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Old 06-23-2011, 12:20 PM   #61
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Default lets change it for all of the following

Originally Posted by spider22 View Post
You don't see a difference in loud music after 10:30 and things like drinking and driving and women exposing themselves. I don't have a problem with people drinking and having a good time if they are walking or staying put but when there is 20 to 30 thousand in an area you need a large police presence.

The sprint cup races at Loudon bring in almost 100,000 people twice a year so according to your logic people should be allowed to drink and drive and women should be able to expose themselves and the police should look the other way because after all it is binging in money.
Lets change the law for all of the following:

Bruins Rolling Rally or any sporting team that wins a championship
The Boston Marathon (love to see those Kenyans do a little flashing)
The Hockey Classic in Merideth
Winni Fishing Derby
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