Now thats funny,,,
Thats almost as good a the toll gate in Blazing Saddles,,, I can almost hear some guy stuck at the toll gate screaming at his wife or kids to go back to the boardwalk and get a load of dimes,,,,
So whats next, on the docket for outrageous things to propose restricting on Winnipesaukee???
How about restricting the color palette you can choose from because as we all know boats with certain colors are BAD boats!!! Nope, we don’t want any BAD boats on the lake,,,
Or maybe children,,, How about a ban on children that can yell over a certain decibel because its bad for everyone when kids make too much noise having fun,,,
Or maybe kids that can swim too fast because they could pose a safety risk,,,
And while they at it, might as well set a buffer limit as to how close they can swim to each other or to the shore,,,
And I certainly hope they will be enforcing a NWZ and No Rafting Zones on kids,,, those little buggers are just wreaking havoc on the shorelines and peoples enjoyment of that nice secluded and serene Winnipesaukee habitat,,,
Yup, I’ll bet we can come up with a bunch of ways to turn Winnipesaukee into someones idea of a Ansel Adams picture,,,
Just remember what happens when you ask Government to step in and regulate everything you might ever think of,,,, they will do it!!!
And guess what, you get to pay for it FOREVER!!!
Yup lets just watch those taxes going up and up and up,,,
So bring on the toll and the regulations and the taxes and those of us who only visit Winnipesaukee a few times a year will still come up, we might not enjoy it as much as in days past, but we will probably still come, and you folks who live on the lake can ENJOY paying the increased taxes FOREVER, Forever, forever!!!