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Old 08-25-2010, 01:36 PM   #117
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Default Littoral Rights

Originally Posted by Turtle Boy View Post
Very good post and there's one more reason FOR a NWZ that has to be considered. People have bragged on this forum and others that they regularly break the SL on Winnipesaukee. We have even had the president of SBONH last year brag on this forum of how he "almost doubled" the speed limit( I hope Sunset's friend in the BP brings that one up if there's a rehearing). And of course people tend to tweak any SL, water or highway. So getting back to the narrow area between the buoy and's been noted that boats scream through there just 150' from this small island...45 MPH?, 55 MPH?, 65 MPH? My wife has commented in the past when going through the BP "Boy, I wouldn't want to live on that island". And I can't imagine boats coming by my house that fast. Now I hear it coming..."why not enforce the laws we already have?" to which Sunset's Al Capone analogy would apply.
As far as the "under the radar" comments I don't blame the BP residents one bit not wanting people from all over the lake weighing in on their "horrible inconvenience" when it's the residents of the area who have to live with this all the time. So much for boating etiquette. And when I see the shameless way that boaters from all over the country were invited to sign the SBONH petition with comments like "Your lake could be next" on forums like I tend to side with these people in the BP even more.
And one more reason to support a NWZ. We have heard from those who wish to abolish a SL on the lake. If there were no SL boats could legally tear through this narrow area at 70 MPH. Now I think it's unlikely that the SL could ever be abolished given the strong support seen on both sdes of the aisle but it's just one more reason to support this NWZ. I also wonder how likely a new hearing on the NWZ is. My guess is that the DOS would take the position of "hey, it was published in local papers and on the T'boro web site, so tough. You snooze, you lose."
TB, are you saying that you "tweak" the speed limit? I have never exceeded the SL on this lake. I have gone through the BP on plane and at cruising speed, causing little wake. I have also encountered sailboats and canoes in the BP area and I slowed to NW speed (and created a greater wake when doing so)

What you don't get is that all of the taxpayers of NH own this lake. Littoral rights end at the waterline (perhaps BI can chime in on this, he has a firm grasp of that issue, or search for some of his posts on the matter). So those that abut the BP may have a greater vested interest in the area, they do not have more "rights" in determining what happens there.

What are you doing on offshoreonly? Got a little closet cowboy in you?
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