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Old 06-09-2011, 12:18 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by MarkinNH View Post
My guess is that because of the obnoxious and excessive noise made by most motorcyles you have either become imune to it or are deaf.
Motorcycles should be held to the very same standards as cars / trucks ! If my car / truck made as much racket as most motorcycles, I would get a ticket everywhere I went.
As far as the riding on the yellow line thing goes, I suspect there is some truth the the edges being better then the center but it also allowe's motorcycles to ride side by side, which should also not be allowed The size of the vehicle has Nothing to do with it. A motorcyle is a registered vehicle, Just like a car / truck You don't see 2 cars going down the road side by side but yet motorcycles get away with it.
I figure if the motorcycle riders want to ride down the road on the yellow line so can I and about the time one of them with his footpegs over into my lane clips my truck or catchs my mirror side the head than it gonna suck being them !!
Now with all due respect, they sure do bring alot of needed income into the area. They (not all) are loud, annoying, obnoxious, think the rules don't apply to them, they pass you on the right, sit there next to you at a stop light and rev their engines like a little kid but in general the week goes by faily quiicklly and then life goes back to normaL

Bike are held to noise statutes same as cars. Noise statutes are NOTORIOUSLY hard to enforce, but tickets are gievn out all the time for excessive noise. The problem with any noise is that its subjective... to sound absolutely awful! I dont care if its a harley or rice rocket most bikes do not sound good banging off the rev limiter! I never understood why some bikers when leaving a bar @ 2am find in necessary to bang thru the gears loudly. Especially after they have been drinking!

As for your side by side comment.... I ride where the car tires wear the road! its the safest place to be when riding. Some newbie riders ride right down the center of a lane right where most cars drip oil and other slippery substances! Your just asking for trouble! Same goes for the center divider... ride down the middle of that and you will find all sorts of sand and dirt and an occasional distracted car driver that can make you miserable real quick!

Most experienced riders do not ride side by side in a lane.... not alot of room for maneuvering! The best is side by side staggered.... this gives both bikes the ability to avoid a hazard while minimizing the risk of collision!

Hope that explains it all! Ride Safe!

The only way to eliminate ignorant behavior is through education. You can't fix stupid.
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