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Old 10-07-2010, 06:56 AM   #132
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Post Usual Suspects...

Originally Posted by XCR-700 View Post
Fact is that my tiny CVX and most bassboats will easily blow past 75 MPH and are far more dangerous to the operator, the passengers and any other boat near them at that speed when compared to any of the “behemoths” you mention.
Some interesting developments have appeared, as there are now 74 defendants at the Candle Wood Lake crash last year. Three articles are above—the last being the better summary.

Regarding your view of how "harmless" bass boats are (and the differences between "Civil" and "Criminal" law), it would make for good discussions as a new thread somewhere.

Originally Posted by XCR-700 View Post
It’s sad to see the vocal opinionated self-absorbed and omniscient few lead the rest of the sheep to slaughter.
Among those who are "the self-absorbed and omniscient" one boater—convicted of manslaughter—attempted later to get a dial-tone at 90-MPH on the Interstate.

Originally Posted by Skip View Post
In Pilliod's race there are 8 Republicans vying for 7 spots on the ballot for Republicans in the General Election in November in the Town of Belmont. By not voting for Pilliod you greaten the chances that he does not survive the primary and hence does not appear on the ballot in November. Hopefully many more voters like SP will scutinize their ballots in their respective communities as well!

Excellent example of a voter doing his homework.
Originally Posted by XCR-700 View Post
I for one am so happy I was born early enough to have seen the pinnacle of our society.
Years ago, we just "voted": the above is "Gaming the System", IMHO.

Originally Posted by John A. Birdsall View Post
What I would like to know is how many speeding tickets on the lake were handed out, and what happened in court. (if it got there)

To me that would say what the difference in speed limit law has done.
With seeing people doing in excess of the speed limit almost all the time I do not concern myself. But those that are doing it within 150' that is what bothers me. I seen the mp GET buzzed by a jet ski with about 40' distance going perhaps full bore. The MP got the man, but what happened in court or how much of a fine did he pay?
Because the Legislature is skilled at raiding NHMP resources, the difference may never be measureable. The only measure I can envision is by the reduction of one-boat crashes involving "the usual suspects".
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