Originally Posted by Acres per Second
1) This last statement (in red) needs clarifying.
It would appear to be a blanket remark that affects more than one member as to their veracity. As for myself, you have ten years of ApS posts in which to locate a statement that expresses a deliberate untruth.
2) "Whatever will achieve the desired results" appeared very early in the speed limit discussions. Perhaps you missed just one of those posts.
Most citizens don't know how significantly this un-American agenda has already affected their future well-being. The same phrase accounts significantly for the national dithering apparent in recent headlines. 
You know I really don't try to be be confrontational with you, but I still have no clue what you are talking about. And I am sure I am not alone.
I do find it humorous that some of the biggest performance boat haters on this forum seem to spend a lot of time on performance boat forums. Thank you because without you posting about them here I would never have known about them!