Originally Posted by steve c
I qoute from the Decision and Order dated July 30 2010,
"The video, presented in support of an appeal of the
2008 denial was not persuasive"
Clearly the video was created for a desired effect. The green kayak was clearly part of the cast and who knows how many others were involved!
Any one can create a video to support any point being made. That is why the State deemed it "Inconclusive" Nice Try Christy Clark
Interesting first post! Among the appellants I noticed quite a few SBONH people but interestingly enough one that looks like it could possibly be you...speaking of being able "to suppport any point being made"...not that anyone has any bias of their own here.

My point: Are you related to C. Clark ? It would be an ironic twist...I can see the headline now..."Barber Pole Couple to Divorce over Disagreement on NO Wake Zone".