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Old 08-09-2010, 09:05 AM   #23
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Default I agree.

Originally Posted by OCDACTIVE View Post
This is very upsetting. Another case of where one bad apple ruins it for the bunch.

With the hundreds of performance boats on the lake please do not construe this as representative of the entire group. Just as we shouldn't stereotype all PWC's due to one individual that cuts you off.
Especially when folks says these boats are going 100 mph. Contrary to popular believe. Deep Vee boats at most travel about 80 mph. To reach that speed, it requires good choppy conditions on the water so that the hull can capture air to reduce friction.

There is a 'Top Gun' school off Ft Lauderdale Fl. It's a comprehensive course in performance boat handling. Safety and Defensive driving are the number one priority lessons to be learned. I highly recommend this course to any owner of a performance boat. Many LEOs get their driving skills from this school. Including the stars form the latest 'Miami Vice' movie.
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