Originally Posted by GunzandRoses
On the docket for the Octobers State Senate meeting will be a question regarding the installation of a “pilot” toll at the Weirs Beach Channel set to open during the Summer or 2011. This toll will affect all traffic coming and going underneath the Weirs Bridge. If all goes well and the pilot is successful, additional tolls will be placed in other high traffic areas including Wolfeboro Bay, Alton Bay, Center Harbor, and Meredith Bay in an effort to recoup some of the $600 million dollar deficit currently facing the state of NH. Toll fares will be determined by the size of the vessel and will range anywhere from $1-$4 dollars.
This post has to be a joke. As foolish as our legislators are they would not consider this. If they wanted more revenue from boaters they would just raise registration fees. (Not that I would agree with that either).