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Old 11-16-2012, 02:37 AM   #14
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Yesterday's Nov 15 Union Leader had about a 20-paragraph article on the new state boat launch at Downing's in one of the paper's back pages. Will go see if I still have the paper before it gets trashed? Maybe this article is in this websites winni-related news scanner above..... ?

For the Town of Alton, is this new ownership by the State of New Hampshire of what was a privately owned waterfront property likely to be considered a welcome new use? Considering it will be a free-to-use boat launch for everyone whether they be a one time private user or a multiple use commercial boat launcher, will it be competing with any nearby private or town owned similar boat ramps? On Lake Winnipesaukee, launching a boat usually costs about 15 or 20-dollars during the summer, and adding a freebie state ramp into the local mix will probably become a new local issue.

What would you do, if you have the choice between paying 20-dollars, or using a local town ramp, or using what is probably a better designed State of NH launch ramp and loading dock for free? I know what I would do!

For one thing, the Town of Alton will not be getting any property tax from the Downings property no more, now that it is state-owned. It was probably purchased with money that came from the boat registration fees that NH boaters must pay to get their boat registered, and in the last ten years or so, state boat launch facilities have been built at Newfound, Squam, & Winnisquam lakes; all free-to-use and to park, and this is the very first similar style state boat launch for Winnipesaukee. On Lake Sunapee, there's been an on-going contentious disagreement between the state and the Town of Newbury over a similar state boat launch facility for maybe ten years now. The local town don't want it, but the state wants to build it. ....maybe try googling "Court should okay Sunapee boat ramp, Concord Monitor, Oct 22, 2012."

Just maybe, you might even run into Mitt Romney launching a jetski or some small boat down at this new state boat ramp because, after all, it will be free to use .......and very conveniently located how about that.........hello there's it going?
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!

Last edited by fatlazyless; 11-16-2012 at 03:33 AM.
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