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Old 12-12-2010, 04:44 AM   #16
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Angry A Public-Sector Pensioner Calls Again on Taxpayers...

Originally Posted by This'nThat View Post
If Representative John Byrnes feels so guilty (as he says he does), then let him write a personal check and mail it in...We don't need to soothe Byrnes' guilt by having him impose a fee on every aspect of our life.
With retired officers so much in the news with six-figure pensions, Representative John Byrnes would want to be less conspicuous to NH taxpayers.

Originally Posted by Yosemite Sam View Post
Representative Richard Drisko (R-Hollis) said, explaining that expanding the number of boat registrations could provide additional funds for the matching grants the N.H. Department of Environmental Services distributes to municipal governments and local organizations to address milfoil.
Paddlers and sailors are very poor spreaders of milfoil fragments.

Representative David Hess (R-Hooksett) has filed legislation to repeal all tax and fee increases enacted since 2007.
But the NH Legislature won't be able to steal those increases to pay the pensions of retired officers from Keene!

Jared Teutsch noted that in Maine a $20 fee is levied on canoes and kayaks and the proceeds are applied to controlling exotic and invasive species.
Let's try not copy taxation from highly-regulated states that continue to bleed population.
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