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Old 08-11-2010, 11:00 PM   #54
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Unhappy Reflection point of us all, AGAIN!

I couldn’t help but laugh when I took a moment to clear my head and revisit some of the posts and I find it most interesting to see how some here who seem to support the moderation concept are also the ones who keep using interesting terms to address/describe any position counter to theirs.

Terms such as:
  • I won't post in these two foolish threads again.
  • You just don’t get it!
  • That some of you can't tell what column you fall in to is oh sooooo sad....
  • Will this never end?
  • I think it should disappear into the sunset and never return.
  • I've been reading along and just praying to God to keep my mouth shut!
  • Get over It, Quit whining, get on with your life . This thread is total nonsense
  • But boy does it have a few jerks wedged in the crevices!
  • those who don't like the rules can simply go elsewhere.
  • ETC, Etc, etc,,,

And people are talking about “rights and ownership and protections” and I cant help but ask the question is this what got the boating site saddled with moderation,,,

I am the first to admit that I am often strongly opinionated and maybe even a bit hot-headed, but these posts clearly seem intolerant of opposing views and the posters appear to embody an omniscient attitude !

Worst of all is this reoccurring theme that voicing an opinion/preference about not liking the concept of forum moderation and censorship is somehow an attack on the owner of the site, which could not be farther from the truth.

Is this really the example you folks want to be using to promote a kinder and more user friendly forum?

Or maybe this is what you consider leading by example??

Or is this just the shut up and do what I say or suffer the consequences of our group wrath???

I think I will stick to my original comment “Very Disappointing,,,”
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