I was doing a volunteer home painting project in Plaistow, NH when my best friend called me and kept saying that "Donnie Ditullio, his brother-in-law, and his girlfriend Janis Lasden were on that plane" until I got him calmed down and he explained what he was talking about. That Donnie was on the 1st plane that had hit the World Trade Center. He had not known which flight Donnie was on he just knew that it was that plane that had hit the World Trade Center. We had the home owner turn on his TV and watched the 2nd plane hit. I spent the rest of that day and the week that followed with my friend and their family and took care of their elderly mother while they delt with the tragedy.
There were more things that happened after flight 11 crashed that were very erie. Like Janis' premonition the night before (told to her neighbor) that the plane would crash to her last will and testiment written the night before and sitting on her computer when my friend arrived at Donnie & Janis' home the night of the crash and there were others.
Donnie's mother and 2 sisters are in NYC for the 10th Anniversary of 9/11.
My nephew was in NYC that day and in order to get out of town with no public transportation running he walked north thru Manhattan to rent a Ford Escape and drive it back to Minneapolis, MN.
Just Sold
At the lake the stress of daily life just melts away. Pro Re Nata
Last edited by Just Sold; 09-11-2011 at 07:02 AM.