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Old 08-29-2012, 05:41 AM   #79
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Originally Posted by Woodsy View Post
I guess I dont get it..... EVERYBODY wants cheap energy... but NOBODY is ever happy.

Nobody wants Wind Power..... its unsightly and spoils the view

Nobody wants Water Power... the transmission lines are unsightly

Nobody wants Coal Power.... too much emissions and greenhouse gas

Nobody wants Natural Gas.... nobody wants a pipeline

Nobody wants Hydrogen... expensive and requires external electricity

Nobody wants Nuclear.... radiation & nuclear waste

Nobody wants Solar... the solar panels are expensive and unsightly

its just a quick syynopsis of my take on the subject of energy needs. Bottom line is we do need all of these sources and more... if you want affordable energy.

To go a tad further all lands should be given back to the native Americans who were here first:

Winnecowet Native American Tribe.

Piscataqua Native American Tribe.

Coosuc Native American Tribe.

Souhegan Native American Tribe.

Newichawanoc Native American Tribe.

Wamosit Native American Tribe.

Squamscot Native American Tribe.

Pennacook Native American Tribe.

Amoskeag Native American Tribe.

Winnipesaukee Native American Tribe.

These folks were here first and your house is sitting on their land. And I don't think that they like the view of looking at your house on their land.
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