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Old 08-29-2010, 04:13 PM   #71
sunset on the dock
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Originally Posted by VtSteve View Post
At some point SOTD, you'll be recanting all of your great stories of sitting on the dock in peace and quiet. Similar to your new stories in the BP area, which conflict wildly with what you say the SL has done for the lake. The fact that you can so fluently spew this kind of waste and try to sell it as observations and truth, makes everyone suspect of all future moves.
No contradiction at all. Unquestionably the lake is quieter and more civilized than it's been in many years. Many agree. And yes, we did go to the BP today and saw boats going in both directions through this narrow area. It didn't take long, maybe 5 minutes, to see how fast boats were closer than 150' from the island, each other, and that the wakes were quite large. I do indeed pity the people on those 2 little islands, if for no other reason than that irritating drone from the GFBL's that passed. Didn't see Cecil B. Demille, a.k.a. HN filming however. And given the number of posters who regularly brag about breaking the SL (and one who bragged last year and probably wishes he hadn't), I hope these people fight to retain their hard won gains. As for all the futile talk that the SL could ever be repealed, I would think the Little Birch and Squirrel Is. people would use that argument too.
Hey...what happened to that kinder, gentler VtSteve who promised to behave a short while back? Now that was a short lived Epiphany.

Last edited by sunset on the dock; 08-29-2010 at 08:39 PM. Reason: grammar,added content
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