Dear Fishycover
As a women I think I can bring a different perspective to my answers to your interesting questions.
1.) what we do the other 51 weeks a year - is work fulltime jobs, pay taxes, raise our families, vote, and visit the lake on summer weekends to use our boat (pontoon) and ride the Harley
2.) The reason that they ride so close to the center line - is so that when they are turning corners they are able to have the best visibility of the traffic in front of them... try it in your car sometime... the best "biker" is an offensive driver... because if you make a mistake in your car - or pull out it wont just dent my bike - it could kill me - so I have to be very mindful of what your doing and where you are and the more time I have to respond the safer I am.
3.) It is an old bumpersticker but loud pipes save lives... it isnt just a saying it is the truth. When you have a silent bike/scooter beside you in traffic or passing you in another lane there is a greater possibility that in the blind spots of your mirror you are more apt to turn into them... which would be a very tragic situation.... but I agree some bikes are tooo loud... but pipes loud enough to be heard is truly a safety feature....
4.) Never does my husband or myself have more than one drink when we are on the bike... or driving our car for that matter... we are not irresponsible
5.) There are more and more women riders all the time. Some men do come to bike week with there friends...very few people at bike week are "gang members"
6.) Chrome is nice - it looks good - but it is a pain in the butt to keep clean..
now my question for you: Why are you grouping a very small percentage of
"gang" bikes into the majority of riders. Most of the people that we have met are middle age- middle to high income people- who enjoy riding... they are not peeing on your lawn or trying to seduce your daughter....
why not try your sociology 101 on Cigarette boat drivers... you could ask them the same question.... why are there boats "SO BIG" - does the blonde come with the boat ?
The reason that motorcyclists come "here" all at the same time is because it is BIKE WEEK and it loads up the coffers of the and brings in revenue to Laconia and the surrounding area... if you dont like bike week then start some legislation to get rid of it...
PS I do have a leather coat - but you will never see my tattoo :-)
.... I hope I have answered your questions ....
Frustration is trying to find my glasses without my glasses.