5. Why are there so few women involved?
Okay - So I am good with all of Gatto Nero's responses but I will address #5 from a female perspective.
According to the Motorcycle Industry Council: Female ownership of motorcycles crossed the 10-percent mark, increasing from 9.6 percent in 2003 up to 12.3 percent in 2008. Younger generations have even more female riders. Some 15 percent of Gen X motorcycle owners are women, and for Gen Y, it’s 14 percent. Among Gen Xers, women more than doubled their presence since 1998. Maybe most impressive, women accounted for 23 percent, or 5.7 million, of the 25 million Americans who rode a motorcycle last year. It’s not just a guy thing anymore, and greater acceptance among women means greater acceptance among key influencers of household spending decisions.
And those stats are from 2008. I have been riding since 2003. I have spent my hard earned money on two bikes since I began riding and would like to add another to my stall. I think if you pay very close attention in the coming week - you will see that there are more women out there than you think - and not just wrestling in oil.