The red buoy off breezy island
There is a red buoy closer then usual to Breezy Island. A lot of people confuse this buoy with the passage channel between Breezy and Camp Island. The red buoy should be further South to avoid the misunderstanding.
When you approach the area from between Camp and Round the Red Buoy should be straight on. Instead its off to the port clustered with the markers from the channel. That is the first mark to avoid the area on this approach until you get well within the danger zone and can see the next red marker to your south by then it is typically too late.
The area contains a large ledge area just North of the Red marker by Welch Island . There is about 3 feet of clearance at high water and a lot less now.
If you pass closer to Fish Island there is a safe passage, but risky with a few condo size boulders.
I have witnessed multiple cabin cruisers running aground there and finding out later there boats where totaled.