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Old 06-09-2011, 03:59 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by MarkinNH View Post
When their riding the yellow line with their foot peg and handle bar hanging over into my travel lane, their not staying on their side of the road now are they ?
As Ron White so eloquently put it. "You Can't Fix Stupid"
Well with that in mind, I guess all, not most, but all people who trailer snowmobile trailers, camping trailers and boat trailers are stupid as well. I have never seen a trailer that has not gone over the yellow line. Should I walk around all day upset because all the trailers are riding, or are over, the yellow line when they force me over. No. I just get on with my life. Life is simply too short to worry about such little things...

BTW...I dare anyone that tows a trailer, to swear on a stack of bibles, that they never hug the line or go over the line, while trailering....ANYONE!
So what makes them any more special than a biker hugging the line?
And why don't people ask the same question of THEM?

And can't fix stupid!

Jus' sayin'.
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