Wiinisquam facility
Take a look at the Winnisquam facility. I think it is first class and second to none. I'm sure it will be a model for the Downing's Landing site.
The parking is well laid out for the amount of space available. Although it is full in the mornings, you can be able to find a spot after 10 AM with the excepting of Saturdays. The local police use to give folks a hard time parking with trailers along the city streets during the first year it was open. I was told thay had slack off, but the city will not allow overnight parking. Landmark Storage down the street will offer overnight and weekly parking for a fee.
F&G are fortunate to be able to hold on to state licensing fees and be able to cash in on wildlife grants. Poor marine patrol, the state place boaters registration in the General fund and pay the marine patrol as they feel fit. This is the big reason why I will not tolerate increases in boat registration, a way of getting around paying for their crazy spending without increasing property tax.
Someday may never be an actual day.