Took our boat out in the wind yesterday afternoon. Pleased with its handling in the chop in Alton Bay. Ended up anchoring just inside Sandy Point for an hour or so, then on to the docks to tie up for supper and the concert.
Of course, it was over to Pops and we got the Clam Plate and a small order of rings. Delicious as always. $31. Just barely able to eat it all, just wife and I.
Codeman...I saw the scallop plate, and it seems as huge as the clams. Those two items alone are $50, and adding in the 3 kids meals (not sure what they had) and drinks if you ate there, I don't think $78 is out of line. Getting clams at other places may be near the $20 mark, but the portion size usually isn't as big. Anyway, hope you enjoyed it and will come back.
Thanks Pops. Saturday night is becoming an institution.