I don't consider myself what you probably think of as a "biker", but I have ridden for the past 35 years, I own two Harley's, and have been coming to Bike Week since the mid-80's. There are lots of people at bike week just like me, so I'll take a stab at this.
1. What do they do the other 51 weeks of the year? - They go about their daily lives just like everybody else. Go to work. Raise kids. Pick up the dog doo, hope that its hard.
2. Why do they like to ride so close to the center line? - One of the reasons is that the road conditions are generally better near the center line. The center of the lane tends have a lot more oil and sand that can really mess with a bike. The far left and right are usually in much better condition.
3. Why does the motorcycle have to be so loud? - Some will tell you that Loud Pipes Save Lives, which has some level of truth to it. You'd be amazed at the number of times people have cut me off because they didn't see me. If they can hear me they will tend to look twice and just maybe not take me out. Personally, I don't don't like them to be obnoxiously loud and I don't think most are, but I just love that rumble. I just got a new bike and I haven't changed the pipes out yet and it's driving me nuts. Sounds like a Honda. No offense intended. If that doesn't makes sense to you, please refer to Rockdaddy's response because that's the best I can do.
4. What role do excessive drinking and drugs play in the group? - Why do boaters drink when they get together, or golfers and anybody else?
5. Why are there so few women involved? - My wife rides with me all the time but other than a stroll through the Weirs once per year she's not comfortable with the atmosphere in the bars at Bike Week. So she stays home while I go watch the oil wrestlers at the Spoke. Go figure.
6. What role does the custom or extra chrome motorcycle play? - I'll, again, have to refer to Rockdaddy's response on this one.
La vita è buona su Isola Gatto Nero