Originally Posted by VtSteve
It's also not wise for a little group to make fun of the USCG rules of navigation.
Because those same rules are mirrored in NH law...

...That "little group" would be the NH Legislature.
Every weekend, USCG rules appear too complicated for weekend boaters.

OTOH, Winnipesaukee's Speed Limit happens to be simple enough—is enforceable—
and has been enforced!
Newly rejecting the Legislature's years of deliberations would embarrass any newly-elected Legislators. The state would be returning to the "
Cow-Hampshire" of old.
SBONH-NHRBA's pipe-dream will languish forever.
1) From the Marianas Islands to Maine, the Coast Guard has jurisdiction over more square miles of water than all the square miles of land in the USA! (So, shall we return to those quaint night-time rules that allow a flashlight instead of requiring
real lighting?)
2) Replace the NH buoy system with the Coast Gurad's ATONs to endanger night-time boaters?
3) "Red-right-returning" rules?
4) Or shall we just allow Director Barrett and the NHMP to do their job using the State's long-established infrastructure—or have
SBONH "Federalize" still one more realm of NH citizens' lives?
BTW: Viewing the Cow Islander forum shows me it's virtually the same tight little group as here.
Originally Posted by VtSteve
it's important to point out that Director Barrett does not agree with you guys.
He has obviously distanced himself from the BP issue—realizing instead—the democratic process
will take precedence over and above his own views.
Perhaps the Director
now knows who he works for?
Originally Posted by VtSteve
Continually bringing up drunken boating is something that would normally be in the spotlight of reasons to enforce, not ridicule.
IMO, New Hampshire has developed a very poor reputation for keeping drunks off the roadways: In recent fatal collisions on Lake Winnipesaukee, alcohol-excess
wasn't found to be particularly worthy of successful prosecution by the state.
Lt. Dunleavey once stated (as a Sergeant) that 40% of boaters had alcohol on board.
VtSteve is not suggesting that alcohol is just being transported—and not consumed on Lake Winnipesaukee?
Because of its tragic outcome, SL supporters
cannot ridicule
SBONH-NHRBA's most recent collision.
Originally Posted by VtSteve
As has been said many times, speed was not a problem on Winni before, nor is it now, never was. If you are so concerned about a small group of "cowboys", focus your writing talents there. I will note that most proponents of safe boating, the vast and overwhelming majority, supported increased enforcement. They also support the MP in any way possible. Your little group has consistently made fun of Director Barrett, the 150' rule, and now the USCG rules.
Not worthy of response, that last sentence is absurd on its face!
Kayakers take note:
SBONH-NHRBA dismisses USCG Rule
5 repeatedly on this forum.
Originally Posted by VtSteve
Those that don't obey the rules are always pretty obvious to spot. There were 8 tickets issued for speeding on Winni this past summer, presumably some of those were in NWZ's.
Maybe 130-MPH in a NWZ?
How short is memory.
I still see a few Cowboys every weekend; unfortunately, those few Cowboys are enough to overwhelm the ability of the the NHMP to "do its job" on weekends.
Originally Posted by VtSteve
Most SL opponents support wider enforcement, and want to rid the waterways of all drunks and reckless boaters. This includes everyone, not just some.
We've heard these very same platitudes before—like just before Governor Lynch signed the SL bill upon hearing of the
SBONH-predecessor's very outspoken President fatally breaking both the substance and the spirit of
Rule 5.
Platitudes have never abounded so fully as in this thread.
It's in Vermont water?