Thread: Gps???
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Old 01-15-2013, 06:08 PM   #21
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Default If you have an iPhone or iPad...

Lake Winni App

Best purchase I've ever made for my boat. I can use it for both my iPad (no better chart plotter around) or my iPhone. No brainer if you are an Apple user. Based on the Bizer map and about the same price as the laminated map - $35.

I used this app extensively this summer and have been very happy. I have an iPad 2 with 3G (purchased this because it has GPS -- and you don't need to subscribe to a wireless plan to use this built-in GPS) as my primary chart plotter. I use this mostly at night or in areas where I don't know well. It has a case that sits right on my console when needed. I can also run this app on my iPhone 4S with the same functionality but smaller screen. Works well in a pinch. Also provides a speedometer. You purchase this once, use on multiple devices, and get free updates to the Bizer map. Absolute no brainer, especially if you don't have a dedicated chartplotter. Still carry the physical Bizer map but I am much more confident navigator -- and made my boating more fun this year, especially at night.

This is a repost... but I can't help but praise this solution.
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