Originally Posted by cillovely
That's just horrible! My first thought is what if some poor fish thought it was a tasty bug and eats it! Not to mention what it does to ruin the beauty of the lake itself. Out on the Charles river here this past weekend, you can see all sorts of crap floating that just ends up in there (some of the sewer drains in the city go right to it) or I'm sure some of the jerks on thier boats just dump it in. I'm always all over my 4 year old son to take all the trash on the boat and put in a nice safe wind free spot so we can get rid of it at home.
I always love when I'm riding my Harley and some jerk dumps his lit butt out of his car and it flies right at me!
Lately I find myself hating more and more people. I guess I'm getting old 
Things that I used to just say what a jerk now seem to piss me off more.
Old age!!!

Broad hopper when is the last time you saw a law enforcement enforce the litter law. Or for that matter half the laws on the books.

Speeding yup, reckless driving yes, DWI yes, loud exhaust cars& bikes nope, littering NEVER.