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Old 11-17-2010, 03:56 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Wolfeboro_Baja View Post
I do not own a bike and do not ride. If I did, I would probably wear a helmet (please note the proper spelling!) 50% of the time if not more.

I have a co-worker that has a strong opinion on the subject. He states that he has no problem with riders not wearing a helmet as long as they sign a statement that they are fully responsible for ALL medical care and will not have to resort to applying to Social Security or other forms of public assistance. Essentially, he doesn’t want to end up paying for someone’s healthcare because they chose not to wear a helmet and was involved in a crash that ultimately required expensive, long-term health care and they had no insurance to pay for it.

What do you riders think of that idea? I see his point, I’m just not sure that I agree with it.
Well then again I ask, why not for automobile drivers since many many more of them would be saved by a helmet law...??

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