CACR was not for a unilateral transgression, nor suggested attacking any federal installation in NH or even any violent action. The lessons of history were taken into account... the scope of unintended consequences for an action of little resolve were not.

Interesting as I read Article 3 section 2 which basically establishes the jurisdiction of the federal judicial system in particular the US supreme court in that it has the power to settle disputes between states. What does that have to do with secession?

I think the more applicable thing to look at is the 10th amendment which specifically exists to LIMIT the power of the federal government. Nowhere in the constitution is there any language that states the federal government has any right to govern, control or restrict a state's right to for lack of better words sovereignty including participation in the "union" unless explicitly granted by the states either individually or as a whole. "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people. "

Now I am no legal mind or heavy weight by any stretch but that seems pretty clear to me.

John Mercier 01-28-2022 06:47 PM

''The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties made, or which shall be made, under their Authority;''
''to Controversies to which the United States shall be a Party;''

A legal debate on the US Constitution is the purview of SCOTUS.
And since Secession from the United States would make the United States a party to the case... also SCOTUS.

The CSA was upset that Article One Section Nine provides for the US Congress to limit the ''importation'' of persons after 1808, and the interstate commerce clause in Section Eight provides that the US Congress could limit the movement across State lines of the same. The CSA Constitution worked on limiting any effect those clauses may have on slavery.

The US Constitution also did not provide that any group or person, regardless of the title ''State'' could attack a federal military installation for any cause.

Had they attempted what was being proposed in NH, it would fall to a ruling of SCOTUS... and a bilateral agreement for the separation, but with the unintended consequences that I pointed out, and many others that would need resolution.

Crusty 01-28-2022 10:44 PM

Without New Hampshire, whither skiing?
I've been following this thread, and I'm sure that Smith Point Boater is concerned that the topic has wandered off subject.

My personal concern with secession is that, if NH skiing were to require international travel, frequent ski weekends would become impossible.

Fortunately today, I saw a video that simplifies considerations of where to ski. With my problem solved, you secessionists may proceed with my blessing.

John Mercier 01-28-2022 11:28 PM

It never wandered very far off topic.
The discussion is about the history of secession to determine whether it was plausible. For NH, it simply isn't.

The mechanism for peaceful secession was followed... but the promoters forgot to prepare a pathway forward.

That is not unusual in NH.

A growing concern underlying most of what occurs is political in nature... but both sides have gleamed it. It is largely scapegoating the federal government for the failure to act at the State, county, local, and individual levels. Something that the general population is not really willing to do.

smith point boater 01-29-2022 07:56 AM

It may not have fully wandered off topic but definitely took a stroll thru history and areas of the constitution. My only concern is that this secession foolishness stops and we can get back to discussing topics regarding the lake, boating jet skiing etc

John Mercier 01-29-2022 01:29 PM

I doubt that it will end... but at least be set aside for the time being.

Descant 01-29-2022 02:42 PM

Better plan?
In my mind a plan better than secession would be for the six New England states to have a more united front. With 12 Senators, and
the large number of Reps from all six, we could carry some weight against the big states of NY and California. Unfortunately, secession is perhaps the simpler task, and we know that won't work. In the current Congress, we should be doing a better job of aligning states with like priorities instead of political party alignments.

FlyingScot 01-29-2022 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by Descant (Post 366700)
In my mind a plan better than secession would be for the six New England states to have a more united front. With 12 Senators, and
the large number of Reps from all six, we could carry some weight against the big states of NY and California. Unfortunately, secession is perhaps the simpler task, and we know that won't work. In the current Congress, we should be doing a better job of aligning states with like priorities instead of political party alignments.

To their credit--Governors Baker and Sununu, and Senators Hassan and Shaheen, all have this kind of mindset, even if they don't agree on everything. More focused on governing and what's best for the broad middle, less focused on ridiculous fringe political agendas

John Mercier 01-29-2022 08:53 PM

New England does carry weight; and has a somewhat united front.
Just not in the direction that Sylvia and the others want.

map 02-07-2022 07:50 PM

The way I see it at least it sends a message to our government.

John Mercier 02-07-2022 08:17 PM

That we are ignorant?

map 02-07-2022 08:47 PM

BTW- this secession thing is not of the likes of the Civil War. It is more like a peaceful Brexit.

map 02-07-2022 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by John Mercier (Post 367067)
That we are ignorant?

Speak for yourself.

John Mercier 02-07-2022 10:58 PM

So you didn't pay attention to anything in the post?

Resident on Medicare are not going to vote for secession.
Homeowners that have federal insured mortgages are not going to vote for secession.

So on, and so on.

We haven't even gotten to the question of how much debt NH would have to take with it... and what the import/export tariffs would be... and how many private businesses with govt contracts would need to shutter plants in the State.

Then you could have the secession of municipalities back into the US and so on... a complete disaster... based solely on ignorance.

LakeDad 02-08-2022 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by John Mercier (Post 367073)
So you didn't pay attention to anything in the post?

Resident on Medicare are not going to vote for secession.
Homeowners that have federal insured mortgages are not going to vote for secession.

So on, and so on.

We haven't even gotten to the question of how much debt NH would have to take with it... and what the import/export tariffs would be... and how many private businesses with govt contracts would need to shutter plants in the State.

Then you could have the secession of municipalities back into the US and so on... a complete disaster... based solely on ignorance.

People talk secession, but almost never understand what it really means and certainly don’t have the gaul to take the consequences that come with it.

Most can’t see past the most basic contradictions and logical fallacies in their views and they only support the side of freedom that supports THEIR view, even if their view on a separate topic is conflicting.

It’s just a torch party.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

winniwannabe 03-16-2022 08:40 AM

Has anything come of NH seceding? I haven't seen anything about it and
didn't know where the bill ended up.

Merrymeeting 03-16-2022 08:44 AM

It was overwhelmingly voted down last week

winniwannabe 03-16-2022 11:27 AM

Sounds like they got it right.:patriot:

John Mercier 03-16-2022 05:21 PM

It took Quebec decades to put itself in a position that it might have been able to separate from Canada... and then it decided not to.

NH can't even feed itself at this time. Most of our energy is shipped in.
I think it would take us decades if not longer to shift the balance of the basics back to domestic (in-state) production... so in either case we would be heavily dependent on the Union.

map 03-19-2022 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by winniwannabe (Post 368432)
Has anything come of NH seceding? I haven't seen anything about it and
didn't know where the bill ended up.

It was to give people the opportunity to vote on it- to get it on the ballot.

Anyway, as expected the bill was defeated.

smith point boater 03-19-2022 07:28 AM

Thank you
As the OP just wanted to thank everyone for their thoughts and opinions. As others have said I'm glad this bill was scrubbed.

That being said while I surely believe in everyones right to free speech and their opinions I don't appreciate an elected group of officials wasting OUR time and money (they work for us) on an issue that is a personal idea ( and as originally noted is utter nonsense) and not something that their constituents asked for. They are supposed to represent us.

I do not generally get involved in politics but I will be working to support the opposing candidates for this group of officials when their terms come up for reelection

John Mercier 03-19-2022 12:37 PM

For Belmont, it is just a matter of finding someone that wants the seat.
The Democrats always run people that are zanier than even Sylvia.

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