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Search: Posts Made By: neckdweller
Forum: General Discussion 02-01-2024, 09:06 AM
Replies: 193
Views: 208,980
Posted By neckdweller
I'm sure it's somewhere. Looks like there was a...

I'm sure it's somewhere. Looks like there was a meeting in December with the planning board - https://www.alton.nh.gov/sites/default/files/12-19-2023.pdf
and this was part of the minutes:

Forum: General Discussion 06-02-2023, 07:11 AM
Replies: 500
Views: 144,593
Posted By neckdweller
I'm sure this will surface again next year...

I'm sure this will surface again next year because the HUB proponents just don't seem to want to take no for an answer.

Not being an eligible voter I didn't bother watching any of the meeting...
Forum: General Discussion 05-12-2023, 12:17 PM
Replies: 500
Views: 144,593
Posted By neckdweller
I would imagine when the SB2 vote comes up at the...

I would imagine when the SB2 vote comes up at the rescheduled meeting someone will point out that last night's craziness wouldn't have happened if SB2 was in place.
Forum: General Discussion 05-12-2023, 07:16 AM
Replies: 500
Views: 144,593
Posted By neckdweller
As someone who likes to say that I write off my...

As someone who likes to say that I write off my Moultonborough bill as a charitable donation on my taxes since I can't vote there, I would love to say this is hilarious except for the fact that a lot...
Forum: Boating 01-18-2023, 03:22 PM
Replies: 8
Views: 9,594
Posted By neckdweller
The letter really didn't sound like he was...

The letter really didn't sound like he was selling the business but I guess time may tell on that. If push comes to shove I have a place to store the boat so that's not the main concern it's more the...
Forum: Boating 01-17-2023, 01:37 PM
Replies: 8
Views: 9,594
Posted By neckdweller
No more Wally's Marine after this coming season

Just got a letter from Wally saying he's going to retire. While I'm happy for him that he's going to be able to set sail into retirement, my selfish side is more than a bit bummed that I've got to...
Forum: General Discussion 08-24-2022, 01:23 PM
Replies: 500
Views: 144,593
Posted By neckdweller
I'm well aware of the differences between those...

I'm well aware of the differences between those two locations. The Moultonborough population doesn't exactly support the Taj Mahal Fire/Police building and various apparatus housed there but that...
Forum: General Discussion 08-24-2022, 12:26 PM
Replies: 500
Views: 144,593
Posted By neckdweller
I would imagine the argument is that the lake is...

I would imagine the argument is that the lake is truly good for swimming 1/3 of the year. I can understand that one more than my next door neighbor who is here only in the Summer but has an inground...
Forum: General Discussion 08-24-2022, 11:19 AM
Replies: 500
Views: 144,593
Posted By neckdweller
I'm fine with the $23K spend which will get some...

I'm fine with the $23K spend which will get some true cost estimates put together.

Regardless of the cost to build, which is sure to be high, I'd love to see detailed estimates of what it costs to...
Forum: Home, Cottage or Land Maintenance 08-23-2022, 02:22 PM
Replies: 9
Views: 4,896
Posted By neckdweller
A true do it yourself method that's worked for me...

A true do it yourself method that's worked for me multiple times. Get a can (not bottle) of beer. Drink about 1/3 of it then leave the can next to the hole in the ground. It may take a couple...
Forum: General Discussion 08-22-2022, 02:55 PM
Replies: 14
Views: 5,762
Posted By neckdweller
Half mile private dirt road in Moultonboro. 13...

Half mile private dirt road in Moultonboro. 13 homes and it's $300-$350 per year. That pays for post mud season road maintenance and may or may not have to include some other small stuff like tree...
Forum: General Discussion 01-03-2021, 10:34 AM
Replies: 91
Views: 49,046
Posted By neckdweller

That 1 year/$8K number in the 60’s looked off because tuition has outpaced wage growth for some time now.

Anyhow, not sure how reliable the source...
Forum: General Discussion 12-21-2020, 08:22 PM
Replies: 18
Views: 8,648
Posted By neckdweller
From the Everything Lake Winnipesaukee page on...

From the Everything Lake Winnipesaukee page on Facebook. Looks like they're addressing it.
Forum: General Discussion 07-21-2020, 06:11 AM
Replies: 26
Views: 14,448
Posted By neckdweller
Haven’t been on here in a while but that was most...

Haven’t been on here in a while but that was most likely us. It was a bit lighter than normal in terms of participation. We typically have four families taking part but the main pyro from that house...
Forum: General Discussion 08-04-2019, 12:08 PM
Replies: 29
Views: 24,393
Posted By neckdweller
Body found at Braun Bay?

Per THe Dive’s Faceook post. Haven’t seen that anywhere else at this point.
Forum: General Discussion 07-26-2019, 11:27 AM
Replies: 72
Views: 25,700
Posted By neckdweller
Yeah, price gouging is when stores are charging...

Yeah, price gouging is when stores are charging $10 for water when a natural disaster comes through and people have no other means of getting water (as an example). This is good ol' fashioned...
Forum: General Discussion 07-15-2019, 03:23 PM
Replies: 12
Views: 4,619
Posted By neckdweller
I've seen a few in a cove near our house where...

I've seen a few in a cove near our house where boaters gather on the weekends. I'm pretty sure the meaning of those stacks is "the people who were here found something to occupy their day while...
Forum: Restaurant Information & Reviews 07-12-2019, 10:44 AM
Replies: 399
Views: 232,896
Posted By neckdweller
I think you've got it backwards. The Dive isn't...

I think you've got it backwards. The Dive isn't drawing crowds to the sand bar, the sand bar crowd is drawing The Dive.

That petition (for whatever good having a petition is) is closing in on...
Forum: Automotive 06-25-2019, 06:03 PM
Replies: 70
Views: 51,581
Posted By neckdweller
Here’s a form that Laconia has on their site, I...

Here’s a form that Laconia has on their site, I would assume it’s similar for other towns in the area.

Forum: Boating 06-24-2019, 08:54 AM
Replies: 267
Views: 214,062
Posted By neckdweller
This is more a question about the Meredith town...

This is more a question about the Meredith town docks but since this thread's subject was what got me to notice I figured I'd post here.

Yesterday afternoon I was going through Meredith and saw...
Forum: Restaurant Information & Reviews 11-27-2017, 02:33 PM
Replies: 50
Views: 42,206
Posted By neckdweller
I think the "too quiet offseason" may be a bit of...

I think the "too quiet offseason" may be a bit of Lavinia's own doing. I've heard from 3 or 4 different locals who had a similar experience to VitaBene and Rattler - they used to go there on a...
Forum: Restaurant Information & Reviews 11-21-2017, 05:07 PM
Replies: 14
Views: 9,303
Posted By neckdweller
Thread title change

May I suggest a thread title change so that if someone glances at the title they don't freak out, kind of like I just did :)
Forum: Restaurant Information & Reviews 10-16-2017, 03:16 PM
Replies: 17
Views: 11,049
Posted By neckdweller
Castle in the Clouds? ...

Castle in the Clouds?


The Ashland Common Man can accomodate up to 40 http://www.thecman.com/groups-and-special-events/ and gives you a good...
Forum: General Discussion 09-13-2017, 12:10 PM
Replies: 5
Views: 6,087
Posted By neckdweller
I use boat fenders or similar items to attach the...

I use boat fenders or similar items to attach the chains, leave them floating in the water. That may not be something you want to do depending on boat traffic in your area.

As for the raft you'll...
Forum: Snowmobiling 09-12-2017, 10:15 AM
Replies: 29
Views: 28,147
Posted By neckdweller
The irony meter is now broken

Titling your post "It's all about ME" and then proceeding to take over a snowmobile thread with your personal platform about the evils of everyone in the Winter Harbor area is perfect.
Showing results 1 to 25 of 132

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