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Old 08-27-2010, 07:54 AM   #161
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Post The FLIP Side of SBONH...

Originally Posted by VitaBene View Post
"...I think when Classic22 said wow it was...when of your posts...are pieced together out of "parsed text"...

(...snippets taken out of context from other's posts)..."
Restricted to five posts in a 24-hour period...I..."make lemonade".

(Hat-tip to IG)

1) Look back at Hazelnut's post. He has "parsed" my comment exactly right: it may appear to be "out of context", but HN hasn't changed my meaning what-so-ever. This is in general accord with a practice that is used at this country's largest Internet forum, of which I am also a member.

(Alternatively, they also use << snip >>—also seen here at this forum).

If you try to read your copy of my last reply, it has lost whatever context it ever had.

2) HN is also correct to "parse" Cow Islander's reply to leave out the fact of "loud noise in Formula boats", as he doesn't choose to address that fact in his reply: that is also "parsing", but retains context without introducing extraneous thought.

3) If you look at winni83's quote, below, it can't survive any parsing, so that quote is untouched.

Originally Posted by VitaBene View Post
"...What threat do you encounter a mile away that would require you to use your signaling device? A mile is a long way off in any boating situation and allows for a lot of course changes prior to having to give way to your boat, sail or otherwise..."
1) Boats do wander all over, it's true. Watch any Jet-Ski for a few seconds! But that's what it feels like to have a real freedom. (Something we can't do on NH's byways).

2) It's also true that a mile is a long way, but that's the kind of defensive driving that should be practiced when driving on the road. Only one other member here has ever mentioned it.

It occurs to me every so often, that I've never resorted to the "panic-braking" ABS feature in my 16-year-old vehicle!

3) Seeing that there are still "the usual suspects" using "civil disobedience" on Lake Winnipesaukee to express their "thrill-inclinations", the one-mile distance can be closed in a fraction of one minute.

Even less, depending on my own course and speed.

Originally Posted by COW ISL TIME View Post
"...I suspect 70 plus with nothing better to do..."
While I'd characterize this comment as Agist, I also suspect that 70-year-olds would include the "Greatest Generation"—and others with the time to express concern for grandchildren. (Including the children who are not their own grandchildren).

Originally Posted by VitaBene View Post
"...SBONH was formed to promote safety and boater education on NH's bodies of water including Lake Winnipesaukee..."
Within SBONH's mission-statement appears a demanded change in Winnipesaukee's present law that noisy exhaust "cut-outs" be restored to loud engines on Lake Winnipesaukee.

What this has to do with boating safety is anyone's guess.

This "flip-side of safety" seems to be counter-intuitive.

(Not surprisingly).

Originally Posted by winni83 View Post
I seriously question the wisdom of using such a device. Were such a device used to intentionally reflect sunlight back into the eyes of the operator of a boat and thereby limit, hinder or otherwise interfere with his or her vision, it would seem to me that such action would constitute an “unsafe” boating practice even if it did not run afoul of civil or criminal law [e. g. intentionally blinding the driver of an on coming vehicle with high beams], especially if there were ample evidence of bragging about using such a device to ward off perceived “threats”
So far, no complaints; in justification, it is likely that the affected helmsmen see the correctness of "being corrected". The President of the SBONH's predecessor (and Littlefield and LaPointe), were threats for miles and miles and miles.

The PED device can be as small as you want to make it—credit card size or postage stamp size. Just how big do you think a P.E.D. needs to be?

Originally Posted by VtSteve View Post
"...I would have thought the reflection off the tinfoil hat would have been enough to ward off anything..."
IMHO, "The Rules" of this guy shouldn't appear at this forum.
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