Originally Posted by hazelnut
I rest my case.
Thanks for the repost Skip. Additional thanks to Yosemite Sam for the post from the 11/22 Concord Monitor. I'm wondering if the Boston Globe got a copy? 
You're welcome.
And in all fairness, doesn't SBONH mail its press releases to all available news outlets as well?
While I realize that the letter had been posted in a number of papers, including a few days ago in the Concord Monitor, the reason for my post was because of where it appeared in the Sunday Union Leader. It wasn't buried in the usual pages containing dozens of letters to the editor, but was one of two letters selected for exclusive printing on the paper's main editorial page.
It is unique that the paper's editor chose to single it out, so I felt it was newsworthy to bring it to the attention of those interested in this particular thread.