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Old 08-25-2010, 11:38 AM   #2
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Seriously, why even open this discussion? All you are doing is inviting people to continue to provide more personal opinion on this, and if the last 1000 posts on this topic are any indiction, everyone is going to believe what they want to believe and not be swayed one way or the other.

There appear to be multiple agendas at play on this issue, and the posts, opinions, and "facts" presented all seem far from neutral.

Killing more electrons on this topic will ONLY lead to hostility. If you don't like or agree with any given law or regulation the place to do something about it is NOT on this forum, it's in real life.

I'd prefer to see someone post some actual statistics and trends, and even at that you'd need 4 or 5 years of the current state to even begin to show a trend that you could extrapolate from.
[insert witty phrase here]
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