Where Were You 10 Years Ago On the Morning Of 9/11???
I had just finished teaching my 8:00 a.m. class at Waycross College in Georgia when my colleague told me that some fool had flown into the World Trade Center. He and I thought it was an accident (we had no TV nearby). Then the second plane hit the South Tower. "My stepson is at Sandler O'Neill!" I shouted. Rich and I bolted for the lounge and the television there.
Then I remembered to call Ann, Freddy's mom. She taught art at Ware County High, a few hundred yards from the college campus.
As we drove home to wait, hoping Freddy would call, there was a blue sky, a beautiful day near the Okefenokee.
No call came. Ann saw one lone cloud in the shape of a cross, and she said, "He's gone, Mike."