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Old 06-09-2011, 06:55 PM   #25
Belmont Resident
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Default Woodsy

I have to agree with NH on the noise. No where near enough is done to enforce noise and there are way too many excessively noisy bikes that go unchecked especially during the next week.

As for the old saying about riding down the center of the road, it really doesn’t apply as much as it did now that roads are repaved on a regular basis. I find very, very few roads that show any signs of oil drippings down the center. I believe this applied more back when many of the roads were sprayed with a tar oil combination rather then the paved roads of today.

As for bikes riding on or over the line the bike is always gonna loose. Either way dead is dead. It seems that with the increase in bikes riding the line the increase in head on collisions involving bikes has also increased.
Any fool who says they are making themselves more visible by riding the line is too close to the car in front of them. When I ride a safe distance behind the car or truck in front of me I can see and be seen just fine. Seems this same subject comes up every year at this time.
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