Originally Posted by VtSteve
It will be interesting when the dead horse being beaten is your own.
My concern with beating any dead horse is that it ends up being unhealthy for the one doing the beating. I've learned over the years (and most likely lost a job because of it) that trying to get someone to see your logic is ultimately a waste of time and, if played out too long, sanity.
This situation of the entire boating forum being moderated rather than just the problematic few being punished reminds me of when I was in junior high and a few people misbehaved in the cafeteria. It ultimately led to the entire cafeteria being sat boy-girl-boy-girl for the entire lunch period. EEEEEWWWWW!!!! COOTIES!!!!!

But I never thought how unfair of the adults to do that, I thought how unfair that we had to do that because of a few people who couldn't behave.