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Old 06-10-2011, 01:35 PM   #55
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I was about 18 and decided to visit my parents who have a camp on Paugus Bay on the Saturday of Motor Cycle weekend, this was about 20 years ago before there were state troopers every 10 feet. A big scary biker approached my car and asked if I had a light, I happened to and I said keep it, he took the lighter and walked a little further up to another group of bikers. A guy about my age and some of his friends approached my car, clean cut, no leather and started yelling stuff at me in the car, I think we all remember the days of “show em?” they would not leave and continued to yell, well here comes my friend the big scary biker with his friends, “is there a problem here fellas?” he asks. The younger guys mouths hit the ground and they all but ran away. So anyway long story, but try not to judge a book by its cover.
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