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Old 08-06-2010, 06:11 AM   #11
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I too am disapointed that the "Boating Forum" has become moderated. Given the tone of many responses and that some members keep twisting many threads to justify discussing topics we have been asked to avoid (or something totally unrelated), I understand why it has happenned.

An internet forum is and should remain, a place for free expression. However, itis the MODERATOR's free expression not the individual members.

If you have people visit your house and someone expresses opinions that you don't want to hear you have a right to ask them to change the subject or ask them to leave. Anyone at the party who does not think their point of view is welcome is entitled to leave and find a venue of more like minded souls, or host their own soire.

I hope a few days without instant gratification will calm down the offenders and the Boater's Forum will return to its previous status.
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