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Old 07-25-2012, 12:06 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by dippasan View Post
As a former mechanic I can tell you that E-10 has been creating havoc with all kinds of internal combustion engines.
To eliminate any future problems with "occasional use" motorized things, use the Startron Enzyme fuel treatment.
It comes in a light blue bottle and the concentrated 16 oz bottle will treat up to 256 gallons of gas. It can be bought almost anywhere i.e. Walmart and auto parts stores.
I have several snowmobiles and motorcycles not to mention a generator, lawn tractor, chain saw etc etc. Stuff that potentially sits for quite some time. Since using the Enzyme treatment I never have a problem. I took out one of my motorcycles last week and it hadn't been driven since March. It fired right up and ran perfect. I have cleaned more carburetors for family members and friends in the last couple of years then I care to remember. Use it in anything gas powered. 2 stroke, 4 stroke...doesn't matter.

Good luck!
Thanks. We learned the hard way to use that in all our stuff like that. However, we forgot about this little motor last year. Why does the government make us buy stuff like this that we hate???? Why can't we have old fashioned gas.
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