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Old 08-26-2010, 04:09 PM   #157
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Originally Posted by Acres per Second View Post
If you'd been at ForumFest early, I could have demonstrated the PED to you—and any others concerned with boating safety.

It's a simple thing: it refects sunlight as a super-bright signaling device. It's not expensive—as most are free parts, and are being recycled.

It doesn't cost anything, so it doesn't matter that it can't float. It promotes instant safety—sometimes at a threat one mile distant.

You saw that I regard 90% of all boaters as "peaceful"?

That a larger part of the lake is opened up for boating recreation?

You do—or don't—acknowledge People?

You think "Deep-Vees" are faster than "Tunnel-Hulls"?

I'd really like to hear from LocalRealtor about my "fakery".

Thanks for your assessment, anyway.

Bobby was long-gone when I became involved.

Sorry you're not getting it.

I wanna see the part where BP wakes toss the Boston Whaler up on the dock!!!
I think when Classic22 said wow it was because that is all one can usually say when they try to decipher one of your posts that are pieced together out of "parsed text" (please read that to mean snippets taken out of context from other's posts).

I have to ask a questions of you: What threat do you encounter a mile away that would require you to use your signaling device? A mile is a long way off in any boating situation and allows for a lot of course changes prior to having to give way to your boat, sail or otherwise.
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