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Old 06-10-2011, 10:49 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by lawn psycho View Post
A lot of bad info is flying...

First, the "Loud pipes saves lives" is and has been proven a myth. The Hurt Study (Hurt was the priniple investigator who recently died by the way) showed that modified cruiser bikes are over-represented in crashes. Those are the same bikes who use the loud and often illegal exhausts.
The same H-D crowd who cry for safety (and use it to claim a need for loud pipes) are the ones who don't where bright clothing and/or helmets. Until they do, cry me a river.
BMW riders are the safest on the road. Last time I checked they don't ride loud
Lie with all the stories you want but that fact is "Loud Pipes Saves Lives" is a myth. Fact.

And for the record, I am a car and motorcycle enthusiast. I've had my motorcycle endorsement since I was 16 yo. I have owned many bikes but no longer do. Never owned a H-D as I think they're crap but that's my opinion. Heavy, poor handling, loud, slow, air-cooled fart machines

Whenever I see someone riding a H-D I deduct 20 pts from their IQ. A cigarette in the mouth and I deduct another 20 pts. Stereotypes exist for a reason

I have to respond to this... you have typecast an entire group of people into a very convenient argument for yourself. I dont even know where to start- First of all- I wear my helmet - I do wear a leather jacket (guess that makes me a derelict - oh no - its black to... ) guess I could get one of those bright pink nylon jackets with a full face helmet with the light strips on them but I doubt that would make you happy because then my brightness would probably offend your eyes. How about I stick a glow stick to my helmet would that help... and for the record we have belonged to numerous "motorcycle clubs" and have a large group of friends who ride and never once in all the 100's of rides we have been on with our "GANG" have we revved our engines just to hear them make noise...are the people who peel out of bars and blast up and down the boulevard at 2 am idiots yes they are, no argument from me on that one. There is a difference between loud pipes and illegally pipes. Our bike is loud you know it is a Harley but it isnt going to rattle your windows or scare your poor dog. Ear plugs "really" - I cant hear my gangsta rap music if I wear them so I prefer to go commando - the people you are talking about are such a small group of people that it is a pointless argument.

As far as deducting IQ points... I will allow you to deduct 20 for my bike - sorry dont smoke cigarettes -only if you add 100 for my masters degree

PS your screen name is perfect - do you cut it with nail clippers or use a loud lawn mower

Frustration is trying to find my glasses without my glasses.
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